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1、人教版初三英语第一单元测试题人教版初三英语第一单元测试题 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(人教版初三英语第一单元测试题)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为人教版初三英语第一单元测试题的全部内容。人教新目标版九年级英语Unit1 检测试题 班级 姓名一根据句意和所给单词或字母完成句子(10分)1T

2、his term I began to enjoy _ English movies. (watch)2A car runs _ than a bus. (fast)3I dont do well in English reading. I read very _. (slow)4I didnt understand Vera because she didnt _ some words clearly. (pronunciation)5。I wont tell you,its a s 。6Its really difficult for me to m _ all these new wor

3、ds.7。If we do more speaking practice, well improve our s _ English。8.They are different。 They do things d_。9.The teacher says I have to learn grammar again because I always make m _ in grammar.10.Please read the text a_, so all of us can hear you. 二。单项选择(共20分) 1。-How do you study for an English test

4、?-_A.By work with friends. B.By listen to tapes。C.By asking the teacher with help. D.By making vocabulary lists。 2. Playing with fire _ dangerous. A。 is B. was C。 be D. will be3。What about _ grammer?-Ittoo boring.A。finding B。studying C。writing D。playing4.We are going hiking tomorrow。 What will the w

5、eather be like, Benson?-Why not _ the radio and listen to the report?A。turn on B.turn off C。take away D.find out。5. I found _very easy to learn English well if you put your heart into it. A。 that B。its C。 it D. this 6。-My dad bought me a new MP4, but I dont know _。-Lets read the instructions.A.what

6、to use B。which one to use C.how to use it D.when to use it7。. The rain will _ our plan for a picnic。A. face B。 influence C。 solve D. lose8.He speaks too quickly _。A。understand B。write them downC.to understand D。and write9.Lillian said memorizing the words of pop songs helped _。A.a lot of B.lot of C。

7、a little D.a little of10。-I heard they lost the game。 Yeah. We were all _ when we saw the _ result。 A. frustrated; frustrated B。 frustrating; frustrating C。 frustrated; frustrating D。 frustrating; frustrated11.-Have you read these books?-Yes, I _ it three years ago.A。have done B。have read C。readed D

8、.did12.My sister has a lot of trouble _ math。Ato learn BlearningClearned Dlearns13。If you _ him tomorrow, ask him if he _ to our party next week.Asee, comes Bwill see, comesCwill see, will come Dsee, will come14。Dont _ the people in trouble, Try to help them.A.hear from B.go over C。laugh at D。look l

9、ike15_ of her parents is going to the meeting in the school。ABoth BEitherCAll DAny16。I have no idea _ with the problem. I dont know either. Youd better ask our teacher for help.A。 how doingB。 how to deal C. what doing D。 what to deal17。When we meet some new words, wed better _ in a dictionaryA。look

10、out them B。look them at C.look them up D。look up them18.My mum likes to watch me _ the piano.Aplayed Bto playCplaying Dplay19.Sam got _ about the words and ended _ in a low voice。A.frustrating; speaking B.frustrated; up speakingC.frustrate; to speak D。frustrating; up speaking20.We should try our bes

11、t _ that work.A.to finish B。finishing C.finish D。doing三完形填空(共l0分) ”Who did this? Mrs. Green asked with a piece of broken glass in her hand。 She had never been so 51 with us。 The classroom was so quiet。 All students looked at the window except me. I kept my head 52 。 I knew it was me。 I broke it when

12、 I practiced 53 baseball。 But should I tell the truth? If I did, I would be in trouble, I didnt have enough 54 。 How could I afford to buy such an expensive window? I really didnt want to put up my hand, 55 at last I said。 “I did it. I am sorry。” It was not 56 for me to say those words. Mrs。 Green w

13、ent to the book shelf and took down a book. Then she walked to me. Looking at 57 , I was a little afraid。 To my surprise, she said, ”I know you like 58 .Here is the book about them。 Its yours now。 I give it to you not because you broke the window, but because you are 59 。 I couldnt believe it。 I wasnt punished(惩罚)。 However, I was given my favorite book about birds。 It happened 20 years ago, but I still 60 the book。 The lesson my teacher taught me th


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