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1、模块二Unit3试卷II. 单项选择21. -Whose Chinese vase is it?-I have no idea, but Im pretty sure it_ the old lady.A. doesnt belong to B. belongs to C. isnt belonging to D. belonged to22. The man _ you talked on the street the day before yesterday is my uncle. A. to whom B. to who C. who D. that23. -What do you t

2、hink of that dress? -Well._, it really isnt your style. A. I think B. In my opinion C. I believe D. I suppose24. This is the house _ I spent my childhood. A./ B. which C. that D. where 25. Would you consider _ your homework first before you go to the cinema? A. finishing B. to finish C. being finish

3、ed D. finish26. -Who is _the TV show? She seems to be talented. -Mary Green, who used to be a famous actress. A. opening B. hosting C. playing D. seeing27. Im going to _ a charity party. Will you _too? A. take part; take part B. take part in; take part inC. take part; take part in D. take part in; t

4、ake part 28. Do you know a concert _in our hometown next month? A. will be held B. is going to be held C. is to be held D. all A,B,C29. -Is a new modern gym being built in our city now? -Yes, and it _next year. A. has been finished B. finishes C. will be finished D. will finish30. Im fond of music w

5、hile my sister likes reading novels. It seems that we have nothing _. A. in like B. in common C. in same D. in similar31. My little brother never does any reading in the evening, and _. A. so does Mike B. Mike does so C. Mike doesnt too. D. nor does Mike32. -The floor is dirty. -Yes. It _for two day

6、s. A. hasnt swept B. didnt sweep C. hasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned33. -Sorry, I got a bad cold yesterday. -Every time you are absent, you _ an excuse. A. take up B. give up C. send up D. make up34. There is no doubt _ they all passed the examination. A. if B. which C. that D. whether35. We _lie

7、 on the grass, staring into the sky and talking about _ we had done. A. were used to; all that B. used to; all what C. were used to; what D. used to; whatVI选词填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分) in search of, as a result, as well as, take part in, agree with,in return, stand for, from then on, watch over, looking i

8、nto1. She gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing_.2. In order to earn more money, he left his hometown _better jobs.3. In early days only male athletes were allowed to _ the Olympic games.4. He grows flowers _ vegetables in his spare time.5. Police are _ the disappearance of two children.6.

9、 Answer with a “Yes” if you _ me.7. What do the five rings on the Olympic flag_?8. Who will _ your baby when you are away on business?9. They met in 1942 and _ they have been firm friends.10. I was caught in the rain on my home. _ , I had a bad cold.VII翻译(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)1当时两个国家正在打仗,大批军队被派往前线战斗。 Whe

10、n two countries were _, _ soldiers were sent to the front line to fight.2. 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两张旧凳子。 He _ two old chairs _make a sofa.3只有在希腊出生的人才能成为古代奥运会的参赛者。 Only those who were born in Greece could _competitors in the _ Olympic Games.4他和儿子讨价还价后答应他:如果孩子努力学习,他就会带他去看2008年的北京奥运会。 He _ with his son and _him tha

11、t he would take hm to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games if he worked hard.5有了电脑的帮助,你会发现处理和分享信息是不难的。 _a computer, you will not find it hard to _ and share information.II、选词填空。1. The best way to the countryside is on foot.In that last painful march they had not forgotten that they were scientists as well

12、 as .The Elizabethan age was a time of and discovery.(explore explorer exploration) 2. Her mother had been for ten years.The disease causes thousands of a year.Her father suddenly in an accident when she was only ten.Every working day I treat people who are from lung diseases caused by smoking. (dea

13、th dead die dying) 3. He is more interested in than in art. farming is the key to the further development of agriculture. have made many important discoveries. (scientific science scientist) 4. It took us a few minutes to get our back after the race.She was after running up the stairs.She was beginning to more easily. (breathe breath breathless)5. She began cleaning the wound with a piece of



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