现代大学英语听力1 课堂听力Unit 7

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1、细心整理Unit 7Task 1【答案】1) They are Emma, Mark and Jane.2) Emma wants a joke book; Mark wants a model train, and Jane wants a radio.3) The joke book costs two pounds fifty. The radio costs twenty-seven pounds ninety-nine pence. We dont know the exact price of the model train, but it must be very expensi

2、ve.【原文】Jane: What are you doing Emma?Emma: Im writing to Father Christmas.Mark: Oh shes asking for Christmas presents. What do you want Emma?Emma: Well, I can read now. I like books. So, I want a joke book.Jane: Look. Heres one in this magazine. It costs two pounds fifty. Its very nice.Emma: Yes, it

3、 is. I know, I can ask Father Christmas to bring presents for you and Mark, too.Mark: Good idea! Well, I like.Jane: Trains! You like trains. We know.Mark: So I want this train. Look. Isnt it splendid?Jane: Mark, that model train costs.Mark: Yes, Jane, I can see the price, but look at it.Jane: Well,

4、I dont want a train.Emma: There are some nice dolls.Jane: Oh Emma. Im fifteen years old. I dont like dolls. I want a radio for my bedroom. Then I can listen to all my favourite songs.Mark: A radio. Heres one. Look. It costs twenty-seven pounds, ninety-nine pence.Jane: Thats OK. Right Emma. Finish yo

5、ur letter to Father Christmas. Tell him to put a joke book, a train and a radio in his big sack. And dont forget to put the right address on the letter!Task 2【答案】A.1) EmmaShe is going to bed now.2) MarkHes having a bath. Now hes washing his feet and singing a carol.3) JaneShe is putting the last Chr

6、istmas Cards on the table in the hall.4) Mr. PhillipsHes putting all the presents under the tree. Hes thinking about his busy day.5) Mrs. PhillipsShes preparing all the food for tomorrows mealsB. 1) d 2) a 3) c【原文】Its 8 pm on Christmas Eve. Everyone is happy because tomorrow is Christmas Day. But ev

7、eryone is busy too. Theres a lot of work to do. Here is the Phillips family in their home. What are they all doing? Emma is going to bed now. Shes hanging up her empty stocking for Father Christmas. Shes thinking of the presents under the tree. She wants to open all her presents now, but she cant. S

8、he must open them in the morning.Mark is in the bathroom. Hes going to a party tonight, so hes having a bath. Now hes washing his feet and singing a carol.Jane is putting the last Christmas cards on the table in the hall. She cant put them in the sitting-room or the dining-room because they are full

9、 of cards. Shes listening to the carol-singers.There is no one in the dining-room. Its empty.Mr. Phillips is in the sitting-room. Hes putting all the presents under the tree. Hes thinking about his busy day. Parents always work hard at Christmas.And wheres Mrs. Phillips? She is working in the kitche

10、n. Shes preparing all the food for tomorrows meals. The Christmas pudding is ready, and so is the turkey. Now she is decorating the cake. Shes having a glass of sherry because its Christmas.There are some carol-singers in the street. They are singing carols and collecting money for poor people. Now

11、they are knocking on the front door of the Phillips house.The church bells are ringing too. Everyone can hear them. And there, in the sky, a. long way away. Whos that? Its Father Christmas. Hes driving through the sky in his sleigh. Tonights a busy night for him. Hes thinking about all those black c

12、himneys. And hes looking at a long list of childrens names and addresses. Is Emma Phillips on his list?Task 3【答案】A.read, drew, made, drank, had, flew, went, see, rememberB.1) a, 2) c, 3) b【原文】How much do you remember of the time when you were a child? You got up early every morning and went to schoo

13、l. You read books at school. You drew pictures and made things out of clay. You drank milk every day and ate things that were good for you. Perhaps you had plaits. Perhaps you flew a kite. Perhaps you went abroad for your holidays. You can see photographs of yourself in the family album. They help y

14、ou to remember the distant past.I remember the Christmas holidays best. It was always cold. The days were very short. The nights were long and dark. It wasnt a good time of the year except for one thing. I always received presents at Christmas. I can remember the bright lights in the streets. I can

15、remember the big shops and the crowds. My mother always took me to London to see the lights. And she always took me to one of the big shops to meet Father Christmas. This was a special event every year. I always met Father Christmas in a big shop. I always asked for lots of presents and he always brought them for me.Two weeks before Christmas one year, I went to London with my mother. I was five years old at the time. I shall never forget the day. It was cold and dark. But the shop windows were very bright. The streets were full of people. There were crowds in the streets and crowds in


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