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1、GT Clze/“ A beter, ricer and her lfe oral ur ciiz.” Tht teAerica 4I pratice, it eans livnginsius,aircnditiod house, owning a caror tree and aba bat or ldayhom, not to entio fling ofto 42diationsThe rbl3ts liestye s thaticonumsa lot ooer. f eveyone i t worl staredlivig ikweahy Amercans, e 44 need ter

2、ateorth 10 timseergyeac yer. And 46, n a cenury or hee, wall expct to be47 y arm of rbot azo nt space n holiays, w arinto ned avastamuntmre. Whee e we going toge mu oerrom?t is cler a ontinui orelyon 4 fuels ill ve catastropic resut, beuseo the datic warmineffct of carbo dix.But altraiepowesourcsill

3、 fc the climate t.or now,the climaticeffectsf cleanenergy souces ar trival9 hosthaspew ut eenhouse gass,utiw keep n sing eer more power v the comingcenturies, thy will eomve e 5041. A.constitutioream C.istory D.chracer42. .exotc B.patitic C.upersonic D.aloolic 43. An B.fo C.a D.wih44. A.shall B.will

4、Cold D.would45. Acmore B.more than C.as much D ore46. Aif B.thoug C.whil.so47. A.akento Battended t .atached osumitted to 48. A.rock .stne C.fosi .diamon49. .acdngo .ase on .such as D.comparewih50. A.sinii B.imere .ndsensabl D.negigile /1commrcehas revolutioizedte way siessis done n odays marketHowe

5、ver, utoes are at 41 of rchasingale podc r poorqualy item ay 2 h distnce bewen custmsand nde ong oods ad lre le to buygood cmmended asgrea 4 , ut hen csomersrceive tese tem, ey id thmselvs fallingintoras.Many dangrs, 44 y te oscuriy of e-comerce, inolvehe oucts n the elctroni transation. From the uy

6、ers 45 ,aner icud phsngpcts not easuring 46 ha s reos adertise ithe website. Aoher risk isidenityteft. Sinc eectic tranactions are eeddto cmpth purchase, ack may acqire 47 iorainabot theuser toake ther purcaes. Teree stil st bsness hatsell ther productsand service but gain a very smalprofi by48 tepr

7、ice ohei rouct buetey haea ot o compeitini he Iterne. That s 49 on o he hazrs o e-commre t shoue considered i the rut of usines sicrfit islw hy ne 5 their gos a chplyapossib.41. .ime B.random C.sgh D.sk42. A.take avae o Bcatdout o C.giveris o D.go headwit43. A.deeptions B.bag C.opprtunits D.advrtise

8、mens 44. A.mned Bcrete C.preventd D.le45. rpet B.aspect C.spc D.perpectie46. A.as t B.pio to Cup o D.et to 47. .ndenial Bserficial C.potental D.iitial 48. A.risig B.disqualifyig C.eaggerting Diniizing 49. Ahow B.eause Cwy D.e 50. .selling to sell .sell D.sold /6her re twoprimary causes of trafic aid

9、ens, thos tat ar ased y the river and tosett areenvironentl nd outsidethe divers contrl. 1 eviromealisse le weathr r poor rad minnnemay caue an acciden, ttisicall tse areals likey to o so Drier diracionov to e he mancauefadt. T most disrcionse ooi at raffc, crashe and odsie incints. Wil it iwidebeli

10、ev thatcell phone area greater cuse,cellphone onl 43 sixth on the list 4, lws to i cell hoe use whie v donot decee adns. Hands-fee phonesa4ahandheld eie.Alho wa a ftorn t least 41 pecnt of l fatal crases.Alol 4afct vs, reaction time adattention of therive, n decrses ovralldriving perormance Fatge 47

11、 00,00vhie crashespr yer,killig 41,500 eopl and ijuring 71,00 pple. Acidns caused by faige are artcul49 fo truck diers and ages 15 to20 who were50 afaal crash i ,3 pre werepdigt te ime ofthe crash41. A BecseB. f C.hile D. oeve 42. A.disruptiveB.ostructive.isructiv D.desrpte43. A. crossBome on C.coeboutD.c in44. A. ve soB Inac . By ntst D Frexaml45. A. loge sae B.nto sae C.mor safer D.noore sf46. . advesely BfavoabyCscarcelD.ffetonael47. A.sandsfor Bruns o C.aut fr .comenste for48. . muchs B.s log s C.ssoonas D.a mana49. . rae


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