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1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、 教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 小学 2,学科:高二英语必修五 unit 2 3,课时:period 5 4,学生课前准备:小组内相互预习新单词各小组派代表讨论介绍英国伦敦的一些名胜。查询百度网站有关英国的一些名胜及风土人情。二、 教学目标1.Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part: sightseeing, available, delight, tower, royal, uniform, splendid, statue,

2、communism, thrill2.Develop students reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials.3. Help the students know more about the historical sites in London.三、 教材分析本节课主要讲述中国女孩张萍玉第一次去英国参观的所见所闻,目的在于告诉学生第一次去英国的感受以及让学生感受异国文化

3、,增强学生的文化意识。教学重点:1. Develop students reading skills by extensive reading.2. Let students read and understand the passage.教学难点:1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.2. Get students to understand and learn some difficult words and sentences.上课之前用百度在

4、网上搜索相关教学材料,找了一些教案和材料作参考,了解到教学的重点和难点,确定课堂教学形式和方法。然后根据本节课堂教学需要,通过百度搜索一些英国伦敦的风景名胜。四、 教学过程Step 1 warming up and pre-reading1. Talk about the sites in London with the students. 2. let students look at the title of the passage and the pictures and then predict what the passage is about. Step 2 SkimmingLet

5、 students read the passage quickly and answer the following questions:1. Who built the Tower of London? When was it built? 2. Who guarded the Queens jewels? What kind of clothes did they wear?3. What did Westminster Abby contain? 4. How did Zhang Pingyu finish the first day in London? 5. Which place

6、s did she visit on the third day?6. What seemed strange to her?7. What made her thrilled?Step 3 ScanningLet students read the passage again and then make a list of Zhang Pingyus tour of London and a comment on each place she visited. sites of LondoncommentsDay 11 Towerdelight234Day 2Greenwich with:

7、ships, longitude line clock (GMT)Day 3Karl Marxs statueBritish MuseumStep 4 consolidation Ask some students to retell the passage.Step5 Discussionv Suppose some visitors have come to your hometown or home city for the first time. You work as their guide.1. Plan a tour with four visits to places arou

8、nd the area.2. Discuss with your partners in groups.3. Each group should give your results to the class.Step6 EvaluationSummarizing by evaluating what the students have done.Step 7 Homework 1. Surf the internet to look up more information about UK .2. Exercise in the workbook. Page 49-513. Write a c

9、omposition: discuss the beautiful sites in your home city.Writing on the blackboard Unit 2 The United Kingdom - Sightseeing in London一 Revisionsightseeing, available, delight, tower, royal, uniform, splendid, statue, communism, thrill二 Skimming 1. Who built the Tower of London? When was it built? 2.

10、 Who guarded the Queens jewels? What kind of clothes did they wear?3. What did Westminster Abby contain? 4. How did Zhang Pingyu finish the first day in London? 5. Which places did she visit on the third day?6. What seemed strange to her?7. What made her thrilled?三 Scanningsites of LondoncommentsDay

11、 11 Towerdelight234Day 2Greenwich with: ships, longitude line clock (GMT)Day 3Karl Marxs statueBritish Museum四 Retelling五 Discussion六 Evaluation七 Homework五、 教学反思 本节课主要介绍伦敦的一些名胜。通过图片展示,使学生感受异国文化,增强学生的文化意识,培养学生跨文化理解的能力。通过这节课学习,学生能够熟练描述自己所去过的风景名胜,基本上掌握了所学的内容。六、 教师个人介绍省份: 陕西省 学校: 周至县第三中学 姓名:刘佳宁职称: 中教二级 电话: 电子邮件:通讯地址:陕西省西安市周至县第三中学请提供100字左右个人介绍,个人介绍将会同案例在百度教育频道进行展示。自我介绍:我叫刘佳宁,于2008年7月毕业于云南师范大学外语系教育类专业,毕业至今一直在周至三中从事高中英语教学工作。本人热爱教育事业,对工作充满热情,较擅长学生的心理、学习辅导,做事有毅力,肯吃苦耐劳,对教材中的重点难点把握得比较到位,并熟练多媒体教学操作、课件制作,形成了自身完整的教学理念。


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