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1、 / 文档可自由编辑打印1、Its important for us to learn English. 对我们来说学英语是重要的。要点点评:(注:此句的真正主语是for sb to do sth . its, for,to是固定的, sb用宾格.do要换成具体的动词原形)这句话可以转换为to do sth is + adj该句型又可以扩展为its nice/ difficult / necessary(必要的.必须的) / impossible (不可能的)/ strange (奇怪的)/ interesting (有趣的) hard (困难的) for sb to do sth造句: It

2、snecessary (每天打扫教室)。 Its interesting (打电子游戏是有趣的)。 Its very hard (找一份好工作是很难的)。考点专练:Its difficult (to/ of/ for) ( we/ us/ our) (study / to study / studies ) Russian.2、 Its fun to play games 玩游戏是有趣的事要点点评:It是形式主语,to play是真正主语,fun是不可数名词不能加冠词a 。也可以说:To play game is fun.此类句型还有: Its time to go to bed.=Its t

3、ime for bed.是上床睡觉的时间了。(to跟动词,for跟名词) Its your turn to talk. 轮到你发言了。turn为名词,名词前用形容词所有格考点专练: Its time (begin) our meeting. Its (he) turn (speak) at the meeting. Its time for sports = Its time to have sports.3. Its no use crying over spilt milk. 牛奶已洒哭也白搭。(覆水难收)要点点评:its no use / no good doing sth,做某事没有好

4、处/没有用处.doing sth是真正的主语,it 是形式主语。扩展造句(2个):考点:Its no good (talk) loudly in class. Its no use _ ( regret) after test.4. be + adj + prep(介词)+sb/ sth ;要点点评:be动词+形+介,固定搭配,考点在于形容词的形式和后面的介词搭配。 be interested in sth对感兴趣 be afraid of sb/ sth害怕某人/某物 be late for class/ meeting/ school上课/开会/上学迟到 be good at擅长 be p

5、oor/ bad in (at) 在某方面差 be angry at the news听到这个消息生气 be angry with sb对某人生气 be friendly/ nice/ kind/ good to sb对某人友好/好/仁慈/好 be proud of以.而骄傲 be famous for以.而著名(11) be famous (= well-known )as作为一个而著名 be used to getting up early习惯于做(13) be talented at 在方面有天赋(14)be covered with 被覆盖(15)be full of 装满了充满了(1

6、6)be pleased with 对感到满意高兴扩展造句:每个词组要脱口而出2-3个句子。考点: Look! Those hills (cover) young trees. Our school is (fill) of flowers. I am very pleased what I have done(以上这些句子需要大声读,背,脱口而出,然后就形成语感了。)5. There are some big trees in front of the classroom. 教室前面有一些大树。要点点评:There be sth + prep(介) + 地点 / 时间, 某处有某物;某物在某

7、处;某时有. (习惯表达,语序) be形式由时态决定(is , are, were, was, will, be, can be, would be, have /has been )考点。 sth是一个人/ 物时,动词be单数,sth是多个人/物时, be动词用复数,如果并列几种事物,be的形式则有靠近的人/物的数量决定:Eg: There is a mouse, a nose and two eyes on the face.There are two chairs, a table and a bed in the room. (就近原则)3“(在)某处”汉语的顺序在句前,但译文时要符合

8、英语的习惯,要放在后面。g: 去年在这里有很多树:(某地点有,用there be),There were many trees here last year.上周我校有一场秋季运动会。There was an autumn sports meeting in our school last week.考点:There be (时间决定时态,时态决定动词的形式) There a concert (音乐会) last month There a concert next week There a concert every season There lots of concerts here by

9、 now There a film and two matches in our school last week There two matches and a concert next week有某个人物在处做某事,句型:There be sb doing sth,教室里有两个孩子在看电视There are two children (watch) TV There (be ) two young people (talk) love in woods last night6. You had better have a good rest.你最好好好休息一下。要点点评:had bette

10、r相当于情态动词, 后面动词用原形,不可以加to。 had better缩写为d better,否定时在后面加not.Youd better not talk so much. 你最好别说那么多。 The bookstore is a bit far from here. So youd better . Youd better _ 。7. What about sb? = how about sb某人怎么样? 某人观点怎么?要点点评:about为介词,sb宾格What about doing sth ? 作某事怎么样?注意:about为介词,后面动词变为动名词ing形式考点:We are l

11、eaving for Beijing. What about (he)? What about (she)? What about (take ) them with us?8. Whats wrong with sb /sth? 某人/某物怎么啦?出了什么事?Whats the matter with sb /sth? 怎么了?出了么麻烦事?Whats your trouble/problem? 你怎么了?哪儿不舒服?要点点评:以上三句都是在询问别人疾病,恼时使用的,with后面跟人用宾格,如果是某个部位前用形容词所有格。扩展:他怎么了?他哪个地方不舒服?他有什么麻烦?每句话都有三种译方。他

12、爸爸怎么了?(译三种) ? ? ?回答这个句型可用 :There is something wrong with his throat.(嗓子,喉咙)。也可以简略为; Something is wrong with his throat.也可以说:His throat hurts/aches/is painful.他的嗓子疼。改错练习:What is the wrong with your mother?9. Our teachers often ask us to work hard at our lessons. 老师经常要求我们努力学习我们的功课。要点点评:ask后sb作宾语用宾格; t

13、o do sth是宾语发出的动作叫宾补,必须用to + V动原; ask有时态变化,而to do没有,否定时:ask sb not to do sth.Eg: Mary asked me to go to the cinema with her yesterday.She asked us not to speak Chinese in her class.此类句型还有: tell sb (not) to do sth叫/告诉 want sb (not) to do 想要某人. encourage sb (not) to do鼓励某人. order sb (not) to do sth命令某人

14、做某事.5 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事考点练习:Last week, she (invite) me (come) to her party, but she (ask) me (not bring)anything. When she felt sad, I (encourage) her (be)herself.10、 Let sb do sth;Let sb not do sth .让某人做某事。 让某人不要做某事。要点点评:动词let后sb用宾格,宾格后面的动词不定式必须省去to,作宾语的补足语Eg: Lets have a rest, shall we?Let him go! Let me be(别管我)此类句子还有:see/ hear/ make/ have/ feel sb do sth. 看见/听见/使,迫使/感到某人做某事了。考点:适当形式填空You have made us wait for hal


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