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1、关于简单英语对话短文关于简单英语对话短文1 Today Steven accompanies Julia to go shopping. Julia wants to buy a moisturizer. So they go to a toiletry shop. 今天史蒂文陪他的妻子来逛街。茱莉娅想买一款润肤霜。于是他们来到了一家化妆品店。 Saleswoman: Welcome. How can I help you? 专柜小姐:欢迎光临,请问你们要些什么? Julia: We want to look at some of your products. 茱莉娅:我们想看看你们的产品。

2、Saleswoman: This way please. We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers. 专柜小姐:这边请。我们有一系列的产品,从彩妆到洁肤品应有尽有。 Julia: Could you commend me some moisturizers? 茱莉娅:你可以介绍一些保湿产品吗? Saleswoman: Your T-zone gets oily easily, but your cheeks are dry in winter. Am I right? 专柜小姐:你的T字部位容易出油,但是

3、在冬天两颊却很干。是吗? Julia: Yes, thats right. 茱莉娅:是的,就是那样。 Saleswoman: This Cream of Olives is our bestseller for combination skin. You can try it on your hand. 专柜小姐:这款橄榄滋养霜是我们卖得最好的,专门针对混合型肌肤。你可以在手上试一下。 Julia: Oh, very good. I will buy this one. 茱莉娅:嗯,不错。我买这个了。 Saleswoman: All right. Anything else? 专柜小姐:好的。

4、还要别的吗? Julia: No. Thank you. 茱莉娅:不需要了。谢谢你。 Saleswoman: My pleasure. 专柜小姐:很乐意为您服务。 关于简单英语对话短文2 Steven decides to go to the bank to pay his waterand electricity fees last month. 史蒂文决定去银行付上个月的水电费。 Bank Clerk: Hello, what can I do for you? 银行职员:您好,您要办理什么业务? Steven: Hello, I come to pay my water and elec

5、tricityfees. 史蒂文:你好,我来交水电费。 Bank Clerk: Give me your water and electricity bills, please. 银行职员:把您的水电费单给我。 Steven: Here they are. 史蒂文:给。 Bank Clerk: You should pay 160 yuan for the electricity fee and 80yuan for the water fee. 银行职员:你应该付电费160元,水费80元。 Steven: Do you mean that I should pay 240 yuan in t

6、otal? 史蒂文:你的意思是我总共要付240元吗? Bank Clerk: Yes. Will you pay by cash or credit card? 银行职员:是的。你要用现金付还是信用卡付? Steven: Cash, please. Here is the money. 银行职员:现金,给你钱。 Bank Clerk: I get 250 yuan from you, and this is the change, 10 yuan. 银行职员:收您250元,找您10元钱。 Steven: OK. Thank you. Bye-bye. 史蒂文:好的。谢谢你。再见。 Bank C

7、lerk: Bye. 银行职员:再见。 关于简单英语对话短文3 Steven lost his credit card this morning. He came tothe bank to report the loss. 今天早上史蒂文丟了信用卡。他来到银行挂失。 Bank Clerk: Hello, what can I do for you? 银行职员:您好,请问您要办理什么业务? Steven: Hello. Im sorry to tell you that Ive lost mycredit card this morning. I want to report the loss

8、and replace a card. 史蒂文:你好。我很抱歉地告诉你,今天早上我把信用卡弄丢了。我想挂失并且补办张卡。 Bank Clerk: Dont worry. I will help you soon. Please fill in this form first. And write down yourname, your account number and the amount in your card please. 银行职员:不要担心,我马上帮你办理。请您先把这张表填一下。在表上写上您的名字、账户号还有卡上金额。 Steven: Done! 史蒂文:填好了。 Bank Cl

9、erk: OK. May I see your ID card? (Steven passed his ID card.) Please wait for amoment. Let me go and check the account. (A few minutes later.) We have locked your card.You can come here to renew the account and get a new card a week later. Your money will notbe lost. 银行职员:好的。请出示下您的身份证。(史蒂文把身份证递过去。)请等一下。我帮您去查一 查。(几分钟过去了。)您的卡已经被锁定了。一周以后你可以来这里办理解挂手续,并领新卡。您的钱不会丢的。 Steven: Thank goodness. 史蒂文:谢天谢地。 Bank Clerk: Please pay 10 yuan,the handling charge. 银行职员:请付10元挂失手续费。 Steven: OK! Thank you very much. See you a week later. 史蒂文:好的。非常感谢。一周后见! Bank Clerk: See you! 银行职员:再见! 第 4 页 共 4 页


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