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1、高中英语教学资源用大约30词写议论文摘要 写摘要应主要注意以下四个方面: 一、内容上:抓主要信息点 抓住文章的主要信息点、剔除细节信息是写摘要的基本要求。那么,哪些是文章的主要信息点呢?下面就议论性文章和叙事类文章分别举例加以说明。 1、议论性文章的主要信息点 议论文的内容包括“观点(或问题)、论据、结论”三个方面,所以写议论文的摘要就是要把这三个方面说清楚。这里需要注意两点:一是议论文的主体部分是论证的过程,论据占有很大的部分,但在写摘要的时候,不需要详细写论证的过程,因为它有很多细节信息,而细节信息是写摘要所应该剔除的,所以议论文的摘要应当将 “观点、论据、结论”三个方面同等对待,这就如同

2、画卡通人物,在人体的“头、身、脚”三大结构中,“身”本来是人体的主要部分,但在卡通画里,“头、身、脚”的比例几乎同等,特写“头”和“脚”能够达到突出重点的目的。二是所给的原文可能是议论文中节选的一个片段,不一定有完整的“观点+论据+结论”三个方面,所以写作时需要具体分析。 【例一】 原文:(见下面的分析部分,每句话前面的编号代表原文的顺序) 分析:这是一篇议论文中的部分片段,文中提出了三个主要观点,每提出一个观点之后,都有一些细节信息来说明观点。原文分析如下:文章结构重要信息次要信息观点一(1)America is the land of automobile.(2) This country

3、 has only 6% of the worlds population but 46% of the worlds car. (3)Right now, there are 97 million privately-owned cars consuming 75 billion gallons of gasoline and travelling an 1,000 billion miles a year.观点二(4)The figure also affirm something we know every time we refill our gasoline tank; the au

4、tomobile is a very thirsty piece of technology.(5)Of the total petroleum supply in the United States, 30 percent goes to quench that thirst. (6)Every year for each passenger car, about 800 gallons of gasoline are consumed. (过渡句)(7)Other aspects of our commitment to the automobile also bear mentionin

5、g here.观点三(8)It takes a great deal of energy to manufacture one automobile about 150 million BTUs of energy.(9) This is equivalent to 1,200 gallons of gasoline, enough to run a car for about 1,600 miles. (10)We expend energy in the process of shipping cars from factories to showrooms, displaying the

6、m for sale and making replacement parts for repairs. (11)One out of six jobs in the nation is associated with the automobile business. (12)About two gallons of gasoline are consumed in the process of making every ten gallons that are pumped into an automobiles gas tank. 摘要内容:(1)美国有很多汽车;(2)开车消耗了大量的(石

7、油)资源;(3)生产车的过程也消耗了大量的资源(如运输、展览、维修等)。如果摘要概括了以上三个方面的内容,就是比较全面的,而且抓住了重点。 【例二】 原文:(见下面的分析部分,每句话前面的编号代表原文的顺序) 分析:这是一篇比较完整的议论文,从语言上看可能是中学生的习作,文章的结构包括“提出问题、提出对策、说明意义”三个方面,其重要信息和次要信息分析如下:文章结构重要信息次要信息提出问题(2)In the information age, such barrier of language must be removed by popularizing Mandarin because it i

8、nversely affects the quality and efficiency of oral communication.(1)In China, there are over 100 different dialects, which are so complicated that even people from neighboring villages may not understand each other.提出对策(3)We have many things to do in Mandarin popularization. (4)(对策一)First, we shoul

9、d carry out a mass education(6)(对策二)Next, speaking good Mandarin should be compulsory(7)(对策三)Finally we should attach great importance to public education.(接第四句)on the importance of speaking Mandarin to make everyone understand that it is his responsibility to do so. (5)In the past, little progress

10、has been made in isolated rural areas because the natives do not bother to take pains to learn to speak Mandarin.(接第六句)in classrooms, in public offices, in movies and TV programs in China.(接第七句)because China has large illiterate population. (8)A poorly educated nation has no international reputation

11、. (9)Popularizing Mandarin is only the first step in changing China into a better-educated nation.意义(10)Popularizing Mandarin is of great importance because it may push up our economic growth, accelerate the development of science and technology, and promote the unification of China.(11)With a popul

12、ation of over 1.3 billion people it is not an easy task, but we must do it and do it efficiently. 摘要内容:(1)方言影响交流,必须推广普通话;(2)推广的方式包括:强调普通话的重要性、在教育等行业强制推行、全民教育普及;(3)推广普通话具有重要的意义。 2、叙事类文章的主要信息点 叙事类文章的内容包括“主题、情节和主旨”三个方面,其中情节是主要部分,“主题”和“主旨”有时藏于“情节”之中。但在写摘要时,不能仅仅描写情节,必要时要点出“主题”和“主旨”。 【例三】 原文:(见下面的分析部分,每句话

13、前面的编号代表原文的顺序) 分析:这是一篇叙事类文章,夹叙夹议地讲了我父亲教育子女的一些故事情节,其中主题和主旨都隐藏在文字当中,分析如下:故事内容重要信息次要信息主题成功的家庭教育(隐藏在文字当中)情节1(3) He never criticized, but used to praise out our best.(1) My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. (2) Our father was a struggling lawyer, but I always knew he was special. (4) He

14、d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you dont give them water, they die.”2(6) He explained that if I looked for the best in people, I would get the best in return.(5) I remember as a child I said something unkind about somebody and my father said, “Any time you say something unple

15、asant about somebody else, its a reflection of you.” (7) Ive tried to follow this principle in running my company.3(8) Dad had also always been very understanding.(9) At 15, I started a magazine. (10) It was taking up a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a choice: stay in school or leave to work on my magazine. (11) I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, as any good father would. (12) When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law. And Ive always



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