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1、英语(九年级上册)Unit 4 Growing upTaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1.use the new words and phrases correctly;2.understand how to write about a person;3. write an article about the person who has influenced her/him most.II. Teaching contents1. N

2、ew words and phrases: unusual, cell, cancer, to ones surprise, research, in his fifties, someone in need, blood cells, medical research, a heart full of love2. New structure: My father is in his fifties. Whenever he has some money, he gives it to someone in need. To my surprise, he has decided to do

3、nate his body for medical research after his death.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. How to describe a persons special quality;2. How to give examples to make the opinions vivid.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead inT: There are different people in the world. Some influence

4、our life, some influence our country, and others influence our spirit. What about Spud Webb? Step 2 PresentationT: What is Spud Webbs job?S: He is a basketball player.T: What does he look like?S: He is very short but strong.T: What is special about him?S: He is very hard-working. He never gives up.T

5、: What does he influence you most?S: He proves that size and body type does not matter. You can do almost anything if you never give up.T: Yes. Spud Webb has influenced many young people. He is the person who has influenced many young people. While you are growing up, there must be someone who has i

6、nfluenced you most. Who is the person? S: is the person who has influenced me most.T: Today well learn how to write about the person who has influenced us most.【设计意图:通过谈论Spud Webb热身并导入新课的学习,让学生熟悉The person who has influenced me的表达,为接下来的呈现做好铺垫。】Step 3 Analyze the sample writing1. Main ideaMr. Wu is s

7、howing his students a piece of sample writing. Please listen to it and find out the main idea of each part.Paragraph 1:_ (General information)Paragraphs 2-3:_ (Personality & examples)Paragraph 4:_ (My opinion)【设计意图:听录音整体把握范文的体裁和内容,概括main idea,帮助学生理解范文的框架结构。】2. General information The person who has

8、influenced me mostGeneralinformationWhoAgeJob(1) Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the table.(2) Check the answer.(3) T: So the writers father is the person who has influenced her most. He is in his fifties. That is, he is more than fifty years old. The writers father is a worker. But is he a usual perso

9、n in the writers eyes? S: No. He is unusual. (not usual) / You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more.(4) My rehearsal timeT: What about the general information of the person who has influenced you most? Take the sample as a model. Try different expressions, please. 【设计意图:逐层分析

10、范文,呈现相关生词,通过情境帮助学生理解其用法。同时掌握general information的组成,为学生搭建写作框架,为最后的写作做准备。】3. Personality & examples(1) Read Paragraphs 2-3 and finish the task.What makes the writers father unusual? Personality_Examples1. give our TV to _2. care for _3. give money to _ 4. donate _ 5. decide to _(2) Look for more infor

11、mation.T: The writer thinks her father kind and helpful. She uses many examples to support her opinions. This makes her article abundant and believable. But why did her father give their TV to a family? S: Because the family could not afford one. / Because the family didnt have enough money to buy o

12、ne.T: Why does her father care for the children?S: Because the children have no parents. / Because the children have lost their parents.T: The writer is good at using composite (long) sentences when writing. What other sentences do you think are wonderful in the examples? Find them please!S: T: Grea

13、t sentences! Enjoy reading them please!【设计意图:本部分为范文主体,Why did her father give their TV to a family?和Why does her father care for the children?两个问题的设计意在检测学生对两个定语从句的理解,能正确回答即为理解,回答不出也可以通过教师的辅助回答帮助其理解。通过这种方式能训练学生在后面的写作过程中有意识地运用长句。】(3) Group work.Talk about the person who influences you most. What is sh

14、e/he like? Give examples to support your opinions. (At least 2 examples)【设计意图:该板块的操练有些难度,通过小组合作,集众家之长,能适当降低难度。】4. My opinionT: The writers father does so much for others. What does the writer think of her father?(1) Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks.My opinionWhen I was a little girlNow, I rea

15、lize that (2) Check the answerWhen I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. (Object clause) Now, I realize that he has a heart full of love.【设计意图:提及宾语从句的运用,激活学生充分运用语言的思维。】Step 4 Writing 1. Useful expressionsT: Now we know the writers father is unusual because he has a heart full of love.With a clear structure and good expressions, the


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