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1、 金融专业英语知识:零售商业计划的六个必备部分执行总纲 An Executive Summary is critical to the success of the business plan. The Executive Summary offers synopsis of the business plan, and highlights the key points raised within. This business plan part is where you need to capture the reader”s attention so that he/she will b

2、e compelled to read on。 对于一份胜利的商业打算来说,执行总纲是必不行少的。它包括了商业打算的总纲,并标出要强调的重点局部。商业打算的作用是用来吸引领导的留意力,让他/她有兴趣考虑你的打算。 2.Business Analysis 商业分析 The next section is the Business Analysis. From the business structure, legal name, location and goods or services offered to an analysis of your customers and competit

3、ion, this section will describe the nature of your retail business. Use easy-to-read, common terminology. Never assume that those reading your business plan have the same level of technical knowledge that you do。 接下来是商业分析。从商业构造,商标名称,工厂选址,你能够为客户供应的商品及效劳,以及竞争对手的分析等,商业分析局部可帮你定义你零售业的种类。用简洁易懂的术语。永久都不要想固然

4、地认为阅读你商业打算的人懂得和你一样的专业学问。 3.Marketing Strategy 营销策略 The Marketing Strategy section should explain how your retail business will penetrate your target market. Detail the company”s desired image and branding strategy. Give an overview of the company”s pricing strategies, current and potential marketing

5、 partnerships and provide documented research to back your plan in this part。 营销策略局部应当解释你准备如何让自己的零售业渗透你的目标市场,公司要建立的形象和品牌化战略的细节。以及对公司价格策略,当前的和潜在的营销伙伴等的具体描写。以及供应能够证明你打算的调查报告。 4.Products and Services 产品和效劳 This business plan part is most important to retailers developing a business. The Products and Se

6、rvices section describe the goods and services offered, how they are provided, information about the vendors, and any plans for future growth of the product lines。 商业打算对于零售商开发生意来说是一个很重要的局部。产品及效劳的相关描述定义了供应的产品和效劳,怎样供应,供给商的信息,以及关于将来产品线的进展打算。 5.Management Plan 治理打算 In the Management section, the informa

7、tion will show that the retail business has the necessary human resources to be successful. This part will answer questions about the key management personnel and their background, explain how the store will be staffed and detail all personnel compensation and benefits, including employment policies

8、 and procedures。 在治理局部显示了零售业要胜利所必需的人力资源。这一局部会解答关于主要治理人员的背景及相关问题,显示商店的人员构造图,人员的薪资,红利,就业政策以及相关政策。 6.Financial Plan 财政打算 One of the more difficult parts of the business plan, the Financial Plan will involve the company”s revenue and profitability model. This part assesses the amount of capital the reta

9、il business needs, as well as the proposed use of these funds and the expected future earnings. It includes Break-even Analysis, Sales Forecasts, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements broken down monthly for the first year and then annually for the next 2-5 years。 商业打算最难的局部,财政打算应当要包括公司的收入以及盈利模式。这一局部评估了零售业需要的总的资金,这些资金的用途估量,以及对将来收入的预估。财政打算应当包括盈亏平衡分析,销售猜测,资产负债表,第一年每月到达的现金流量,以及接下来2到5年间每年的现金流量。



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