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1、202323年山东省威海市初中升学考试英语(总分值l20分,考试时间90分钟) 听力局部(30分)一、听力测试(共25小题,计30分)(一)听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每组句子听一遍。(每题1分)(二)听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。(每题1分)5. A. Let me see. B. By bus. C. Sorry, Im new here.6. A. Yes, it is. B. I like it very much. C. Im having dinner.7. A. Youre welcome. B. Im going home. C. No.6 Culture Stre

2、et.8. A. Im not sure. B Im sorry. C. I like music.9. A. Two days. B. It doesnt matter. C. Im not feeling well.10. A. To the south. B. About $ 280. C. By plane.(三)听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题听两遍。(每题1分)11. A.6.20. B. 6:30 C.6:40.12. A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.13. A. In a theatre. B. On a playground.

3、 C. At a bus stop.14. A. Noodles. B. Vegetables. C. Eggs.15. A. Cleaning the room. B. Moving things around. C. Making a bookcase.(四)听一段对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题听两遍。(每题1分)16. Who is answering the phone A. Margaret Chan B. Mr Menon. C. Mrs Menon.17. When will Mrs Menon possibly be back A. In a moment. B.

4、 By 9:00 p.m. C. On Friday.18. Why did the woman make the phone call A. To talk about their party. B. To talk about the message. C. To relax herself.19. Whats the womans telephone number A.853-2736. B.852-4736. C.824-5736.20. What should Mrs Menon do when she comes back A. Go to see Margaret. B. Pho

5、ne Margaret. C. Take a message.(五)听短文,用所听到的单词或短语完成表格。(每题2分)NameOccupationDatePurposeTimeMr KingBusinessmanJune 21_On business2 weeksMrs KingTeacherJune l3thFor a 22 5 daysPaulArtistJune l2thTo tour Australia and New ZealandAt least 23 Mary24June l6thTo 25 her grandparentsA week笔试局部(90分)二、选择填空(共15小题,

6、计l5分) 从每题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最正确答案。26. Is_ English-Chinese dictionary on the desk yours -No,I dont have_English-Chinese dictionary. I use English-English _dictionaries. A. an; an B. an; the C. the; an D. the; the27. -_are you going to the concert with this weekend -My cousin. Im sure we will enjoy_

7、 A. Whom; ourselves B. Who; us C. Whom; myself D. Who; herself28. -Mr Wang, I have trouble _the text. -Remember _it three times at least. A. to understand; reading B. understanding; reading C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read29. -Mum, its so hot and Im so thirsty. -Go and get some _i

8、n the fridge. A. biscuits B. chips C. cakes D. ice creams30. David, is that man your head teacher -It _be him. Hes the tallest in our school. A. mustnt B cant C. neednt D. wont31. -Hi, Tom. Is your brother as active as you -No, hes a quiet boy. He is _. A. less outgoing than me B. not so calm as I C

9、. more active than I D. as outgoing as I32. - _is the train station from the post office, do you know -About twenty-minute bike ride.A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How far33. My brother and I look different _we are twins. A. unless B as C. though D. because34. -What a hard problem!-Ask Mary.

10、 Maybe she has _with a good idea about it. A. come up B. ended up C. met up D. kept up35. -Why dont you take the T-shirt, Linda -I have only $10. I cant_it. A. borrow B. afford C. sell D. bring36. Will you please speak_ Im afraid I cant follow you. A. loudly B. pleasantly C. slowly D. easily37. -Exc

11、use me, wheres the museum Is it _ the library -Yes, theyre opposite to each other. A. next to B. across from C. in front of D. in the front of38. -Why wont you go to the movie with me, Betty -Because I_ it twice. A. see B will see C. saw D. have seen39. -Mary has hardly ever traveled to Asia, has sh

12、e -Yes, she has. _. A. Shes been to Tokyo many times B. Shes never been away from New York C. She hasnt been to Asian countries D. Shes visited her aunt in Moscow40. -Thank you for the present you sent me. Its so nice. -_. A. No, thanks B. Im glad you like it C. Please dont say so D. No, it isnt so good三、阅读理解(共四篇短文,20小题,计2



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