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1、四年级英语下册期中测试卷及答案 听力部分一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(每题分。共5分)( ) 1. . ens . e C mns( ) . A.e . igre . grade( ). A. bot B. shorts C ses( )4. A. remeber B. righ C. are form( ) 5. A.ry muc . a pair of C whatabut二、听录音,选择对的的图片。(每题1分,共5分。) ( )1. A. . ( ) 2.A .( ) 3.A. B( ) 4.A B.( )5.A. .三、听录音,选择你听到的句子。(每题2分,共10分)( ) 1. A

2、. Im ne here. .e is here.( ) 2. . Glad tmeet you,o. B Nice tomeet ou,too( ) . . he hes arm iters. . hehorts aremysters.( ) 4. re you fom China? B.s hfrm hu,Chin?( ) 5. . Wher are yutrousres? B. What cour ae yu rusre? 四、听句子,选答语。(每题2分,共10分)( )1.A.e som aan. BIm form Ca.( ).Tsereto anes. B.They aretoyr

3、bbis( )3.Aes,Im i gradFive. B.No,m not.( )4.AIts Jm sirt. B.Ys,is hirt.( )5.Ahe ar hos. Bheyare scks.笔试部分五、根据所给汉语提示完毕句子。( 每题2分,共0分).Th parts _(说话).2.Thi sthe_(男人的)srt.3andas shoeare_(在后)thedoor.4.We re all_(中国人).iss Wang has srt red_(头发)六、单选。(每题1分,共10分)() 1. os ae_. A a watch Batchs atc ( )Wee _they

4、 form? . is Bret C.a ( )3 Wht s aehy_ ? A. in . f C.n () 4.-Are the uder the ed? -_. A. hey areto cas B. Yes,tey are C ,ey ae nder thebed ( )5.- _ glasear ty? - Thy aeoms. A. Who B Whom C.Whose () 6. Let_o play te gae,OK? star B stops C.o stat ( )7.What clur arour trusers?-_. A Its lue . Theyare blu

5、 C. ae my oses ( ) 8.elme o _shool,Jae. ur B.we C.s ( ) 9Whts our unifor like?-shit ad_ apai oftrusr .par o rusers C. pr of truer ( )1.hty bke isfu. want_ Aa B.on C. an 七、选择与图片内容相符的句子。(每题分,共,10分)1. AWear in Grade hr.B.Weae in clas Three.2. A. -re ee cats?-,hy art.-I his a ct?-Nots a tigr. A.-Where a

6、re you form?-m frm Canad. B.- eris you orm?-s rom Canada4. .-What r the?-Th re ss. .-ht istht?-Itsa shirt.5 A.H good at swmmin. .e is good afishin八、情景交际。(每题分,共1分)( ).你的朋友让你看到她的新裙子,你说:A o beautiful!B. s itnw?( )2.你让妈妈看你收拾干净的房间,你说:A Havealk t y room.plas.B Lokt m hoeork,eae.( )3你想懂得新朋友是哪里人,应问:A. Where

7、 areyou rom?B.ht gd are yoin?( )4.你教小妹妹结识衣服和颜色,你说:A. This ia ty dg. ts akB. This is a shrt.Its own.( )5.你问朋友她的短裤的颜色,你说:A. hatcolor is ou shrt?B Wht clur a youshort?九、从B栏选出栏句子的对的答语。(每题2分,共10分) B( ).Areyou from na? A. N,Imfrom aina.( )2Ca hep ou? B.Tey r on h tabe.( )3.heeareJacks cks? Co,the ret.( )4

8、.Aetese elphnts? D.Yes, wntthi rrot.( )5.at are tho? ETey retdd bas.十一、阅读理解。(每题2分,共1分) M nameis BobIhae ahappyfaily.er n hna (中国)nowMy ther is fromAerica.M mother is fm Enld.Theyre boh taherI hve ltlesis.Sheoly xShe likes her oangdrs ey muc.hve frid.His nam s Lin Tao.esfomCinaWerein thsame(相似的) lss.

9、Wee i class One,rade Four.Our ho s ver autifu.I lo China.( )1.-Weres obs fther frm?-es from_. A.China . Aeca C.Eglan ( ) 2. Are obsfatrandmotetchers? A Yes,tey re .N,ey arnt. C. Sr, dontknw. ( ) 3. Bbsstrses i_ A. oan B. aorae . ormCha( ) . -at class are Bob nd n Toin?-They are in_. A Clas On Css Fur C. Cass e. ( ) 5. ter school beutfl?_. A. s,it s B.N,t isnt C Ye,tis g 答案:听力材料:一、.mans 2.gade 3.shot .hat aout 5.ar form二、1.Thy are in ClassThree,Grade our.Tis a s.Is red3Teeare dukad se arechcsIm frm t S5.Granas glasses e on henose三、1. m ere.2.Nic o meetyou,too. 3 Whee ar u ouse?4.re yu



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