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1、五年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠22515-16人教版(无) 听力部分一、认真听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填写在题前的括号内。 1. ( ) A: hungry B: thirsty C: drink 2. ( ) A: sleepy B: tired C: bored3. ( ) A: salad B: cream C: pizza4. ( ) A: practice B: pilot C: plane 5. ( ) A: always B: usually C: never 二、听句子,选择正确答语 ( )1、A、Yes, lets. B、No, I dont.( )2、A、For

2、 here, please. B、No, thanks.( )3、A、Dont be so sad. B、That sounds great.( )4、A、Thats fantastic. B、Thats too bad.( )5、A、Go to bed and get some sleep. B、Lets go out to play.三、听短文,填空。 My name is Jane. I am a girl. I like to _. I usually go swimming at the _. Sometimes I help my mom _. I want to be an _.

3、 Do you like _ ? Do you want to make friends with me ?笔试部分一、 按要求填空。 sandwich - three _ (三个三明治)apple pie - _ _ (一个苹果派)orange juice - _ _ (两个橘子汁)artist - _ _ (一个画家)French fries- _ _(四份薯条)二、 连线,并仿照例子写出句子。 1、thirsty go to see a doctor2、tired have lunch3、sleepy get some sleep4、bored take a rest5、hungry g

4、o out to play 6、a bad cold drink some water三、选择正确的序号填写在题前的括号内 ( )1. What do you usually do on the weekend? I usually the violin.A:fly B: help C:practice( ) 2. What do you want to be?I want to be engineer.A:a B: the C:an ( ) 3. violin is this?Its Codys.A:Who B: Whose C:What ( ) 4. How is it ? _.A: Ju

5、st great. B: Ok , lets. C: Me, too.( ) 5. She is a . She plays the .A: pilot violin B: doctor violin C: violinist violin( ) 6. I want to be an artist. _A:Thats too bad. B: Dont be so sad. C: That sounds great.( ) 7. How this coat?A: about B:do C:long ( ) 8. Do you want to be a _ ?A:swim B:swimming C

6、:swimmer( ) 9. Whats wrong with him?He _ a bad cold.A: is B: have C: has ( ) 10. How making a birthday cake ?A: is B: do C: about 四、句型转换: 10分1. Thats Okay with me . (译成中文)2. go Lets to out play ? (连词成句)3. I want to be a pilot. (对划线部分提问)4. Does he wear glasses? (作否定回答)5. Do you want to be a cook? (做否

7、定回答)五、阅读理解 In the RestaurantWaitress Can I help you ?May Yes, please. Wed like .Tom Id like a hamburger, some chicken and a strawberry milkshakes. How abut you, May?May Thats Okay with me.Waitress Anything else? What would you like to drink?May A Coke.Tom And Id like a glass of orange juice.May OK.

8、Wait a minute, please. Id also like an ice cream.Waitress For here or to go?Tom For here, please.I 在下列句子前标上T或F。 ( )1 Tom and May are in the restaurant.( )2 May wants a Coke( )3 Tom likes a hamburger and chicken.( )4 They want to eat at homeII 回答问题。 1 What food does Tom want ?_2 What food does May want?_3 Where do they eat? _4 Is there any ice cream in the restaurant?_六、根据提示完成小作文。 假设你是Peter,你想去礼品店买礼物,在路上遇见了Jack,问他礼品店的位置。他告诉你要走过两个街区,就能在你的左边找到它。礼品店就在图书馆旁边。要求:语句通顺,没有语法错误,不少于30字。词汇提示:where, present, gift, shop, straight, blocks, left, library.第 页


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