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1、1. go on a school trip/ went on a school trip参加学校的郊游2. along the way 沿途3. learn about 了解有关的情况4. play chess with us 和我们下棋5. teach sb. how to do sth. 教某人如何做某事6. make a model robot 制作一个机器人模型7. gift shop 礼品店8. buy some gifts 买一些礼物9. buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物10. all in all 总的来说11. an exciting day 令人兴奋的一天12

2、. take the train to the museum/ took the train to the museum 乘火车到博物馆13. be interested in (doing) sth./sb. 对.感兴趣14. it is + adj. + to do sth. 做某事15. too many people 太多的人16. not at all 一点也不17. took a lot of great photos/ take a lot of great photos 拍很多棒的照片18. buy some gifts/ bought some gifts 买一些礼物19.

3、visit the zoo/ visited the zoo参观动物园20. go to the zoo/ went to the zoo 去动物园21. I didnt buy anything. 我什么东西都没买22. get there so fast / It was so hot.They were so expensive. /The air was so clean.They were so beautiful.23. climb a mountain/ climbed a mountain 爬山24. visit a fire station/ visited a fire s

4、tation 参观消防站25. ride a horse/ rode a horse 骑马26. go fishing/ went fishing 去钓鱼27. went to the countryside/ go to the countryside到乡下,到农村28. went to an art museum/ go to an art museum 去美术博物馆29. saw some paintings/ see some paintings 看了一些油画30. draw pictures/ drew pictures 画画31. How was the weather yeste

5、rday?=What was the weather like yesterday?32. It was a lot of fun./ It was so much fun. 有很多乐趣We had a lot of fun./ We had so much fun. 33. worry about sth./ sb. 担忧,忧虑某事/某人34. be worried about sth./sb. 担忧,忧虑某人/某事35. come out 花开,出太阳,出版发行36. show sb. around 带某人参观.37. grow strawberries 种植草莓38. take sth.

6、 home 把某物带回家39. on a/ the farm 在农场40. watched the stars 看了星星41. Lucky you./ You are lucky./ How lucky you are.42. something interesting 有趣的事情43. went for a walk/ go for a walk 去散步44. milked a cow/ milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶45. fed chickens/ feed chickens 喂鸡46. talked with a farmer/ talk with a farmer 和一位农民交谈47. quite a lot 相当多得 48. swim in the river 在河里游泳49. on the slow train 在速度慢的火车上50. see(saw) some farms and villages 看见一些农场和村庄


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