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1、七年级英语师生共用讲学稿(4)课题:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?(A) 课时:2课时 课型:新授课 执笔:张金华 审核:马荣花 时间:2012 9一学习目标:1.熟记单词及单词的意思:this, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, case, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary, that, yes, no, not, isnt = is not . excuse , excuse me , thank , OK, in , English, a , how, do,

2、spell, 2.学会使用指示代词this/these和that/those来指示远近物体3.能够使用形容词性物主代词来说出物品的所有者4.掌握be动词引导的一般疑问句及其应答。二学习重难点:1、单词的读写和运用。2、be动词引导的一般疑问句及其应答。三、复习回顾及预习导学(一)翻译下列短语或句子1我的祖父母 2他的兄弟们 3这些是- 4那个是- 5我的一张全家福 6在第一幅照片中 7祝你一天快乐 8她是谁?她是我叔叔的女儿。 9 his dictionary 10my backpack 11 your quilt 12 her map 13 excuse me 14 thank you 15

3、一块橡皮 16一个橘子 17用英语 18姓氏 19 谢谢 (二)用be( am, is, are)动词的适当形式填空。1. I a boy. My name Zhang Hua.2. You a girl. Lin Fang is a girl, too.3. He a student. His name Jin Lei.4. What this ? It a bird.5. you Grace? No, Im not. Im Helen.6.How your mother?(三)用英语写出下列物品的名称;书 钢笔 尺子 背包 文具盒 字典 橡皮 卷笔刀 四、难点解析(一)辨析this/the

4、se与that/those四者都可以作指示代词,this/these指的是离说话者较近的人和物,而that/those指的是离说话者在空间或时间上较远的人或者事物。注意:在打电话时this表示“我”, that表示“你”(二)Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?这是一个将be动词is提至主语前的一般疑问句,读时用升调。 Is this?用于询问“这是吗?”/ Is that? 用于询问“那是吗?”,对于这种疑问句有两种回答的形式,肯定回答用Yes,否定回答用No; 另外回答时用it 替代this或that.Are these-?用于询问“这些是吗?Are those-?用

5、于询问“那些是吗?”回答时用they替代these或those.拓展:动词在下列情况下不能缩写:在肯定的简略答语中,不能缩写。例如:Is this a pencil? Yes, it is be动词在句首时,不能缩写。 am和 not不能缩写。 this和 is不能缩写。(三)excuse me 意为“对不起,抱歉,遗憾”,是向对方询问情况、打扰对方时的客套话,以示礼貌或歉意,可译为“劳驾,请原谅,对不起,请问”等。如:Excuse me ,is this your book? 请问,这是你的书吗?(四)thank you 谢谢当别人为你做事,你应该说Thank you.或Thanks.以示谢

6、意。如果想加强语气,也可以说Thank you very much.或Thanks a lot。 thank 既可作动词又可作名词。thank you中thank的是动词,you做它的宾语。thanks是名词,是thank后加s构成的。Thank you的语气强于Thanks。二者的答语均为:Not at all./ Thats OK./youre welcome.(五)OK是口语中常用的词语,表示“好,行,行吧”等含义,运用时OK要用大写形式。五、课堂检测(一)单项选择( )1、Is this pencil? No ,it isnt. Its pencil. A. your, her B.

7、your , my C. his, his D. her, her( ) 2. This is eraser and its red eraser. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an ,a( )3. Is that your book? . Its my book. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, its C. No, it isnt D. No, its no( )4. Whatre those? . A. Yes, it is. B. Its a pen C.Those are pens D. They are pens.( )5. Is yo

8、ur pen red ? . Its green. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isnt C. Yes, I am D. No, it is.( )6. Is this your ruler? No, . A. this is B.it isnt C. it is D. this isnt( ) 7. Are these your ? A. a book B. books C.the books D. an English book( ) 8. ,Where is he from? - , I dont know.A.Excuse me, Sorry B. Excuse m

9、e, Excuse me C. Sorry, Sorry D. Sorry, Excuse me( ) 9. How do you spell it, please? . A. Yes, I am B.No, Im not C. Yes, it is. D. B-O-O-K, book.( )10. Whats that, Tom? a pencil. A. Its B. Is C. I am D. Thats(二)句型转换,按要求完成下列各题 1. This is my pencil case. (一般疑问句) Pencil case ?2. Is that her book? (作肯定回答

10、) , .3. That is her jacket . ( 否定句) That her jacket.4. Is it her key? ( 否定句) her key .5. This is a pencil in English. ( 画线部分) in English?6. Im Jim Green. (改为一般疑问句) Jim Green.7. My name is Cindy. ( 改为同义句 ) Cindy.8. His backpack is black. ( 画线部分) is his backpack?9. My first name is Nick. My last name

11、is Hand. (合并成一句) My name is .10. Its her ruler. (一般疑问句) her ruler? 11.Its a blue jacket. ( 画线部分) ?12. me, is, her, excuse, this,pencil case(连词成句) 13. that, eraser,your,is(连词成句) (三)根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列句子1. Is this your p case?2. E me, Linda . Is this your pen?3. Her jacket is n yellow. Its black.4. This i my book. Thats my book.5. Is that your ruler? Y


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