MOOC 英文电影中的西方文化-吉林大学 大学慕课答案

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1、 MOOC 英文电影中的西方文化-吉林大学 中国大学慕课答案Quiz 1(章节测验)1、问题:Troy was a city in northwest_ . It was the center of the Trojan War.选项:A、EuropeB、Peloponnese PeninsulaC、Asia MinorD、Greece正确答案:【Asia Minor】2、问题:Ancient Greek architecture is best-known for its_ , many of which arefound throughout the region, mostly as r

2、uins but many substantially intact.选项:A、open-air theatersB、public monumentsC、public monumentsD、public squares正确答案:【public monuments】3、问题:In Greek mythology, _was Queen of Sparta. Later, she was taken awayby Paris to Troy. This was one of the main causes of the Trojan War.选项:A、ThetisB、HelenC、AthenaD、

3、Hecuba正确答案:【Helen】4、问题:It is said that_owned the precious gift of prophecy, given to him by hisfather Zeus in hisinfancy.选项:A、AresB、ApolloC、AchillesD、Perseus正确答案:【Apollo】 5、问题:The Trojan War, one of the greatest wars in the history of ancient Greece,happened between the Trojans and the Achaeans in a

4、bout _.选项:A、the 8th century BCB、the 10th century BCC、the 12th century BCD、the 14th century BC正确答案:【the 12th century BC】Assignment 1 (章节作业 1)1、问题:Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple in front of the goddesses,with an inscription that read: “to the most beautiful”. Three goddesses claime

5、d the apple:Hera, Athena and Nike选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】2、问题:Athens created the worlds first known democracy, but women were notcitizens in Athens, while in Sparta they were.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】3、问题:Linear B may have only been used by a guild of professional scribes whoworked at different palaces. When

6、 the palaces were destroyed, the script disappeared.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】4、问题:The Heraean Games was held for women. It was also held at Olympia at adifferent time from the men s event-the famous Olympic Games.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】5、问题:There are lots of monsters in Greek mythology. Many are hybrids of

7、animalsor people. Some important Greek monsters are Minotaur, Satyrs, Centaurs and Cyclops.选项: A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】Quiz 2 (章节测验 2)1、问题:Jerusalem is believed to be named after the_god Shalem.选项:A、EgyptianB、IsraeliC、PersianD、Canaanite正确答案:【Canaanite】2、问题:_, also known as the Byzantine Crusade, ended with

8、 the conquest andlooting of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire by the Crusaders of the West.选项:A、The Second CrusadeB、The Third CrusadeC、The Fourth CrusadeD、The Fifth Crusade正确答案:【The Fourth Crusade】3、问题:The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is said to have been built over thelocation_.选项:A、w

9、here Jesus was arrested and crucifiedB、where Jesus was buried and resurrectedC、where Jesus was brought to as a child and where Jesus was resurrectedD、where Jesus was brought to as a child and where Jesus was crucified正确答案:【where Jesus was buried and resurrected】4、问题:In 1187, Saladin began a major ca

10、mpaign against the Crusader Kingdom ofJerusalem. His troops virtually destroyed the Christian army at_, taking the cityalong with a large amount of territory.选项:A、the Battle of ArsufB、the Battle of HattinC、the Battle of DorylaeumD、the Battle of Mansura正确答案:【the Battle of Hattin】 5、问题:_is influenced

11、by Byzantine Christian architecture.选项:A、The Jewish TempleB、The Church of the Holy SepulchreC、The Dome of the RockD、Al-Aqsa Mosque正确答案:【The Dome of the Rock】Assgnment 2 (章节作业 2)1、问题:In 1095, Byzantine Emperor Alexius I sent envoys to Pope Urban II asking formercenary troops from the West to help con

12、front the Turkish threat.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】2、问题:The Western Wall, also named as “The Wailing Wall” serves as a symbol ofJewish exile and also historic Jewish glory and hope of redemption.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】3、问题:Among the three major characters in the movie Kingdom of Heaven, BaldwinIV and Muslim

13、hero Saladin are historical figures but Balian is an imaginary figure.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】4、问题:The code of chivalry arose in the Holy Roman Empire from the idealization ofthe cavalryman-involving military bravery, individual training and service to others-especially in Francia, among horse soldiers

14、in Charlemagnes cavalry.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】5、问题:Jerusalem is regarded as the first holiest city in Islam.选项:A、正确 B、错误正确答案:【错误】Quiz 3(章节测验 3)1、问题:Norman Conquest began in _.选项:A、1016B、1066C、1035D、1060正确答案:【1066】2、问题:Why did Elizabeth I choose to be single for her life? _.选项:A、Because her religious b

15、elief went against her marriage.B、Because the foreign power came in the way of her marriage.C、Because her Mr. Right passed early.D、Because she used her marriage prospects as a political tool in foreign and domesticpolicies.正确答案:【Because she used her marriage prospects as a political tool in foreign anddomestic policies.】3、问题:In the Wars of the Roses, the Lancastri


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