二年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1(1)教案 外研版(一起)

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1、二年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1(1)教案 外研版(一起)课题 Module 2 Unit 1教学目标知识目标初步掌握be + doing语句结构及其所表达的含义。能力目标A.能听懂并说出Shes /Hes doing STH.B.能运用be + doing 语句结构描述“他/她正在做某事”。情感目标乐于向他人介绍自己的家人和朋友以及他们的日常爱好,逐步形成乐于并善于与人交往的素质。对用英语参加认知活动逐步形成兴趣。在小组竞争、合作中体验集体荣誉感。学习策略目标A. 在小组合作中逐步形成与人交流信息,取长补短的学习策略。B. 初步感知be + doing形式与描述正在发生的事情之

2、间的关联,逐步形成良好的学习策略。教学重点及难点能运用be + doing 语句结构描述“他/她正在做某事”。教学用品电脑,配套光盘,录音机与磁带,学生自己搜集来的照片或报纸图片,单词卡片、句子卡片、图片等。教学任务A.学习任务:继续学习Shes / Hes doing STH. 语句。B.运用任务:运用be + doing 结构介绍照片、图片里的人在做什么;给自己搜集来的照片、图片配解说词。教学方法任务型教学法课时安排第二课时二、课堂教学程序教学步骤 教学活动活动目的Warm upSing a song. Its raining.Greetings. T: Good morning! Wha

3、t day is it today? Whats the weather like?Ss: Its.Review the old words that are relative to todays lesson. (Family members and activities.)T: Brother. (Choose one word from one topic. Anyone is OK.)Ss: sister, mother. (Say the words that are relative to the theme as many as they can.)通过唱歌、与学生亲切问候活跃课

4、堂气氛,根据歌曲内容将学生分为SUNNY与WINDY开展竞争与互动活动。围绕主题说单词活动对本课相关内容进行有效复习,激活学生的英语思维,为新任务活动的展开做好铺垫。Presentation(任务呈现)Listen to the sound, and guess what is happening. Record some sounds before class, such as the sounds from the radio, someone is talking or reading and so on.T: What can you hear? You can say it in C

5、hinese.Ss: 我听到有人在.Show them the corresponding pictures and describe them.T: This is. Shes or Hes doing STH. (Describe the pictures.)Present the task.T: Can you tell us what is happening in your pictures? 我们共同学习后,一会就来个配解说词大赛!Now, lets learn from Daming and see how he does as a mentator.多种感官参与活动加深了学生对

6、重点语句含义的理解。帮助学生对be + doing 结构与其所表达含义之间建立联系。通过先声音后画面再听图片介绍的过程让学生完整感受新知,自然呈现本课运用任务,促使信息差的产生,同时导入课文,驱动学生的求知欲。Preparation(任务准备)Listen, point and repeat. (Using the CD-ROM and the cassette.) Ss read the text after the tape with the books open. (Remind them to point to the corresponding sentences.)Work in

7、pairs. Then try to act the text out. Copy the actions. S1 does the actions from the sentence cards he sees. The other Ss guess what he or she is doing. Ss: She / He is doing STH. Then encourage the others to take S1s role.4. Lets watch TV. Look at the pictures on the television. (CAI), and guess wha

8、t is showing on TV? What is he/ she doing? Then the teacher shows them the pictures with sentences.5. Good Drawer. Give each pair two different pictures. Listen and draw. (The teacher must give the example first.) S1: This is a. She / He is doing STH.S2: Draw the picture according to what he/she say

9、s. Switch the role. Then pare them with the given pictures. Who is better? 再次巩固学习基本语句。为避免文盲英语的出现,夯实对单词和句子的识认能力训练。 猜谜游戏使学生对目标语句进行了扩展、延伸及运用。培养学生用英语进行发散思维的能力。多媒体课件在此有效恰当的辅助了教学。通过说、听、画活动培养学生的语言基本技能;将知识内化为能力;情境的灵活设置培养了学生用英语思维的能力。Production(任务完成)Work in small groups. Describe the pictures or photos to you

10、r group members.Ss: This is. Shes / Hes doing STH.petition. Who is the best mentator?Each group takes turns to e to the front and show their works.Choose the best mentator group with Ss together. 4. Sum up: What have we learned today?Do you have any questions about todays lesson?在描述图片的过程中实现了学以致用。在小组

11、合作中互学、互助,增大了信息交流量,体验了团队合作精神。在评价与质疑中充分发挥学生的主体作用。Homework(课后作业)给你的爸爸、妈妈当一回英语解说员,介绍你搜集的图片、照片或广告画中的人在做什么。可能出现的问题及对策1. 在游戏活动中,由于班额较大,课堂纪律容易失控,教师一定要把握好收和放的尺度,调控课堂。2. 在小组活动时,可能有些学生会说汉语,教师应来回在每个小组间走动,倾听、鼓励,帮助与纠正。备注整节课在小组竞争与合作中进行。SUNNY组和WINDY组按表现得字母记分,在课堂结尾对整组进行统一评价。拥有最多字母一组获胜。板书 Module 2 Unit 1 Shes listeni

12、ng to the radio. listening reading writing playingpicture picture反思:附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起)The aim of the course:1. Make the students grasp new words of this unit “radio, photo, camera, newspaper, smile”2. Make the students grasp the present continuous.初步了解现在进行时的肯定形式:Shes -

13、ing. Hes -ing.3. 掌握进行时,能说简单的句子,加深对英语的兴趣。The difficult of the teaching: Shes listening to the radio. Hes playing with his train.The tools of teaching: CD-Rom teaching cardsThe design of the course:1. Warm upFollow me TPR 活动, review the important verbs read book, watch TV, play football, sing, dance,

14、and listen to the CDs etc.New construction:2. Free talk:What do you do at the weekend?What does she/he do at the weekend?You _at the weekend.But Im _ing now. (边做边说)通过句群给学生讲解现在进行时表示正在发生的事情 Let Ss make new sentences and do actions.3. Practice in pairs.反馈时,引导出 He/ Shes _ing .Let somebody do actions, Ss say “He/Shes _ing.New words T: What am I doing? Ss: Reading. T: Yes, Im reading a newspaper. ( 以实物呈现) learn newspaper. Listen to the CDs-listen to the radio. learn radio(以卡片呈现)Show a photo. Introduce this photo. Learn photoUsing photo make s


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