高考英语一轮复习 情态动词 北师大版选修9

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《高考英语一轮复习 情态动词 北师大版选修9》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习 情态动词 北师大版选修9(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考英语语法复习专题-情态动词一、考点聚焦1、 情态动词的基本用法(1)can、be able to 和couldcan和be able to都表示能力,意思上没多大区别。但can只有现在和过去时,而be able to则有更多的形式。但当成功地完成某一具体动作时,通常不用could而用was/were able to来表示。这时was/were able to 相当于managed to,表示经过一番努力,终于能够完成某事。如:Can you use chopsticks?The wounded man still was able to get to the village and was

2、 saved in the end.can和couldcan和could都可以表示能力、技能、许可、建议或请求和可能性。但比较委婉客气地提出问题或陈述看法,一般用could,回答时则用can。如:Could you help me carry the bag?Can I help you?(2)may/mightmay/might表示可能,但may比might可能性大。如:-Why isnt he in class? He may be sick.(生病的可能性较大) He might be sick.(生病的可能性较小)may/might表示“允许”,may用于现在时或将来时,might常用

3、在间接引语中表过去时,但might也可用于现在时间,表示比较委婉的语气,回答用may。如:He says we may leave.He said we might leave.may / might 表示建议或请求,但might比may更客气,意思更肯定而无过去时态的含义。 Yes, you can / may.May / Might I use your bike? No, you mustnt(3)mustmust表示必须,应该,没有时态变化。如:You must do everything as I do.must表示肯定的推测。如:The light is still on, so

4、he must be at home.mustnt 表示禁止做某事。如:You mustnt smoke in the office.(4)have tohave to 表示“必须、不得不”,是由于某种外界(客观)原因而“必须”,“不得不”做某事,也可表示经常的或习惯性的事“必须”做。have to的否定形式表示不必。have to可用于多种时态中。如:You will have to clean your own boots when you join the army.I have to be at my office every evening.(5)should / ought tos

5、hould和ought to表示应当、应该,前者比后者语气轻。如:You should / ought to work hard.should / ought to work hard.Since she is not here, whe should / ought to be in the classroom.should / ought to的否定形式表示禁止之意。如:Children shouldnt smoke.should可表示陈述意见,推出建议或请求;而ought to可以表示劝告之意。如:You ought to respect your parents.He suggeste

6、d that they should leave at once.(6)will / wouldwill 用于各种人称表示“意志”、“意愿”或“决心”等,否定式wont + 动词。如:I will tell you all about it.Tom wont do such a thing.will用于疑问句中,常用在第二称时表示说话人向对方提出“请求”或“询问”如:Will you please tell her the news when you see her?will 表示习惯性的动作,有“总是”、“惯于”的含义。如:Fish will die out of water.would 表

7、示客气的请求、建议或意愿。如:Would you please be quiet?Would you like coffee?would 表示过去反复发生的动作。如:When I passed my school I would see my teachers who taught me 5 years ago.(7)needneed 作“必要”讲,既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词。作实义动词时后面的动词不定式要带to,其变化与一般动词相同。如:I need to think it over.Need you go now? Yes, I must./No, I neednt (8)dareda

8、re表示“敢”的意思。作为情态动词时,主要用在疑问句和否定句中。dare若作实义动词,后面可带to的不定式,此时to也可以省略。dare与need的用法相似。如:How dare you say that?She doesnt date(to)ask her father.(9)used toused to表示过去常常发生的动作或存在的习惯,但现在已不复存在了。如:He used to smoke.(10)shallshall作为情态动词用于第二、三人称,表示说话人的意愿,有“命令”、“警告、威胁、强制”和“允许”等意思。如:We shall do as our teacher says.Yo

9、u shall have the book as soon as I finish it.在疑问句中,shall用于征求对方的意见或请求指示,常用于第一、第三人称。如:Where shall he wait for us?Shall we go out for a walk?2、情态动词表示推测或判断的用法下表即是表示推测的情态动词使用的场合:情态动词对现在和未来的推测对过去的推测使 用 场 合mustmust + 动词原形must have done肯定句may / mightmay / might + 动词原形May / might have done肯定句、否定句can /couldca

10、n / could doCan / could have done否定句、疑问名(could可用于肯定句)should用来表示一种估计的情况“按理会/估计会”should do/beshould have done肯定句、否定句、疑问句 例如:It must have rained last night.She may not be at home. = It is possible that she is not at home.She cant be at home. = It is impossible that she is at home.They should be there r

11、ight now.3、情态动词在虚拟语气中的用法情态动词用于虚拟语气中表示责备的感情色彩,用法如下:(1)should have done表示“本来应该做某事而实际上未做”,而shouldnt have done则表示“本不应该做某事而实际上做了”。如:You should have told me about it earlier.You shouldnt have said such words to your parents.(2)ought to have done也表示“本应该”而ought not to have done则意为“本不应该”。如:You ought to have

12、told me about it earlier.You ought not to have said such words to your parents.(3)neednt have done表示“本无必要做某事而实际上做了”。如:You neednt have walked so quickly since time was enough.(4)could have done表示“本来有可能而事实上未做到”。如:I could have come on time, but my car broke on the way.二、精典名题导解选择填空1. I was really anxiou

13、s about you. You_home without a word.(NMET 2001)A.mustnt have B.shouldnt have leftC.couldnt have left D.neednt have解析:答案为B。本题考查的是情态动词在虚拟语气中的用法。题目给出的条件是“我确实非常担心你”,因此后面可知应是责备you不应该没说一句话就离开了。2.Are you coming to Jeffs party?Im not sure. I_ go to the concert instead.(NMET 2000)A.must B.would C.should D.m

14、ight解析:答案为D。本题考查情态动词的基本用法。由题目中“Im not sure”,表明我可能去Jeffs party,也可能去音乐会,故用might。3. Will you stay for lunch?Sorry, _. My brother is coming to see me.(NMET 99)A.I mustnt B.I cant C.I neednt D.I wont解析:答案为B。本题考查表示请求的英语口语,用will来向第二人称提问的疑问结构,是表示一种请求和意愿,是用疑问的形式来表达较为婉转的祈使语气,意思是“请你,好吗”,对于这种问句的肯定回答是:Suree! Gertainly! Yes, of course. Id be glad to 等;否定回答通常是:Im sorry, I cant. No, Im afraid I cant. Im sorry, but Id like to, but 等。注意情态动词表客气的用法及其在一般疑问句中的问与答。4.Isnt that Anns husband over there? No, it be him Im sure he doesnt wear glasses.A. cant B. must not



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