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1、 一、学 科:英语二、学校:恩平市恩城第一小学三、 设计教师:张关凤 胡艳娟四、 教学年级:四年级五、课例名称:Unit 9 What are you doing ?六、课 型: 阅读教学课型七、教材版本:广东人民出版社开心学英语四年级上册八、课时:第二课时 (Conversation Song Practice 1 , 2 Activity 1) 九、教学设计:学生分析:学习本课前,学生已经掌握了正在进行时的基本句型和用法:What are you /they doing? Im /They are及相关的词组。教材分析: 本节课是开心英语第三册第9单元What are you doing?

2、的第二课时Conversation的教学。第一课时学生已经掌握了本课的重点单词:playing/ eating /sleeping 和现在进行时的句型:Whatare you doing ?.现在进行时是这个单元的重点,但不会是难点。本课时主要是在学习了这些知识的基础上进一步提高学生的阅读能力。教学目标:1、 语言知识目标(1)理解并正确读出本课出现的新句子和课文对话。(2)理解并运用掌握现在进行时的基本句型2、 语言技能目标(1)理解并流利朗读课文对话及表演课文对话。(2)理解并读出自己所填补的短文。3、 情感态度目标(1)能够主动与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,能够积极地参与课堂教学的各项活

3、动。(2)激发学生的学习兴趣;培养学生热爱集体、热爱生活的情感态度。4、学习策略目标(1)学会小组合作,与他人交流。(2)学习如何阅读英语小短文。5、文化意识目标培养学生积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务的能力。 6. 教学重点:现在进行时的运用。7. 教学难点:句型的灵活运用。教学策略: 除了阅读本课的教材课文外, 我还为学生提供了一篇课外阅读材料,用以拓展学生的阅读能力。主要开展以学生为主体的活动,如:个体阅读、小组讨论、小组交流故事等,使得学生在语言实践活动中发展综合运用语言的能力。课前准备:各种动词短语图片,课件。【教学流程图】Warming up The fi

4、rst-reading (tick or cross)PresentationThe second-reading (watch the video )Activities (role play)1.Read another passage. 2.Fill in the missing words according to the passage.3. Sing the song.4. Do the practice.2. Write something about the trip plan.DevelopmentSummary and homework九、教学过程:Step 1 Warmi

5、ng up1、Greeting.2、Free talk:What day is it today?What are you doing?Are you ?(培养学生运用英语进行交际,也拉近了师生的距离)3、Game:Say and do.(通过生动有趣的游戏复习上节课的内容)Step 2 Presentation1. Lead in:T: What are you doing now? Ss: We are studying.T: Are Gogo,Jenny,Tony studying ,too?(创设悬念,让学生带着好奇心去阅读)The first-reading:T: Open your

6、 books . Read it by yourselves.Let the students read the conversation for about one minute.2. Exercise: Tick or Cross. T: Show me tick or cross. ( with gestures) The students show the answers with gestures. (初步检查学生对课文的理解程度。)3. The second-reading(1) Let the students watch the video of the Conversatio

7、n. (让学生观看课文录像,进一步加深对课文的理解,并能从中模仿正确的语音语调。)(2) Ask the students to read the Conversation in groups and role play.(3) Have three students come in front and act out the Conversation. (叫几位学生给课文录像配音)Step 3 Development(一)1. Read another passage: The family day2. Get the students to answer the questions acc

8、ording to the passage. 1)Whats mother doing? 2)Whats Peter doing ? 3. Exercise: Fill in the missing words according to the passage in groups. (培养小学生的自主合作精神。)(二)1. Sing a song of P46(生动有趣的歌谣让学生很好地记忆本课的内容)2.Do the practice of P45 and P463.Check the answers.(通过练习有效地巩固本课的内容)Step 4 Summary and HomeworkHo

9、mework1. Listen to the tape of P43 P44 and read after it.2. Draw a picture of your family and describe that whats everyone doing now.板书设计:Unit9 What are you doing ? Lisa and Peter fishing Baby sleeping Tony and Jenny shopping Gogo swimming附件:阅读材料My name is Tim. Im a student in Class Two, Grade Five.

10、 I am twelve. Now let me tell you something about my family.My father is a doctor. He is writing an e-mail in the study.My mother a is a teacher in a middle school. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.What am I doing? I am doing my homework, today is Friday, We have a lot of homework to do. after h

11、omework, I will play the piano.I like playing the piano very much.Worksheet(1)Tick or cross( )1.Peter is fishing.( )2.The baby is playing.( )3.Tony is sleeping.( )4.Gogo is swimming.Worksheet(2)Fill the blanks according to the passage.Tim is a _ of Class Two, Grade Five. His father is a doctor. He is _ an e-mail.His mother is a teacher.She is _ in the kitchen. Tim is _ _ _.After that he will play the piano. He likes _ the piano very much.



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