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1、20102011学年度第一学期小学六年级英语科阶段测试题(Unit3)一、攻读单词。(50分)1英汉互译。(10分)(1)英文译中文:(5分)tonight tomorrow _ busy _ together _magazine _ buy _ need _ shop _cinema _ noon _(2)中文译英文:(5分)去旅行 _ 长城 _ 主题公园 _ 下个周末 _明信片 _ 词典 _ 鞋店 _ 水果摊 _漫画书 _ 报纸 _2.根据要求,改写单词。(8分)(1)plant(两个翻译)_/_ (2)make(-ing形式)_(3)sun(加冠词)_ (4)tomorrow(对应词)_

2、(5)this(分别加四个时间状语)_/_/_/_3.根据音标写单词。(7分)(1)/ k a: d/ (2) / bai/ (3)/ t3 : n/_ _/_/_ _(4)/ streit/ (5)/ e n/ _ _4.根据句意及提示补充句子,只写单词,不写数字。(18分)1)We have _ days in a week.They are _,_,_,_,_,_ and _.And we have _ _And _ days in a year,and four _ in a year.They are _,_,_and_.(8分)2)We have _ meals in a day.

3、They are _,_ and _.(2分)3)There are three lights in a _ lights.They are _ lights,_ lights and _ lights.(4分)4)There are _ hours in a day.They grade three storeys,_,_ and _.(4分)5.单词接龙,词不能重复。(7分)dog_二、攻克句子。(40分)1.修改病句。(6分)1)He wakes up,and he go up.He meets Mr. Wind.(1分) 2)She feels hot,so she jumps in

4、the water.(2分) 3)My mother is a kind woman,she always cook nice meals for we.(2分) 4)They must knows the traffic rules.(1分) 下午三点整去去书店2.根据图片,完成对话。(12分)1)A: Where are you going?买三本故事书和两张报纸 B: . A: What are you going to do? B: . A:When are you going?铅笔笔 B: .2)A:Where is my pencil? B: . A: ? B:It is on y

5、our desk. A:Oh,thank you. B: .书3.根据要求写句子。(16分)1)She is going to the cinema to see a film this evening.(对划线部分 进行提问):_:_:_:_2)My friends,John and lily are going to plant trees next weekend.(对 划线部分进行提问):_:_:_:_4.用单词的正确形式,连词成句。(6分)1.is I to mother the go shop pet buy dog to a ._2.he are grandparent climb going mountains to ._3.she to fruit is stand go the buy of to basket fruit a ._三、作文园地。(10分)根据下面这幅图片,写一篇作文,不少于20句话。提示:图中的小女孩Sarah在干什么?她打算去哪儿?她是怎么去的?又准备什么时候去?和谁去?去那里干什么?仔细分析后,再动笔写文章。还有,你可以回忆一下Unit3 A Lets read里面Liuyun是怎样说的,再以那篇文章的形式写这篇作文。动物园公园 书店银行超市鞋店目的地居民楼居民楼居民楼 附加题(5分)加上新词,


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