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1、mckinsey - Payments Strategy Research Program 2011JWD咨询公司项目管理内网项目案例分析王娟 田炽 陈芬芬 尚翠玲赵梅香卞蓓丽罗茜茜刘婷项目背景项目计划项目监控主要内容135项目启动2项目执行4项目结束6项目背景JWD公司的职能是为各种组织提供咨询服务,并协助选择和管理IT项目。公司CEO想让公司发展成为世界级的咨询公司,他希望能有一个规范的程序来管理自己的项目。想通过开发一些局域网应用软件:提供友好透明规范的客户交流平台;提供公司内部员工培训平台;保存客户和项目的记录;提供公司宣传平台;项目启动选择项目经理识别干系人开发业务案例完成项目章程选

2、择项目经理Erica时间资金范围整个公司内部和客户(协调力,沟通力,职位PMO)越快越好(经验)越省越好(经验)识别干系人项目经理两个资深咨询师两个娴熟IT技术人员项目发起者项目两个客户代表 职位 名字部门联系方式介绍(从其功能上进行简要的介绍)业务目标当前状况和问题/机会陈述关键假设和约束选项和推荐分析初步的项目需求预算估计和财务分析进度估计潜在风险展示开发业务案例项目名称项目开始日期项目完成日期预算信息项目经理项目目标方法关键干系人签名和各自意见完成项目章程Position The most difficult and unappreciated processInput Time、Eff

3、ort、People Project PlanningMain Purpose Guide project executionAccording to the PMBOK Guide 2004 Project PlanningIntegrationScopeTimeRiskCostQualityHRTeam contractProcurementErica believes some of the most important planning documents to focus on are the following:A Team Contract1A Project Scope Sta

4、tement2A List Of Prioritized Risks5A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)3A Project Schedule4A Team ContractCode of ConductParticipationMeeting GuidelineProblem SolvingCommunicationTo help promote teamwork and clarify team communications3.A Project Scope StatementList one item that is most unclear to you

5、about the scope of this project.1What other questions do you have or issues do you foresee about the scope of the project.2Which deliverables do you think you will help create or review?4List what you believe to be the main deliverables for this project.3Erica had each person write down his or her a

6、nswers to the following questions:Scope StatementTitleSummary of Project DeliverablesProduct Characteristics and RequirementsProject Success CriteriaProduct-related deliverablesTimeJustificationA Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)1、 the basis for deciding how to do the work2、 the basis for creating the

7、project schedule 3、 the basis for performing earned value management for measuring and forecasting project performing.Erica and her team decided to use the project management process groups as the main categories for the WBS.5收尾 5.1准备最终项目报告 5.2准备最终项目展示 5.3经验教训3 执行 3.1调研4控制 4.1状态报告 2 计划 2.1召开项目启动会 2.

8、2准备团队协议 2.3准备范围说明书 2.4准备WBS 2.5准备进度表和成本基线 2.6风险的识别,讨论和分级3.2用户介入3.3内部网站内容3.4内部网站设计3.5内部网站构建3.6内部网站测试3.7内部网站推广3.8内部网站大量使用3.9项目收益度量1 启动 1.1决定/任命项目经理 1.2识别关键的干系人 1.3准备业务案例 1.4准备项目章程A Project ScheduleAfter preparing the WBS, the project team held another face-to-face meeting to develop the project schedu

9、le, following the steps outlined in section 2.5 of the WBS. In the form of a Gantt chart with all dependencies and resources entered.2.5.5 Review and finalize Gantt chart2.5.4 Create draft Gantt chart2.5.3 Determine task dependencies 2.5.2 Determine task durations 2.5.1 Determine task resources A Li

10、st of Prioritized RisksPart of a risk registerErica integrated the risk and project articles mentioned in the business case.She also held a special meeting for everyone to brainstorm and discuss potential risks.According to all the information and results, Erica and her team give the list of priorit

11、ized risks at different levels.缺少内部咨询师的参与缺少客户代表的参与新系统的安全性文章查询和“专家咨询台”栏目的分包/购买处理在线支付事务的分包/购买以实用的方式组织模板和样例提供有效的搜索栏目从高级咨询师处获得好的反馈新系统的有效宣传推广新系统在一年内实现利润12345678910潜在风险等级Project ExecutingExecutingTake actions necessary to ensure that activities in the project plan are completed.Introduce any new hardware,

12、 software, and procedures into normal operations.The products of the project are produced during project execution, and it usually takes the most resources to accomplish this process.Project ExecutingProject Manager Providing strong leadership and using good communication skills were crucial to good

13、 project execution HR issues often occur during project execution, especially conflicts. Erica adjusted her communication style to meet his specific needs.Milestone Report The CEO and project sponsor liked to see progress on projects through milestone reports, which are one type of project report.HR

14、 Issues项目监控一个过程,涉及项目过程的其他环节衡量项目朝目标方向的进展监控项目开展过程中与计划的偏差采取适当措施使项目按计划进展项目监控 整体成本质量规模进度沟通 风险项目监控 使用到的方法使用项目管理软件每周提交周报表每周提交周报表项目监控使用到的方法本周完成的工作项目名称 团队成员名 日期下周需要完成的工作项目变更建议或问题进展出错的部分和原因进展顺利的部分和原因项目监控 使用到的方法使用项目管理软件监控项目的一个重要工具是使用项目管理软件,组员可以提交他们实际的工作时间并及时更新任务信息。项目收尾指利益相关者和客户对最终产品进行验收,使项目或某个项目有序地结束。其重要性在于从项目中吸取经验教训来改进未来的项目。 它包括整体和采购知识领域的收尾工作,输出包括了最终成果,正式验收和收尾,合同文本等。项目收尾1.设计目标2.项目成果总结3.预计和实际的项目开始与结束的时间4.预计和实际的开销5.项目工作陈述6



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