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1、Unit 6 Im watching TV! (Section B 2a2c)一、Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 能够理解时间的表达方式,了解世界各国存在时差现象。2. 能用现在进行时正确陈述正在发生的事情。3. 能够掌握阅读技巧,学会略读和详读。 4. 能用所学知识写出精美文章。 5、情感态度价值观目标,提高学生的观察能力和判断能力,激发他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情,让学生在接近生活常态的交际中能乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。了解中西方文化的不同,了解其他的国家的文化。二、Language points (语言点)1. 词汇:1) 名词n. race, host, study,

2、state, the United States, American, dragon, 2) 形容词adj. American, any, other 3) 动词 v. miss, wish, study 4)代词 pron. other5) 副词 adv. still 2. 句型:I do my homework every day.I am doing my homework now.He cleans his room every afternoon.He is cleaning his room now. 三、Difficulties (教学重难点)1. 理解较长文章。2. 用所学知识

3、写出完整的文章。 四、Teaching ways(教学方法) 三四五 教学法 五、Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. 预习反馈 Check Ss homework.基础训练 第四课时 课堂练习 二 Teach Ss how to use present progressive tense. 2. 小组质疑Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places。A:What time is it in Beijing?B:It is 8:00am now.Talk about the tim

4、es in 2a.3. 3.巩固练习 (1)、Read 2b and find be +doing sentences.(2)、Work on 2b. Read the TV report and answer the questions.Q1. Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?Q2. Does Zhu Hui like his host family? What does he think about his home in China? (3) 、Read and find focusa、 race

5、 game b 、miss c、wish(4) 、Read and finish 2c Work on 2b. Read the TV report and answer the questions.Q1. Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?Q2. Does Zhu Hui like his host family? What does he think about his home in China?4.拓展延伸. Careful Reading 2c、 Read the article again. What are these people doing now? Then fill in the chart below. PlacesShenzhenTimehis dad and unclehis mom and auntPlacesNew York Timethe motherthe fatherZhuhui 5. 小结导预 知识点回顾总结,见课件。 (1) 、Retell the TV report in 2b. (2)、Finish your postcard. (3)、Complete Self Check.


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