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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语 年 级四教学形式新课教 师邢小敏单 位泾阳县兴隆镇符庄小学课题名称Unit 6 What subjects do you have this morning?学情分析分析要点:1.教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等;2.学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线;3.学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点。这节课是陕旅版小学四年级英语上册Unit 6 What subjects do they have this morning? Part A第二课时,这

2、一部分主要通过科目的名称学习句子“What subjects do they have this morning?”和“They have ”的句子。四年级学生已经有了一年多的英语基础,基本的英语习惯已经养成,这节课是上节课的延续,学习句子的前提是将这单元基本的单词掌握。因此,学生没有掌握本节课的单词,句子部分很难掌握。1. 复习并应用所学单词:Math, Music, PE, Chinese, Science, English, Art.2. 学习重点句型:1)How many subjects do they have this morning?2) What subjects do th

3、ey have this morning?3)They have 3. 练习对话,与Partners(搭档)进行表演。练习是掌握本节课重要的途径,课堂上的掌握关键在于练习。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。l 复习并应用所学单词:Math, Music, PE, Chinese, Science, English, Art.l 学习重点句型:1)How many subjects do they have this morning?2) What subjects do they have this morning?3)They have l 练习对话,与Pa

4、rtners(搭档)进行表演。教学过程Step1: Warning up:Greetings:Introduce and say “Hello” to the students.Step2: Show the learning aims:v 复习应用所学单词: Math, Music, PE, Chinese, Science, English, Art.v 学习重点句型:1)How many subjects do they have this morning?2)What subjects do you have this morning?3)They have v 练习对话,与Partn

5、ers(搭档)进行表演。Step3: Learn the new parts.1、 Sing a song.(数字歌曲)2、 Revisions:T:How many books are there in my hands? Lets count.T&Ss: one, two, threeT:There are six books in my hands. What are they?S:3、 Learning the first dialogues:1) Show the schedule of Class One, Grade Four, and ask “What subjects do

6、 they have this morning?”.2) Say the English names of the subjects, and ask Ss to write on the papers or blackboard.3) Leading in the new dialogues. Answer the question: What subjects do they have this morning? 4) Ask the Ss to read the sentences. 5) Practise the dialogues with their partners, and a

7、ct. 4、 Learn the second dialogue1) Show the schedule of Class One, Grade Four, and ask “How many subjects do you have this morning?”.2) Answer the question by themselves, and find“What are they?”3) Practise the dialogue. Step4: Practise and act.1) Ask the Ss to act the dialogues.2) Finish the check

8、work:3) Ask the Ss to act the dialogues.4) Finish the check work:a. How many_(科目) do you have this morning?b. Let me _.c. Chinese, Math, _(英语) and Music.d. What subjects do they _(有) this morning?e. They have _(美术课)和_(游戏课)。板书设计Unit 6 What subjects do you have this morning?They have 作业或预习作业:分角色练习对话。自我评价本节课主要是抓住学生的自身特点,调动学生的自觉性,让学生积极参与,练习对话,在练习中掌握本科的主要内容。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):1、 本节课教师能够抓住细节,抓住本节课内容的灵活性,用多样的方法练习本课内容,是本节课的一大亮点。2、 教师在课堂上对学生及时的鼓励,从学生评价方面鼓励学生。 评议一单位:兴隆镇中心小学 姓名:张宁 日期:2013.11.18



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