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1、困难的国运与雄健的国民篇一:困难的国运与雄健的国民李大钊 (英文翻译)困难的国运与雄健的国民李大钊历史的道路,不会是平坦的,有时走到困难险阻的境地。这是全靠雄健的精神才可以冲过去的。一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到特别宽阔的境地,平原无际, 一泻千里。有时流到特别逼狭的境地,两岸丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。民族生命的进展,其经历亦复如是。人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人所通过的地点,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。老于旅途的人,走到平坦的地点,固是高欢乐兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境地,愈是奇趣横生,觉得在此奇绝壮绝的境地,愈能感到一种冒险的美趣。中华民族现在所

2、逢的史路,是一段崎岖险阻的道路。在这一段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的景致,使我们通过此段道路的人,感得一种壮美的兴趣。但这种壮美的兴趣,是非有雄健的精神的人不可以感遭到的。我们的扬子江、黄河,可以代表我们的民族精神。扬子江及黄河遇见沙漠、遇见山峡都是浩浩荡荡地往前流过去,以成其浊流滚滚,一泻万里的魄势。目前的困难境地,那能阻抑我们民族生命的前进。我们应该拿出雄健的精神,高唱着进展的曲调, 在这悲壮歌声中,走过这崎岖险阻的道路。要知在困难的国运中建造国家,亦是人生最有兴趣的事National Crisis vs Heroic NationLi DazhaoTranslated by Zhang

3、 PeijiThe course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and 1The mighty Yangtse River sometimes flows through a broad section2 with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on vigorously for thousands upon thousands of miles.3 Sometimes it flows to a nar

4、row section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, zigzagging in dangerous twists and turns4likewise.The historical course of mans life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged, dangerous road. While a determined traveler cheerfu

5、lly continues his journey upon reaching a safe and smooth place, he finds it still more fascinating to come to a rugged place, the enormously magnificent spectacle of The Chinese nation is now confronted with a rugged and dangerous section of its historical course. There is also in this section a sp

6、ectacle of enormous magnificence inspires in us passers-by a delightful sensation of splendor. And this delightful sensation, The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are both symbolic of our national spirit. The two mighty rivers negotiate5 deserts and gorges until6 their turbid torrents surge forwar

7、d with irresistible force. The present national crisis can never obstruct the advance of our national life. Let us brace up our spirits and march through this rugged, dangerous road to the tune of our solemn, stirring songs. The greatest joy of life, 7 is to build up our country during its most diff

8、icult days.本篇原文载1923年12月20日新国民第1卷第2号,短小隽永,可谓一首诗意盎然的抒情散文诗。译文除文字须符合英语标准外,应力求传达原文的形象、诗一般的美感和雍容警策的笔调。 1 等于nothing less than。2“境地这里不宜译为place或area等。 3 “一泻万里也可译为rolling on non-stop for tens of thousands of miles或rolling on for thousands of miles at a stretch。 4 Twists and turns为固定短语,zigzagging也可换用meanderin

9、g。全句可译为following a dangerous tortuous course。 5 Negotiate这里的意思是“顺利通过(to succeed in getting past something difficult)。 6 留意until在这里不作“直到为止解,而是that finally(“以致于或“最后)的意思。 7 成语mind you的意思是also take this fact into account,相当于汉语的“请留意或“说确实。(张培基 译注)The Bad Luck of China and the Strong Will of the ChineseLi

10、DazhaoTranslated by Jiang YueThe progress1 of history sometimes comes into a territory full of hardships and hindrances, and only by means of strong will2 can it run through the territory.Sometimes in an extensive and open terrain with boundless plains, a huge and might river flows vigorously down t

11、housands of miles. Sometimes it runs in an imposing and narrow terrain with ranges after ranges of high mountains, crags and cliffs. It zigzags its way down through them, which is drastically hazardous and precipitous3. The progress of a nation undergoes the same experience.The life of human race in

12、 history is just like a journey. The places the travelers have traversed are open and flat here, but craggy and risky there. Walking on a flat and level road, an experienced traveler certainly4 feels delighted. However, walking in a rugged and rough terrain, one can enjoy more wits and humour. Walki

13、ng in such an area of wonderful and magnificent scenes, one can savour more tastes of adventure.The road of history taken today by the Chinese nation is one full of twists and turns. But in this section of the road, there is an extremely fabulous and magnificent view which makes those of us who are

14、going and have gone through it feel glorious and hallowed. It is a feel only those strongly-determined people are capable of enjoying.The Yangtze River and Yellow River stand well for our national spirit. They run into deserts and mountains, and mightily they run. They develop into huge muddy stream

15、s and vigorously they dash and roar down thousands of miles. The current crisis can never stop our nation from advancing forward. Strongly determined, we should sing a march and, accompanied by this touching and tragic song, we march through this rugged and rough section of the road. In life, nothin

16、g can be happier than to build a new country while the nation is having bad luck. 注释(蒋)本文篇幅虽短,但语调悲壮激昂,充分表现了李大钊文章的煽动性和雄壮气概。为传达原文的方式美和音韵美,译文采纳了一些修辞手法,如排比和平行构造。1 这里的“道路实际上指的是历史的进步,故译作“progress。2 “雄健的精神拿现在的话来讲确实是“坚决的意志。3 这两句原文为一句,拆开来译最好,由于如此既可以防止句子冗长,又使其更符合英文散文的语体特点。4 “固这里做“所以讲,故译作“certainly。(蒋 跃 译注)篇二:8困难的国运与雄健的国民导学案附答案8困难的国运与雄健的国民 导学案精彩开篇词天下兴亡,匹夫有责,一个伟大的灵魂,总是把本人的身家命运和民族命运国家命运紧紧地联络在一起,并把本人的生命交付给本人的国家,本人的人民,把它作为终



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