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1、新目标英语七年级上册Unit4 sectionA导学案 主备人:苗芳芳【学习目标】1.牢固掌握Unit 4中重点单词where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, under, desk, room,、短语、句型。2.通过独立思考和小组合作, 能灵活运用方位介词in、on、under的用法,where特殊疑问句3. 能够通过练习熟练掌握询问人、物方位的表达法。【重点难点】方位介词 in、on、under的用法,where is/are和its under,They are on的应用自学导航: 1.你能用英语说出下列物品的名称吗? 1)桌子_ 2)椅

2、子_ 3)床 _ 4)沙发_ 5) 书柜_ 6)钥匙_7)书_ 8)双肩包 _2.你能用英语说出下面的位置吗? 1)在沙发上 _2)在桌子下_ 3)在书包里_一 通过预习,根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1.W_are your parents? They are i_the room.(房间)2.W_is this? Its a sofa.3.The baseball is u_the bed.4.Some photos are o_the wall.(墙)5.My books are i_my backpack.二 Have a check.1.在沙发上_2.在床下_3.在我背包里_4.在桌

3、上_ 5.under the chair_6.on the dresser_7.in the drawer_三。Listen and number the things 1-5 in the picture when you hearthem.(Activity 1b)四。句型转换。1.My backpack is under the sofa.(对画线部分提问)2.His books are on the sofa.(改为一般疑问句)3.Are your books on the table?(作否定回答)4.Her brother is in the tree.(对画线部分提问)5.My

4、pens are in the drawer.(改为否定句)The second period (Section A 2a-4)一预习P20,完成2a和2b.二 用am,is或are填空。1.Where_Tony and Ann? They_on the sofa.2._your uncle an English teacher? Yes,he_.3.Li Lei and I_good friends.4._these your bags?5.Who_that boy over there?三 选用介词in,on,under,to,of填空,不重复。1.There is(有) a ball_t

5、he floor.2.Whats this _English?3.Here is a photo _my famliy.4.Nice _meet you.5.My baseballs are_the chair.四 选择填空。()1.-_-They are on the chair.A.Where is my book?B.Where are my books? C.Whats this? D.What are these?()2.Where is your cat?_A.Its white. B.Its a cat. C.Its under the chair. D.Yes,it is.()

6、3.Where is Nanchang? Its_Jiangxi. A.in B.on C.under D.to()4.Where_your sister?_is under the tree. A.is,HeB.is,SheC.are,HeD.are,She( )5.Wheres the bag?I_know.A. arentB.dontC.isntD.am notThe third period (Section B 1a-2b)一预习P20,找出下面句子的翻译。1.我的数学书在梳妆台上。2.我的闹钟在抽屉里。3.她的录象带在桌子上。4.他的帽子在椅子下。5.你的电子游戏机在床下。二下面句

7、子中均有一错,请找出并改正。1.I am dont know her name._2.Wheres your books?_3.Where are the pencils? Is they in the pencil case?_4.Whats your backpack? Its on the desk._5.Look! Your keys are in the bed._The fourth period (Section B 3a-Self check)一预习单词,根据要求填空。1.Can you _(take/bring)me my hat here?2.Please_(take/br

8、ing)this book to your sister.3.I cant _(take/bring)the table to the room .4.Here is a notebook. You can_(take/bring)it.5.I can see_(some/any)balls on the floor.6.Please _(带)these things to your brother.7.I _(需要)my hat and a pen.8.My alarm clock is _(在地板上)9.Can you bring _(一些东西)to school?10.I can see

9、_(一些照片)on the bed.二根据要求回答。1.no(同音词) 2.do not(缩写形式) 3.can not(缩写形式)4.take(反义词) 5.she,he,it(复数) 6.some/any的用法三完成 3b,然后给朋友写张便条,请他/她从你的房间取四样东西。说清楚这些物品在哪里。四句型转换。1.They can spell “watch”。(改为一般疑问句)2.I can see(看见) some boys in the room.(改为否定句)3.Can your aunt speak(说) English?(作肯定否定回答)4.They are on the sofa.

10、(对画线部分提问)5.I know your phone number.(改为否定句)Unit 4 复习案一语言知识点拓展与运用。1.询问人或物在哪儿,用句型“Where is/are +主语”,回答用it/he/she/they +be+主语如:我的书包在哪里?它在椅子上。_2. on the bed/in bedon the bed 表示在床上, in bed表示因病卧床或躺在床上选择:He is _with a cold(感冒)。/A backpack is _.3. Iknow.的否定式是:_.4 . take/bring表示“拿走,取走”用_,意为“带来”用_课本原句:_,_.改错:

11、Take your books to there./Bring your pen to home.5. 情态动词can(能,可以)的用法肯定式:主语+can+动词原形 如:我能帮助(help)你。_.否定式:主语+cant+动词原形 如:我不能拼写它。_.疑问式:Can+主语 +动词原形?常用Yes,主语+can.或No,主语+ cant来回答课本原句并作肯定否定回答:_.三。 阅读判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F.Dear Lucy,Please take these things to your sister: her hat,watch,math book,keysand alarm c

12、lock.The hat is on the wall.The watch is in the backpack.Themath book is on the table.The keys are on the dresser.The alarm clock ison the bed.Thanks,Mum()1.The hat is on the bed.()2.The note(便条) is from(来自) Lucy.()3.The keys are on the dresser.()4.The watch is in the pencil case.()5.The English book is on the table.



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