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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级高一教学形式听说课教 师潘叶香单 位广东省连州市第二中学课题名称History Makers学情分析分析要点:1.教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等;2.学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线;3.学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点。本课话题为History Makers,学生对书中出现的历史人物有一定了解,因此有助于话题的深入。学生在学习了第一课“Modern Heroes”后,已经了解了一些英雄的特征,树立了一定的“英雄观”,本课将引导学生

2、从创造历史的角度思考英雄人物。学生在本课还要学习表达“同意”、“不同意”及个人观点。本课计划按两课时进行:第一课时通过图片呈现四位历史人物,导入本课主题,学生在教师指导下从听力材料中提取信息,了解马丁路德金等历史人物,进行听力策略的训练;第二课时引导学生关注表达个人观点的功能用语,并运用这些功能用语来表达个人对英雄观的认识和见解。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。第一课时在本课结束时,学生能够:1、 通过听录音节目,初步了解四位历史人物;2、 运用预测和听主旨大意等听力策略,听懂有关马丁路德金的广播节目,提取主要信息;3、 根据所提取的信息,运用相关词汇介绍马

3、丁路德金的生平;4、 通过讨论,理解history maker的内涵。第二课时在本课结束时,学生能够:1、 从人物介绍的角度对所学词汇进行分类和整理;2、 运用已学词汇和功能用语表达个人的观点和看法;3、 在新的语境中运用所学词汇和功能用语进行表达。教学过程First periodLead-inStep 1 Teacher shows pictures of the four people and asks students if they know their names and what they know about them.Listening to Funcction FileSte

4、p 2 Teacher presents some facts about the four people and students try to match the photos with the facts.Step 3 Students read through the Function File and try to complete it.Students listen to the tape and check the answers with the words expressing “agreement and disagreement”.Step 4 Students rea

5、d after the tape and practise pronunciation and intonation.Pre-listeningStep 5 Teacher presents vocabulary in context with a flow chart.Step 6 Students read through the listening strategies and decide T or F about the sentences in Ex.5 on page 25.While-listeningStep 7 First listening: students liste

6、n to the radiio programme, and check their prediction.Step 8 Second listening: T divides the listening material into three parts and plays them separately.Step 9 Third listening: Ss listen to the tape again from the beginning to the end to gain an overall undestanding.Step 10 T asks some questions b

7、ased on the information from the chart as a model. Then Ss work in pairs and ask and answer questions.Post-listeningStep 11 T helps Ss to dewswcribe the life of Martin Luther King based on the information from the chart.Step 12 T invites Ss to name some people who they think are the history makers a

8、nd discuss the meaning of “history maker”.Second PeriodReviewStep 1 T shows pictures of the people learned in the last period and asks Ss to think of the words related to their stories.Step 2 T asks Ss to describe one of the four people using the words they recalled in the previous step.Pre-speaking

9、Step 3 Ss read the texts on page 25 and fill in the table with the information. Ss check answers in pairs.Step 4 T asks Ss to build up their own word bank for describing heroes. Ss classify the vocabulary into categories to describe history makers.Step 5 T asks Ss to think about how to express perso

10、nal opinions, agreement and disagreement.Step 6 T focuses Ss attention on stress. Ss listen to the tape and do Ex.6 on page 25.SpeakingStep 7 Ss discuss in pairs: Of the 7 people in this lesson, who is more important? And why?Step 8 Ss discuss in groups the people on the PPT: Who do they think is a

11、history maker? Do they agree? Why or why not?板书设计First periodWhen what happened1929. 1. 15 King was _ in Atlanta, Georgia.Childhood He often _. He was once asked to _ to a white person. But he believed black and white people should enjoy _.1960s He mainly _ protests to _ black people. He was _ 17 ti

12、mes.1963 He organized a _ to Washington D.C. and _ his _ there.1964 He _ the Nobel Peace Prize.1965 He organized a _ protest. It was Kongs _ victory.1968 He was _ by a white man who _ black people.Second PeriodHeroCareerGenderEventsWords to describe作业或预习Homework 1 Do Ex. 1 and 2 on page 68, and Ex.

13、5 on page 69.Homework 2 Ss do Ex. 3 and 4 on page 68, and Ex. 1 and 2 on page 69. Each group makers a poster, introducing a hero.自我评价1、通过听力练习,扩展了学生的背景知识并帮助学生熟悉新词汇,为下一步的语言输出做了充分的准备2、根据前一课学过的内容和相关词汇,为说的活动做好铺垫,帮助学生体会并练习句子重音。3、创设情景激发学生表达个人心目中的history maker。4、这两节课主要训练学生的听说能力,让学生更加深刻地理解和巩固所学的知识和内容。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):1、 热身和导入,激发了学生的学习兴趣和参与热情。2、 阅读Functional File的内容,为听力做准备,降低听力难度。3、分段播放,既降低了听力难度,也给学生留有充分的时间完成表格。4、将两节课所学词汇归纳总结,为下面说的活动做准备。 评议一单位:连州市第二中学 姓名: 程志友 熊亮英 吴礼娟 吴雪月 日期:2013-11-18



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