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1、7b Unit 1 1 a short women with grey hair 一位头发花白的矮个妇女2 a very good cook 一位好厨师3 be cheerful 快乐的4 probably the best 可能是最好的5 never forget the taste, and the smell 永远不会忘记那味道和气味6 kind and patient 善良、和蔼的7 tell sb jokes 给某人讲笑话8 make sb laugh 使某人发笑 9 make fun of sb 取笑某人10 always remain friends 永远是朋友 11 be fu

2、ll of fun 充满乐趣 12 be strict about our studies 对我们的学习很严厉 13 be strict with sb 对某人很严格14encourage sb 鼓励某人15 give sb support 给某人支持16 give up 放弃17 be successful 成功的Unit 21 in Western Europe 在西欧2 places of interest 名胜古迹3 such as 例如4 department stores 百货商场5 be famous for 因而闻名 6 in the centre of 在 中心 7 lie

3、on the coast 位于海岸线上8 by the sea 靠海9 a summer holiday 一个暑假10 prefer to do 比较愿意做11 try doing sth 尝试做12 why not do 为什么不unit 31 arrive at a hotel 到达旅馆2 fall asleep 入睡3 some time later 过了一会儿4 wake(woke) up 醒来5 with my (your,her,his) help 在我的(你的、她的、他的)帮助下6 the bottom of 的底部7 the sound of 的声音8 finally (at

4、last) 最后9 get down 躺下、倒下10 from under the door 从门底部11 put some wet towels along 将一些湿手巾沿着放12 next to 挨着、靠近13 cant go anywhere 不能去任何地方unit 41 in many ways 在很多方面2 keep the air cool and clean 保持空气凉爽干净3 take in harmful gases 吸收有害气体4 produce oxygen 产生氧气5 fighters against air pollution 抵制空气污染的斗士6 make our

5、lives more convenient 使我们的生活更方便7 in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中8 in fact 事实上、实际上9 a lot of furniture 许多家具10 be made of wood 由木头制成的11 cant imagine 很难想象12 stop doing sth 停止做某事13 for example 例如14 the leaves of trees 树上的叶子15 look around 环顾四周16 a world without trees 一个没有树的世界17 millions of trees 数百万棵树unit51

6、 the tap is on 水龙头开着2 turn that tap off 关掉水龙头3 an angry voice 一个生气的声音4 a drop of water 一滴水5 a few days ago 几天前6 drop into 落入, 掉入7 Its time to do sth 到做某事的时间了8 add some chemicals to 将一些化学物质加入到9 through the pipes 通过管子10 the end of 的末尾,尽头11 your journey 你的旅行12 remember not to do sth 记住不要做某事13 come out

7、of 从出来Unit 61 a packet of sweets 一包糖2 reply (replied) 回答3 went out 出去4 buy electricity in packets 成包买电5 look foolish 看上去愚蠢6 know about 了解,知道7 flow through wires 在电线里流动8 be connected to 连接到 9 a power station 一座发电站10 a moment later 过了一会儿11 the chemicals inside batteries 电池里的化学物质12 Its like water. 就像水1

8、3 in a way 在某种程度上Unit 71 too tired to laugh or play 累得不笑也不玩儿2 worry about the height 担心高度3 hurry to work 匆忙去上班4 take their papers quikly 迅速地拿起他们的报纸5 a patient man 一个有耐心的人Unit 81 my life time hobby 我毕生的业余爱好2 a book about stars 一本关于星星的书3 the beginning of 的开始4 used to do 过去常常5 look like 看起来像6 in different seasons 在不同的季节7 host a TV programme 主持一个电视节目8 in a lively way 以活泼的方式9 last for more than 50 years 持续50多年10 achieve their dreams 实现他们的梦想



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