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1、课时作业5.单词拼写1Its surprising that he has no _ (渴望)for wealth.2Her pale face _ (使惊觉)her mother.3Rules are rules and they must be _ (遵守)4The entire _ (全体员工)in our company has done an outstanding job this year.5It seems quite _ (荒唐的)to expect anyone to drive for three hours just for a ten minutes meeting.

2、6He kept promising her that he would _ (离婚)his wife, but he never actually did it.7There are several people with a lower rank than me in our factorythat is, they are _ (资历较浅的)to me.8To their disappointment, their father never showed them much _ (感情)答案1desire2.alarmed3.obeyed4.staff5absurd6.divorce7.

3、junior8.affection.单句语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1As far as I know, the little boy has a strong desire_ knowledge.2Is _ surprising how quickly children get used to a new environment?3_beautiful furniture you have got in your apartment! I am green with envy.4Youve always been very close to

4、 themin fact, its one of the things I _(envy) about you.5Having been warned of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend_(accompany) her.6The young lady dressed_(elegant) when she went to work.7Could you do me _ favour and pick up Sam from school today?8The rapid spread of the

5、 disease is _(alarm) the medical authorities. They are anxious like a cat on hot bricks.9He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, “let sleeping _(dog) lie.10She was nervous and kept _(scan) the crowd for Paul.答案1for2.it3.What4.envied5.accompanying6elegantly7.a8.alarming9

6、.dogs10.scanning.完形填空(2022年山东省济宁市第一中学高三调研考试)I am a worrier. I worry from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep.Around a year ago, I found my worries _1_ me down and down. I needed a way to reduce my _2_ and make them disappear. Then a brilliant idea occurred to me. Instead of worrying about whatev

7、er _3_ itself to my consciousness at any given moment, and unless I had a _4_ and urgent worry to deal with, Id _5_ myself to worrying about imaginary gluons.This new system _6_ me quite well for a while _7_ the day last month when the captain of the plane I was travelling on failed in his landing _

8、8_ at Shannon Airport, because there was “a problem with the landing gear (起落架). We _9_ for a while. Then the captain announced the issue still couldnt be solved and that the crew would take us through the _10_ for an emergency landing.Suddenly my mothers voice was in my head: “In the_11_ of an emer

9、gency, put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye. I laughed inwardly at my mothers joke, and I wondered why I wasnt _12_. I suddenly realized I was experiencing a complete and total absence of worry, as there was absolutely nothing I could do to _13_ the problem with the plane.As th

10、e runway rose to meet our planes_14_ underbelly and the firefighters _15_ to meet us, I felt a strange and beautiful _16_. And as the plane landed perfectlybecause, as it _17_, the problem was with a sensor and not with the landing gearand people _18_ and hugged one another, I realized I wasnt a _19

11、_ at all. The absence of worry I had just experienced was _20_ an absence of any possibility of control. So Im a control freak, wanting to control everything.And now Im terribly worried about that.1A.letBputCdragged Dcalmed2A.fears BhopesCsorrows Djoys3A mitted BpresentedCcontributed Drecommended4A.

12、specific BconstantCabstract Dsecret5A.expose BreduceCattach Drestrict6A.treated BservedCinspired Dinstructed7A.since BafterCbefore Duntil8A.test BrescueCattempt Dadventure9A.circled BdivedCswung Dtaxied10A.requirement BpreparationCprocedure Darrangement11A.wake BcourseCevent Dlight12A.thrilled Bamaz

13、edCdiscouraged Dterrified13A.identify BacceptCchange Dexplore14A.weird BsickCsoft Dflat15A.fled BmarchedCapproached Draced16A.excitement BnervousnessCastonishment Dcalmness17A.turned out Bbrought outCmade out Druled out18A.responded BcheeredCwept Dcomplained19A.fighter BloserCworrier Dcommander20A.a

14、ctually BstrangelyCrelatively Dnaturally答案与解析本文是一篇记叙文,作者曾经是一个忧心忡忡的人,总是担忧一些无中生有的事情。后来他做出了改变,在一次飞机事故中他始终都很镇定。最后他发现自己以前总是担忧是因为控制欲太强。1C考查动词辨析。A.let 让,使;B.put 放置;C.dragged 拖,拉;D.calmed 使镇定;动词短语drag down意为“拖垮。句意:大约一年以前,发现作者的担忧把自己拖垮了。作者需要一个方法来减少自己的恐惧最终让它们消失。根据句意可知C项正确。2A考查名词辨析及上下文串联。A.fears恐惧,害怕;B.hopes希望;C.sorrows悲伤;D.joys快乐;根据第一段“I am a worrier.可知作者是一个悲观主义者,总是充满了恐惧,所以作者需要一个方法减少作者的恐惧并让恐惧消失。故A项正确。3B考查动词辨析。A mitted犯罪,承诺,托付;B.presented呈现;C.contributed捐献,奉献;D.recommended推荐,建议。句意:作者不担忧那些自动呈现在作者的意识里的事情,除非作者有清楚具体的令人担忧的事情,作者不会让自己去担忧那些想象出的事情。根据句意可知B项正确。



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