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1、七年级Module1-Module3 重点句子测试1. 照片中的那个小女孩是我的妹妹The girl in the photo is my younger sister2. 那个年长的妇女是我奶奶,我们住在同一个公寓The elder woman is my grandmother .We live in the same flat.3. 你们家有多少人?How many people are there in your family?4. 我们家比你们的大,你们家比我们的要小。Our family is bigger than yours. Your family is smaller th

2、an mine.5. 我总是和妈妈一起逛超市,I always go to the supermarket with my mother.6. 但是爸爸从来不和妈妈去公园散步。But Dad never goes to walk in the park with my mother.7. Kitty有一个朋友,他们俩都是11岁Kitty has a friend. They are both eleven (years old ).8. 他们住在同一住宅区,但不同的街区They live in the same housing estate ,but in different blocks.9

3、. 他们总是放学后一起玩。他们很乐意在一起.They always play together after school. They are very happy to be together.10. Kitty请求Alice和她一起在公园里吃午餐Kitty asks Alice to have lunch with her in the park.11. 你去过海洋公园吗? 不,我还没有去过那里Have you been to Ocean Park yet? No, I havent been there yet.12. 我刚去过玫瑰园,明天我准备去水世界I have just been t

4、o Rose Gardens. Im going to Water World tomorrow.13. 你是做什么工作的 What are you ?=What(job) do you do?=Whats your job?14. 我是消防员,我喜欢帮助别人I am a fireman .I like to help others. (或者other people)15. 你愿意做什么工作? What job would you like to do?16. 我想当一名出租车司机I want to be 或I would like to be a taxi-driver.17. 我愿意当一名

5、医生,因为我想使病人康复I would like to be a doctor .because I want to make sick people better.18. 让我们快一点去中山公园Lets go to Zhong shan Park quickly.19. 让我们悄悄的走进去Lets walk in quietly.20. 那些蓝色的小鸟正慢速飞行Those small blue birds are flying slowly.21. 你去过深圳的哪里? 我去过欢乐谷(Happy Valley)Where have you been in Shen zhen? Ive been

6、 to Happy Valley22. 昨天你在街上看到小汽车了吗 没有Did you see any cars in the street yesterday? No ,I didnt see any .23. 三天前我在这条马路上看到五辆卡车I saw five lorries on this road in the street three days ago.24. Eddie住在学校附近。Eddie lives near the school.25. 他每天到校只花五分钟时间It takes him only five minutes to get to school every da

7、y.26. Danny住的离学校不远,Danny lives not far from school.27. 他每天到校需要大约半个小时It takes him about half an hour to get to school. 28. 你住的离学校远还是近? 我住离学校近。Do you live far from school or near school? I live far from school.29. 你通常如何上学? How do you usually go to school?30. 我通常步行上学。 I usually walk to school.= go to s

8、chool on foot.31. 你每天上班需要多长时间?How long does it take you to go to work?32. 不要摘花,不要留下垃圾。Dont pick flowers. Dont leave rubbish.33. 路上有车辆吗?Is there any traffic on the road?34. 从斑马线穿过马路,请走快一点。Cross the road at the zebra crossing .Walk quickly, please.35. 我们不允许在教室里吃东西、喝水We mustnt eat or drink in the class

9、room.36. 我们必须把书包放在我们的课桌下面We must put our bags under the desks. 37. 让我们到超市为烧烤买一些吃的和喝的Lets go to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks for the barbecue.38. 我喜欢鸡翅,因为他们很好吃I like chicken wings .because they are very delicious / tasty.39. 你买了些什么? What have you bought?40. 你买对虾了吗 我买了一些Have you bought

10、any prawns ? Yes ,I have.41. 你在哪里买的 在市场里,一个鱼摊上Where did you buy them? In the market ,at a fish stall.42. 这些西红柿多少钱? How much are the tomatoes?43. 我们每天需要多少水果 How much fruit do you need every day? 44. 我们每天需要大量的水果We need a lot of = lots of = plenty of fruit every day.45. 我们的身体需要食物给我们能量Our bodies need fo

11、od to give us energy.46. 我们的身体需要大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜Our bodies need plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.47. 这个周你吃了什么?What have you eaten this week?48. 我吃了一些猪肉和香肠和足够的蔬菜I have eaten some pork ,sausages and vegetables.49. 你有一个好的饮食还是一个差的饮食?Do you have a good diet or a bad diet?50. 最后,把匹萨饼放在热烤箱里烤20分钟Finally, bake the pizza in the hot oven for twenty minutes.2


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