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1、Module8 Unit1There are stone animals.大庆高新区学校 孙春艳【教学目标】1.认读stone, animal, elephant, horse四个单词。 2.学习运用“There is are”句型谈论存在的人或东西。 3.了解我国著名景点Ming Tombs, 培养学生的爱国情感。【教学重点】运用“There is are”句型谈论存在的人或东西。【教学难点】能够正确区分“There is”和“There are”。【教学准备】CAI,卡片,录音机,磁带,内装石头的盒子,各种物品。【教学过程】一、Warming-up1. Greeting.T:Hello,c

2、hildren,I have got a box ,Touch and guess: Whats in the box? (盒子里装有石头)二、Presentation1. Teach the word “stone”.stone means “石头” guess how many ?”(叫二、三个孩子猜)T:Then lets count.There are 24.反复读(三四遍)now how many stones are there?(引出孩子们总结二十几数字的说法)T:So clever! Children ,do you like animals? Ss:Yes,I do.T:I

3、can use stones to make animals. look ,there is a horse .(教授新词) whats meaning?(学生回答)(出示大象图片)引导孩子说出There is an elephant.(回答对的一组分别命名为大象、小马、骆驼组)So many stone animals. (出示明陵幻灯片,整体读两遍) so this class well learn module 8 unit1 there are stone animals.贴上本课挂图,What place is it? Do you know? (Teach “the Ming To

4、mbs”)Its a very famous place in China. Its in Beijing. What are there at the Ming Tombs? Lets go with the Smarts and visit the Ming Tombs.三、Practice1. Listen and find “There is”, “There are”.2. Listen repeat .3. Try to answer the questions:(Read by yourself 1 minitutes)(1) What are there at the Ming

5、 Tombs?(2) How many stone animals are there?板书:There are stone animals 24. There is an elephant a horse.4、自读课文并表演。(1) Read the text in groups.(2) Act out the dialogue.5.Now ,children well have a match,magic eyes.(考考你的眼力)(出示幻灯片几幅不同的图片)用“there is there are”(小组适时奖励小动物图片)操练句型“There is/ are”(幻灯出示班级孩子的书包、

6、文具盒、衣柜里的物品)四、Production1. Hope for Children(幻灯出示贫困山区的孩子)(1)T: We bought many things from the supermarket. How many are there in your room/ your bag/ pencil-box? Ss: There are/ is . T: But there are some children. They have nothing. They are eager to study. Lets look at the screen. Do you want to hel

7、p them? Ss: Yes!(2)T: There are two books for them! What about you? You should say “There isThere are T: Who wants to donate your things? (进行捐赠) T: There are so many things! Lets sum up! Who wants to help me?学生用句型 “How many are there?”进行统计。(发统计表,同桌进行问答并统计) T: We are helpful. Were kind. Ill forward y

8、our things to the children. I think they will be very happy. Were happy, too.五、Cooler1. Summary: 难点点拨并强化。(1)T: Children, please look at the blackboard. There is a lion/ a horse/ a camel/ an elephant. Whats the difference? Can you find?小结:在以元音开头的单词前要用冠词an.(2)How to use “There is/ are”?小结:There is +名词

9、单数 There are+名词复数(强调名词复数后加-s或-es)Count: How many elephantscamelshorses are there?2. Homework: 用“There is/ are”向父母介绍学校和家中的物品。Blackboard: Module 8 unit1 There are stone animals.How many stone animals are there?There are 24.There is an elephant. There is a horse.学生通过学习了解中西方文化的差异二、教学点:Practicing the dri

10、lls with others, using the sentences: There is-. There are-.2 难点:能用英语灵 三、课前准备1、 教具:单词卡片、 配套课件、PowerPoint课件、教学挂图2、 学具: 课本、活动手册四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1、Free talk: 师生问答生生互答T: Do you like animals? Ss: Yes, we do.T: What animals do you like?S: I like dogs.( rabbits cats pandas tigers-) Say and point Step 2

11、 Presentation and practice 1学习新知识:1)教师出示图片Look, there is a dog. Teacher points to the picture and says:There is a-. Have the children practice the sentences2) Teacher points to two same animals and saysThere are two-.学生练习句子3) Write the two sentences on the boards and find out the difference between

12、the two sentences.4) Watch the video of the animals and have the children say out whats in the zoo?Ss: There is a-. / There are -.1) Learn the new words: camel, stone animalsLittle teacher teach the words and check.Read the sentences together.2. 学习对话:1) T: Now were having a good time at the zoo. But

13、 what about Sam and Amy? Where are they? And what are they doing? Lets watch the video.Watch the video of the dialogue the first time.Teacher asks question: Where are they?Learn the new expression: The Ming Tombs 2) T: What are they doing in the Ming Tombs? Lets watch the video again.Watch the video

14、 the second time. And have some questions for children: Whats in the Ming Tombs?How many stone animals are there? Is there a monster?After the video, discuss the questions in group, then answer the questions.3) Listen, point and repeat the diue4) Act out the dialogue. First practice in groups.Then g

15、ive each section a role in the conversation, either Amy, Sam, mum, dad. Act out the dialogue, with each group saying the corresponding text.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1) Watch and say whats in the picture?2) Guessing game: Whats in Santa Clauss bag?3) Practice: Read the article and design your roomStep 4 Summary总结本课学的知识:用英语描述存在的事物ls教案和反思2010-12-14 15:03:45|分类 Module 8 Unit1 There are stone animals. 一、教学目标与要求


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