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1、8B Unit 4 期末复习题一根据提示完成句子:10%1.I have d some money to the Spring Bud Project.2.Who has been c_ the host of a charity?3.Can you a_ on the Internet?4.Theyre making a (海报) for the show.5.Daniel wants to learn more about the different (charity) in China.6.The students are talking about r money for Charit

2、y.7.Why are you holding a (麦克风)?8.There are many ways to raise money for c .9.Would you please help me (扶)the ladder?10.Its better to do more, but talk l .11.Andy Law will give three_(perform) in Nanjing this year.12.Will you please pay_(注意) to what I am saying?13.I dont know what made him laugh so_

3、(excite).14.He made a_(decide) not to go there this week.15.We are proud of your_(successful),Daniel. Said father.16.Many museums in Yangzhou are open to the_for free.(公众)17.He never talks a lot.He is a_boy.(silence)18Many families in China spend a lot money on childrens_(.educate)19.The price of th

4、e houses in this city is always_very quickly.(rise)20.Many local_(企业)are now in trouble because of financial crisis(金融危机)二选择题:20%( )1.Jim acted as host to his fathers friends. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2.Please tell me what _ the girl. A. was happened to B. was happened for C. happened with D.happene

5、d to( )3. Tell me if you _ her birthday party if you _. A. will go to, invite B. go to, will invite C. will go to, are invited D. go to, will be invited( )4. Those boys are told _ much noise in class.A. do not make B. not make C. not making D. not to make ( )5.-My spoken English is poor. What shall

6、I do? -Thats easy. Practise it as much as possible.A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. to speak( )6. Preparing for the thing them six hoursA. spent B. paid C. cost D .took( )7.Would you mind the floor?A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D. cleaning( )8.Leaflets should be _ ask people to take part in the ac

7、tivityA. sent out to B. given out C. given out to D.give( )9。Her mother threw her notes into the dustbin _ mistakesA. by B. for C. at D. with( )10 The old man kept _ there all day. A. to lie B. lie C.lieing D.lying ( ) 11 Why not remember _ the letter for me when you go to town this afternoon? A. to

8、 post B. posting C. to be posted D.possting( ) 12 - She likes to go shopping on Sunday.-_?A. So I do B. So do I C. So did I D. So am I ( ) 13. Kunming is famous _ its nice weather. A. in B.as C.for D.with ( ) 14. Im _cold now. A. a bit B.a bit of C.a few D.a little of ( )15. The boy was chosen _ the

9、 singer of the party. A.to be B.be C.being D. will be ( ) 16. He is busy _ a speech for the show. A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.prepares ( ) 17. He had to speak loudly to make me _.A.understand B.understanding C.understood D.to understand ( ) 18. I _you to become a famous singerA. hope B. wi

10、sh C. think of D. think ( ) 19. Please dont eat _food.A. much too B.too much C.most D.many ( ) 20. The teacher must _ carefully in class by the students. A.listen B. be listened to C. be listened D. listen to三.句子翻译:22%1.我们应该发传单叫人们捐款。We should ask people money.2.我希望我能当主持人。I I be the host.3. 练习得越多,你的英

11、语就说得越好。 you practice, you speak English.4. 我过去常常住在上海,但现在我住在北京。I in Shanghai, but now I live in Beijing.5. 妈妈叫我不要在雨天骑车。Mother me the bike days.6. 每天保持快乐很重要。 is important every day.7.他们正通过卖书来进行慈善募捐。 They are money for charity by books.8.我们组织一次慈善演出,好吗?Lets a charity show , ?9.只要我去,他才会去。She will go _ _I

12、 go10.Ricky 三个月前就开始着手这场慈善演出了。Ricky _ _ on the charity show three months ago.11.许多人向希望工程捐款。Many people _ money _Project Hope.12我希望更多的影星被邀请.I that more film stars can .13一切似乎发生多那么快,现在一切都结束了。Everything _ _ happen _ fast and now it is _ _.14.许多工作都需要准时完成。A lot of work _ _ _ on time.15.他希望能有一天去月球旅行。He wishes he _ _ a trip _ the moon.16.那幅画已被挂在客厅里了 The picture _ _ _ in the sitting room.四用所给词的适当形式填空。16 %1. Look, a building _( build) over there


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