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1、八年级上期末复习补全对话专练一:A: I know you like1._ basketball. When do you2. _ play it? B: I usually play it 3._Saturday and Sunday afternoons.A:4._ 5._do you play it every time?B:Two hoursA:6._do you play basketball with?B: Some of my classmates. A:7._ do you play it?B: On a playground not far8._ our school.A:

2、Can I play it 9._you this week?B: Of 10. _ .You are welcome二A:Excuse me. May I ask you some questions?B:CertainlyA:1._B:I eat them every day.A:Do you like them?B:2._But doctors say fruit and vegetables are good for my health.A:Do you like junk food?B:3._But I try to eat it only once a week.A:Why?B:4

3、._A:How many hours do you sleep every night?B:5._A:Oh,I think you must be in good health.三A:1._,boy?B:I had a bad headache last night.A:2._?B:Im feeling even worseA:Let me take your temperature.Its a cold.You should lie down and rest.B:3._A:No,I dont think its serious.But youd better take this medic

4、ine.B:4._A:Three times a day.B:5._A:Youre welcome.四A:Whats your touble?B:1._A:How long have you been like this?B:2._A:Have you taken your temperayure?B:3._A:Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say“Ah”B:4._A:Youve just got a cold.Its nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day and drink

5、 more hot water.B:5._五A:1._B:I am not feeling well .I think I have a cold.A:Let me have a look.2._B:About three days.A:Oh.3._B:Yes,my head hurts badly.A:You should lie down and have a rest.B:4._A:Yes,you have to take some medicine. I hope you get better soon.B:5._六A:Hi, Mike!B:Hi Linda!A:Mike,1._B:I

6、m going to the Chlidrens Hospital.A:2._B:Because I want to visit my aunt.She works there.A:3._B:Yes,she is. She helps doctors. And 4._A:Im waiting for my friend. We re going to see the animals in the zoo.B:5._A:Thank you.See youB:See you.七A:Summer holiday is coming.1._B:Yes, Im going to my hometown.

7、A:2._B:For about a mounth.3._A:I want to travel to Hainan Island. Its a beautiful place of interest.B:4._But I have to visit my grandparents in my home- -town.A:It doesnt matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, youll have enough time to go traveling.B:5._Then I will go to my hometown as

8、 soon as the holiday begins. A:OK! I will wait for you until you come back.B:thats a deal! Thank you!八A: Excuse me.1._B: Sorry. Im new here. You can ask my friend. He may know. C: The Childrens Hospital? Er Its near Yuetan park,but its a little far from here.A: 2._C: Its about 5 kilometer away.A:3._

9、C:Yes. The No.15 bus will take you right there.A:Where is the bus stop?C:4._and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You cant miss itA:5._C:Youre welcome.九A:Hi, Bill.1._ B:This afternoon? Yes ,Iam.A:We are having a baseball game.2._B:3._But Im afraid I cant. I have to go

10、 to the doctor.A:To go to the doctor? Why? Whats the matter?B:I have a sore back.A:Im sorry to here that.4._B:Sure.5._十A:Look at the poster, whats that?B:Its a job ad.A:What does it want?B:1._A:2._B:I think Liu Li shoud.A:Why do you think so? Is Li Bing OK? I know Li Bing graduated from Education Un

11、iversity. Hes more intellectual than Liu Li and 3._. He is good at sports, so he is more athletic.B:Yes. But he is a boy. A:What about li Shasha? She likes to do the same things as Liu Li does, I think.B:4._A:Well, as we can see Wei Hua is outgoing, too.B:But shes only 15 years old.5._A:Well,youre r

12、ight. I agree.十一A:Who is your best friend?,Henry?B:PeterA:Why is he a good friend?B: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. 1._A:Are you good at sports, too?B:Well, I like sports.2._ Id say we are both pretty outgoing,though.A:3._B:He is funnier than I am, and he is wilder.A: 4._ Who is your best friend?C:My best friend is Vera. Some people say that we look the same. 5._And I am more outgoing.十二A:Hi!



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