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1、人教版英语必修二Uni5 Muic 一、单元基本知识回忆:(一)本单元词汇翻译练习(答案见教材词汇表):滚动、卷状物 民间的爵士音乐 音乐人士、音乐家假装 系上、缚上形成、使形成 过路人、行人挣得、赚(钱) 乐器、工具表演、执行 表演n酒吧、酒馆 钞票演播室、工作室、录音棚 富豪、百万富翁男演员、行动者 依托、依赖 广播、播放 风趣的、诙谐的熟悉的 吸引人的加、增长 浸自信的 简短的、简要的投入、热爱n. 后来、然后dv.邀请、招待 胡须敏感的、易受伤的 痛苦的梦想 说实话觉得(故意义、重要)、附上、链接 用钞票逗乐、戏弄、开玩笑 依托(短语)对熟悉、熟悉 大概解体、分裂、打碎 此外、也分类

2、一方面、最重要的是古典的、古典文艺的 摇滚乐管弦乐队(交响乐队) 名声兴奋(n) 再统一、重聚(二)本单元语法知识复习- “介词+关系代词”定语从句、 把下列句子中定语从句部分下划线,并在横线上写出定语从句的先行词。1 H ofte drems of playing ron of ounds f peole at a cocert, at whhevone is lapingand apprcatg his muc. _2They aysaraaoupof sudents, orwo pcing theirmusi n smeones hou s th rst stepto fam _ 3.

3、uscans weeto pla jkeso ach other as well asplayusic, oof whch was based looseltheeatles. _4.Tey ma v perfrman in pubsor clubs, or whi ar ids ca. _ 5.Aftr a year or sn wh thy eaemore seriousaotei wo, te Mnes stated tpandsi eir own gs. _ .Theyouced a new rco in 199, wth hich teycelbrated heir fometime

4、 areal ban. _ 、把下列每题的两个句子用“介词+关系代词”连接成含定语从句的句子,并在先行词下下划线。1. Thelimbedup to tetop f a motan Thegot a godvi. I ul like to thk my tuto(指引教师). would nrhave finshed ework . Se has no movedac tthe huse. She a orn. 4. The star i to enamedater the sceni. It as scvered .Tis is te ball. immy scorthre oals i e

5、inalgam.6 He i no aleobe(击败、敲打、跳动) his unce. He ardho o pace 7. Theook is ejod by adltas well as chilen. It was pimrily(重要)written. 8. There a till m things n rsolar(太阳的)sem. e knownthg. 二、课文回忆:根据课文内容和首字母填空。 For stbads, tey a sars a group o hih-scho s_ ndp_ theimsic insmeones houe.They mayplay p_ sm

6、ies. Later teyyge _ i pbso clubsn be pid in c_ . Howvr,h nkee fomed ina ffrent way. he started as TV s_. TheTVogizers t a _ n a nwsper okig fr fur rc m_ . I thi b, the meber playdj_ oneac oth aswel a pyed m_ .Thr p_ were h_ .A first, theMokeesjust p_ toingdurig thebrodcsts. hey playe and sagsongs wr

7、tnby ohem_ . Afea year s, hy started t play ansingthei o_songs iea real band hen e beme evme p_ thn he eaes and soevemore rcords.Th bad_ up bout 970 butth _ihemid980s. They rocd nw recoin 196, with hih theyc_ theiformerime realband. 三、基本知识训练:练习一:词汇练习.(A)根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。.A sog writerus don entes of a

8、songon a staff(五线谱),an a _ten layhe tune(调子、曲子).2 He walke by, p_ ot oee e 3. H waked by, andhe p_ ot o se me 4.Sh a_ sam to the envelopea ald it. 5. Ice eganto _utse th do i uch cold weater.(形成)hey let ther hmetown aoveto theg cit toe_ much mney.7.Poice aed the p_ if he had se the ccidn. (路人) Break

9、fast i proided an e_ hage(收费、要价)9.Most pupillrn t pa musical _ (乐器)0.I ave o c_e. Ipay by crei ard(信用卡)?11. Thebnd spent ix monhs n h _(工作室、演播室) okig on theirnew lbum(专辑、相册). () 根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1.Se d_ o becomn adoctor wh she a little girl.2.Wr yo ervous hen ou gave a _ (表演) or te firsime? Whensh a cimbng te high mouna,she wasit bya_



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