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1、中考基础语法聚焦之代词掌握代词的含义以及人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、不定代词和疑问代词的基本用法。(一) 中考目标精讲1、熟练掌握人称代词主格和宾格的形式及基本用法。2、掌握形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的形式及基本用法。 人称类别单 数复 数一二三一二三主 格IyouhesheitWeyouthey宾 格meyouhimheritUsyouthem形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsOuryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsOursyourstheirs反身代词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfour

2、selvesyourselvesthemselves3、理解反身代词的基本用法。例如: She learned French herself. Its hard to do the work all by ourselves.We need help .4掌握常见不定代词的一般用法。分 类都都不任何(一个)每(一个)另一个涉及两者时bothNeithereithereachthe other涉及三者及三者以上时allNoneanyevery another不定代词可以代替名词或形容词,并有可数( few,many)与不可数(little,much)的区别。不定代词没有主格和宾格之分,在句中可作

3、主语、宾语、表语、定语等。但some,any,no,every等构成的复合不定代词something,anything,nobody,everyone等只能作主语、宾语或表语,不能作定语。例如Everything goes well!万事如意!注意every,no只能作定语。例如: Every child can get a gift .I have no idea about it。5熟练掌握指示代词的基本用法,并理解其在上下文中的指代用法。6熟练掌握疑问代词who,whom ,whose,which,what的基本用法。7掌握it的基本用法。1指代上文提到过的名词There is a pe

4、n on the desk. Its mine.2表示时问、天气、距离等Its nine fifteen now. Its raining so heavily. Its about 400 meters from here3做句子的形式主语及形式宾语 It took villagers ten years to build that road. They found it hard to learn English well.4组成强调句结构It isthat/whoIt was yesterday that I met her in the park. 注:成都市中考对下列不定代词考察较多

5、汉语意思有一些 几乎没有修饰可数名词a few Few修饰不可数名词a little little 用法区别肯定含义否定含义(二)基础过关题A、用所给代词的适当形式填空 1This is not my pencilbox (I)is in the school bag2The volunteers love (they)students in that small village in the west of China3一 Who teaches (you)painting? 一 Nobody,I teach (I)4The foreigner enjoyed (he)in Qinhu La

6、ke last week5You may use (me)penIll use (she)6 Are these books (you)? No,they are not mineThey belong to (she)7My parents gave (I)a nice toy dog for my birthday8Their English teacher is from America,but (we)is from England9The books on the shelf are oursThose on the floor are (they)10一 Do you know D

7、avid? 一 Yes,I know (he)very wellB、根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子1一 Is this your classroom,boys? 一 No,it is not (我们的)2The story (本身)is very interesting3If you find (一些不寻常的现象),please contact us at once4 (请随便吃)some fruit,children5I read two books last week. One is about the greatest astronaut,and (另一个)is about the gre

8、atest scientist6There are many trees and flowers (在街道的两边)now7These sweaters are too small for meWould you please show me (另一个)?8Mr Huang teaches (我们)English,and we like him very much9一 Can you speak English,Mr Wang? 一Yes,but only (一点)10 Which club would you like to join,Art Club or Basketball Club?

9、一 (随便哪一个)is OKIm good at them11一 Whose comic book is this? 一Its (他的)12 I prefer speaking to listening in English learning 一Oh,really? I think you should be good at (两者都)of them13Shanghai is larger than (任何一个)city in Sichuan14Work hard at English (没有什么)is difficult if you put your heart into it.15.Wo

10、uld you please buy some salt for me,Tony? (几乎没有了)16There is (有人)knocking at the doorPlease go and see (是谁)17一 Can you tell me which your dictionary is? 一 (有漂亮图片的那个)18一 She is too busy to help us finish the work Lets do it (独自)19The father wished the twins to be doctors,but (他们)didnt like to study me

11、dicine20一 The exam was very easy,wasnt it? 一 Yes,but I dont think (每一个人)could pass itC、单项填空1I cant find my watch,but it must be in this room Aeverywhere Bnowhere Canywhere Dsomewhere2 Yesterday I lost my pencil sharpenerI cant find 一 Oh,its a pityYoud better buy this afternoon Ait,it Bit,one Cone, i

12、t Done,one3 Wow! Youve got so many skirts Thanks,I think of them are in fashion now Aa11 Bboth Cneither Dnone4 When shall we go to the museum,this afternoon or tomorrow morning? 一 is OKIm free these days ABoth BA1l CEither DEvery5Each of us should have life goals,which will guide us to a bright futu

13、re Without life goals,we may waste our lifetime Aa little B1inle Ca few Dfew6George reads the newspaper every morningThats habit Ahe Bhim Chis Dhimself7She is new here,so we know about her. Anothing Bsomething Canything Deverything8 Is this your jacket,Joy? No,Its not jacket is yellow Amy,My Bmy,Mine Cmine,Mille Dmine,My9I am thirstyCould l have coke



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