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1、五上 Unit1 Part A Lets learn一、Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: Ss can listen,read, write and say the words old, young, funny, kind,strict. And they can learn the sentences: Whos your .teacher? . Is he/she.? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.Ability aim: Ss can use these sentences to talk about people.Emotio

2、nal aim: help ss to estimate people correctly.二、 Teaching procedures一 Warm-up 1Show a picture of some classrooms.(Music room Art room Computer room Lab )2点击CAI,各个教室出现不同的老师.T: Whos he /she ? S: He s/Shes my music/art / computer/ science teacher .3教师自编一个chant :Tall tall tall, computer teacher is tall.

3、Short short short ,science teacher is short .Thin thin thin ,art teacher is thin .Strong strong strong, music teacher is strong .Funny funny funny,theyre so funny.二 、Presentation 1设计一位转学来学校的新朋友Zip(让他做个有趣的动作)T: This is Zip .He is .S: Funny .T: Yes, he is funny. Do you like him ? This term he will be

4、our new classmate.2点击Zip, 让Zip介绍自己的学校和老师。(出示主情景图)1)Zip: Look! This is my math teacher . Hes tall and thin .T: Whos your Chinese teacher ? Zip 假装没听到,教师适时让全班学生一起问: Whos your Chinese teacher ?Zip: Miss Zhang .T: Whats he like ? (教师用体态语帮助学生理解 )Zip:Hes short and strong .T: Yes , hes tall and strong .Prac

5、tise: “short tall thin strong ”出示一些卡通图人物。2)Ss(教师启发学生问)Whos your music teacher and whos your art teacher ? Zip: Guess. ( Ss guess.)Ss: Whats she /he like ?Zip: Shes young and hes old .Practise “ young old “Ss: Whos your computer teacher?Zip: Mr Li. T(出示一个和蔼可亲的的笑脸):Whats he like ?Ss: Hes(让学生随意描述之后教师导出

6、kind)T: Lets see . In our school who is kind ?Am I kind ? Practise: My.teacher is kind . is kind .三、Practise : 活动设计1: Make a new chant . My grandpa is old .My mother is young . My father is tall . My little brothers short .My uncle is strong .My aunt is thin . Theyre all very kind. And Im kind ,too.

7、活动设计2 :Read and match . 活动设计3:Describe the pictures.(Ask and answer Whos this? Hes /Shes Whats he/ she like ? Hes/Shes . 活动设计4 :Discuss the picture (学生自由操练,自带家人、朋友老师的照片,在真实的情景中综合运用所学语言。) 活动设计5:Guessing game (活动形式Ss-s s-s)-Whos your good friend ?-Guess. -Boy or girl? -Boy. -Whats he like ? -Hes tall

8、and cool. He has two big eyes. Hes eleven.-Is he ?- Yes ,youre right./ No .四、Funny time Listen to the song: My new teacher 五Assessment1 Activity books .2 Check up the answers.本节课时一节词汇课,目的就是让孩子们从音形义上掌握单词,并能够在实际生活中去运用对人物进行描述。本节课在设计上通过Zip来介绍不同的老师来学习老师们的性格特征以及复习有关外貌特征的单词。同时,在学习中还达到了词不离句的效果,学生不仅学会了单词而且学会了相关的句子“Whos your.teacher?” . Hes/Shes.同时本节课练习环节的设计也是考虑到了英语学习要结合语境的特点,从描述家人朋友这些孩子们生活中熟悉的人物开始,能够提高学生们积极性。但是,练习环节的设计缺少一些机械性练习,应再增加一些音形义的练习,再进行语篇、语句的练习,这样会达到更好的效果。


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