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1、MAKING THE NEW YOUfrom Your First Contactby Sheldan NidleIllustrations by Miriam de Vera塑造全新的你们Sheldan Nidle的第一次接触米里亚姆德维拉插图Good day! This is your guide, Sandara, speaking.白天好!这是你们的指导,Sandara演讲。So far, the journey into your ever-expanding consciousness has explored the reasons you stand poised at thi

2、s important juncture in your reality. We are now approaching the part of this cruise that I most enjoy. As an exo-biologist, I have been schooled in the many aspects involved in transforming your present body into a fully-conscious one, or a New You.迄今为止,你们进入无限扩展意识的旅程已经探索了你们以这实相里重要的接合点保持平衡的这个原因。我们现在

3、正接近这我非常喜爱巡航的一部分。作为一位exo-遗传生物学家,我已经在很多方面学习了,包括转化你们现在的身体进入全意识一,或一全新的你们。To birth this New You involves a process that presently is integrating your Spirit (Full Self) with your physical self. A unique change in your physical bodys RNA/DNA and in its current energy centers (or chakras) is occurring. The

4、se remarkable modifications will permit you to transform yourselves from your current state of limited consciousness to a state of full consciousness. At this point you may well ask: what is full consciousness?全新的你们的诞生包括一个作用过程,那就是将你们的身体自我与你们的灵魂(全我)联结成一整体。在身体里的RNA/DNA独特的一项改变就在身体目前的能量中心(或脉轮)正在出现。这显著的修

5、正将允许你们从当前的有限意识状态向全意识状态转变你们自己。基于这一点你们也许有充分的理由可以发问:全意识是什么?Full consciousness is a wondrous state in which the realms of the physical and the spiritual are fully merged. You possess psychic talents such as telepathy (thought communicating), telekinesis (ability to move objects through thought), and cla

6、irvoyance (ability to see into the future). Moreover, with the inherent gift to vividly see the world of Spirit, you are able to converse freely with your beloved departed ones as well as with the Spiritual Hierarchy. In short, your now latent, Christ-like abilities become fully manifested.全意识是一非常让人

7、惊奇的状态,在这状态里 ,身体和灵性领域是完全融合的。你们具有精神才能例如心灵感应(思想传递),心灵遥感促动(通过思想移动物体的能力),透视千里眼(看见未来的能力)。此外,用天赋才能生动地看见灵魂世界,你们可以自由地与你们所爱的已故的人以及灵魂层次交谈。简单就是,你们现在潜伏像基督那样的能力就会完全展现。One of the first steps in this multi-faceted process is for your local Spiritual Hierarchy to raise the frequencies of your mental, emotional, and

8、physical bodies. This procedure increases your spiritual awareness and is one of the reasons behind the phenomenal explosion in sales of metaphysical and self-help literature and their related audio and videotapes. Likewise, a vast global movement is underway, transforming the many fields of healing

9、 and medicine. Thus, a firm foundation is being established for the entrance of a new paradigm into this present reality.在这多面向作用过程最初步骤之一是为你们本地灵魂层级去提升你们的精神、情感和肉体身体的频率。这个程序增大了你们的灵性觉醒,这是随后的以大量纯粹哲学和自我帮助文学和与之相联的广播电视现象爆发的原因之一,同样地,一项大型全球运动在起步,许多疗愈和医学领域的转换。这样,为进入这当前的实相一新范例的入门打下了一坚实的基础。Dear Hearts, know that

10、 this starship is endowed with the marvelous ability to shrink to a size from which we can explore in great detail the interior and the exterior of your transforming body. In this way, we can view your changing subtle (or Light Body) fields. Before we begin this journey, I wish to say a few addition

11、al words about the ongoing nature of your transformational process.亲爱的心,了解这恒星飞船被赋予非凡的能力去收缩尺寸,从这尺寸上我们能够详细探索你们身体转化的内外在。以这方式,我们能够观看你们的变化精细微妙(光体)领域。在我们开始这旅程前,我想要说一些另外的话关于这正进行的你们的转换过程的自然状态。With these preliminary steps underway, the Spiritual Hierarchy and we in the Galactic Federation are performing anot

12、her group of fundamental operations. These procedures begin by purging much of the toxicity (negative emotional energies and experiences) that you have imperceptibly accumulated since childhood. Over the last few years, your local Spiritual Hierarchy has engaged you in an extensive series of gradual

13、 cleansings that are preparing your physical, mental, and emotional bodies for your coming transformation in consciousness.借助这些正在进行、灵魂层级的初步的步骤,我们在银河联盟正在履行另外族群的基本的运转。这些程序通过净化大量的而你们从孩童时期觉察不到的积累的毒性(负面情感能量和经验)开始,经过最后的几年,你们的本地灵魂层级就使你们参与一连续集中的逐渐净化,在你们即将来临意识转化里准备好你们的身体、精神和情感身体的净化。Second, another series of

14、related procedures resets the circuitry of your brain and re-works your neurological system. These processes initiate a series of new feelings or memory patterns within you. Often, they are expressed as a sense of memory loss or a feeling of general confusion about what is going on around you. We as

15、k you, dear Hearts, to trust and move forward in your internal processing.第二,另一系列有关的程序重新设置了你们的大脑电路和重新运转你们的神经系统。这一过程开始了一系列你们内在新的知觉或记忆模式。经常,这一切以丧失记忆和普遍的知觉混乱将伴随你们而来。我们要求你们,亲爱的心,在你们内在的处理中去信赖和向前移动。Bear in mind that what is occurring is a highly complicated operation designed to merge your spiritual and p

16、hysical bodies. This important procedure is lightening the density of your body. Increasingly, your spiritual essence is being integrated into your physical body, causing frequent aches assorted pains, sudden fevers, bronchial, flu-like symptoms, and intense headaches. In addition, you experience periods of severe fatigue, out-of-the-blue illnesses, and problems with your sight and/or hearing.记住正在发生的是高度复杂的运转,有计划融合你们灵魂和身体。这个重要过程是点亮你们


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