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1、: :名签:号考准:名姓:校学线封密蚌埠市教师“四赛”岗位研修赛命题英语学科试卷固镇县 2021 年小学六年级毕业水平英语检测卷(考试时间:60 分钟 卷面满分:100 分)卷首语:亲爱的同学们,让我们展示一下自己的收获,为六年的努力拼搏交上一份满意的答 卷吧!本张试卷带*的题目为原创题。听力部分(30 分).听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10 分)* ( )1.A. film B. ferry C. feel* ( )2.A. head B. hand C. hands( )3.A. then B. they C. than( )4.A. taller B. tall C. shorter(

2、 )5.A. exciting B. excited C. exercise( )6.A. fall B. fell C. felt( )7.A. stayed B. ate C. eat* ( )8.A. grape B. great C. grow* ( )9.A. shorts B. short C. shorter* ( )10.A. twelve B. twelfth C. twenty【命题意图】考察学生对读音相近或字形相近的单词是否能够分辨并区分开来。 *.听录音,选答句。(10 分)( )1.A.No,he doesnt. B.No,she doesnt. C. Yes,it

3、does.( )2.A. Its in summer. B. Its in May. C. Its on June lst.( )3.A. Size 16. B.I am 16. C. I am 1.6 metres tall.( )4.A. Im going to read books. B.I read books. C. I went to the library.( )5.A.She cleans the room. B. She is a teacher. C. He is a teacher. 【命题意图】考察学生对所学日常用语及对话的理解力和灵活运用能力。.听录音,补全句子。(1

4、0 分) 区 ( 县1. He often up at 6:30 a.m.* 2. My birthday is in _.3. People use the Internet before.共 4 页 第 1 页4. He many gifts last weekend.* 5. Look! The cat is after the mouse.【命题意图】考察学生听单词,背单词,默单词的能力。笔试部分(70 分).按要求写单词。(10 分)(根据题库改编)1.吃早饭(英语) 2.funny(比较级)3.took(原形) 4.spring(对应词)5.leaf (复数) 6.Sept.(全写

5、)7.we (名词性物主代词) 8.smaller(反义词)9.sleep(过去式) 10 .Thursday(缩写)【命题意图】考察学生对单词变化的掌握情况。.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分)* 1.Liu Bowen often _(play) ping -pong on Saturdays.2.There (be) lots of snow everywhere.* 3.Which season (do) Xu Hang like best?* 4.He (talk)in the library now.* 5.Wang Min (have)a picnic this aftern

6、oon.* 6.Your hands are bigger than (me).* 7.My daughter (watch)some childrens shows yesterday. * 8.My brother (go) Qingdao next week.* 9.We (drink) some juice yesterday.* 10.These (potato) are so big.【命题意图】考察学生对单词的各种不同变换形式的运用。.单项选择。(20 分)*( )1. I eat dinner 6:00 the evening.A. at, at B. in, at C. at

7、, in( ) 2. Is his birthday in February?A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, it is. C. No, he is.* ( ) 3.Its 9:30. Its time music class.A. for B. to C. of( ) 4.The English test will on June 25th.共 4 页 第 2 页A. is B. be C. are* ( ) 5.Is Amy milk? Yes, she is.A. drinking B. drinks C. drink( ) 6.Is this pencil ?A. her

8、 B. yours C. my* ( ) 7. Amy her homework yesterday?A. Did, did B. Does, do C. Did, do* ( ) 8. did you go to Beijing last year?A. How B. Where C. What( ) 9.He is angry_his son.A. of B.in C.with* ( ) 10.Zhou Yichen didnt to school.A. come B. comes C. came【命题意图】考察学生对语法知识,单词搭配,课文理解的能力。 .对话配对。(10 分)(根据历年

9、毕业试卷改编)( )1.How heavy are you?( ) 2.What did he do on the weekend?( )3.What does he do?( )4.What do you have on Tuesday?( )5.Where did you go on your holiday?A.I have English, Chinese and music.B.He washed his clothes.C.I went to Hangzhou.D.Im 42kg.E.He is a doctor.【命题意图】考察学生对日常交际用语的理解及运用。.按要求写句子。(1

10、0 分)1.She went to the nature park by bus.(对画线部分提问)did she to the nature park?*2.Wang Kangjie always eats lunch at 11:30a.m.(改为正在进行时)共 4 页 第 3 页Wang Kangjielunch.*3.Lily is 45 kilograms. Lucy is 43 kilograms.(合并为一句)Lily is kilograms than Lucy.4.This is their dog.(改为同义句)This dog is .*5.Hes listening t

11、o music.(对画线部分提问)is he ?【命题意图】考察学生对句型的理解能力。*. 阅读短文,按要求完成下列各题。(10 分)Yesterday is Saturday . Its very sunny. Zhang Peng andJohn went to Huangshan密Mountain by train. They saw many beautiful things there. John took many pictures. They are going to Beijing by plane next week. Zhang Peng is going to visit

12、 hisgrandparents. John will buy some gifts for his mother. They will have a good time.封1. What day is it today? Its .2.How did they go to Huangshan Mountain?They went there . 3.What will Zhang Peng do?He .4.What did John do?He . 5.Will they have a good time?.【命题意图】考察学生的英语阅读速度和理解能力。线共 4 页 第 4 页根据小学英语

13、新课程标准的要求,本套试卷共设置九答题。听力材料及参考答案如下: 听力材料I.听录音,选出你所听到的内容。1. film 2.hand 3.than 4.taller 5.exercise 6. fell 7.stayed 8. grape 9. short 10.twelfth II.听录音,选答句。1. Does Mary like dancing?2. When is Mothers Day?3. What size are your shoes?4. Where did you go yesterday?5. What does your mother do?III.听录音,补全句子。1,.He often gets up at 6:30a.m.2. My birthday is in January.3. People couldnt use the Internet before.4. He bought many gifts last weekend.5. Look! The cat is running after the mouse.参考答案I.(每题 1 分,共



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