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1、Module 1 Europe 教学设计Period 1 ReadingGreat European CitiesTeacher: Hu Long Teaching Goals To learn to read passages with passive voice (present and past forms) about European cities To learn to read with strategiesWordsAncient architect gallery landmark locate sculpture writer Expressionsbe situated

2、on, work on, become famous, be known as, have a population ofPatterns1. Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. 2. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Pairs. 3. One of the Barcelonas most famous landmarks is the Church o

3、f the Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi. 4. The church hasnt been finished yet! 5. Their works has influenced other writers ever since. 【Aids】Multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagramsProceduresStep 1: Warming up by learning about Europe Show the vi

4、deo and some pictures to learn the new words ,teach them to read it. Please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.Step 2: Before you readListen to the text and match the photos with these

5、descriptions.Step 3: While you readFind the main sentences about Great European Cities A diagram of Great European CitiesGreat European CitiesATHENS: the capital of GreeceFLORENCE: an Italian city famous because of the RenaissanceBARCELONA: the second largest city of Spain PARIS: the capital and lar

6、gest city of FranceStep 4:Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.City Famous buildingsMore informationParis 1. _ and the LouvreThe 2. _ and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine; also famous for its 3. _ cafes and 4._.BarcelonaThe church of the Sagrada FamiliaThe second largest

7、 city of 5. _, situated on the northeast 6. _, about 500 km east of Madrid.FlorenceThe Uffizi PalaceFamous because of 7. _; Each year about 8. _ tourists come to see the art galleries, churches and 9. _. AthensThe ParthenonThe capital of 10. _ and birthplace of 11._; the worlds most 12. _ city 2,400

8、 years agoStep 5 Read the passage and choose True or False.1.The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France.2.There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris.3.Barcelona is the capital of Spain.4.The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926.5.The artistic movement called the Renaissance bega

9、n in Florence.6.The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence.7.A long time ago, Athens was the worlds most powerful city.8.There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens.Step 6 Introduce your city and talk about your citys landmark and famous buildings.Step 7 work in group Introduce your city

10、 and talk about your citys landmark and famous buildings.Homework Collect more information on Internet about one of the cities from the Great European cities.Examples:How many people live there?What kind of sports do they live?Whats their favorite food?What about the climate?Whatre the geographical

11、feature?教学反思 本节课的教学任务在于让学生认识欧洲的主要国家,了解掌握欧洲丰富的旅游资源。在教学思路上,通过欧洲国家视频短片,认识欧洲主要国家的词汇,开展学生旅游路线的设计和展示、学生互评、小组竞赛等学生活动来组织教学,将活动贯穿于整个教学过程,使学生在轻松的学习环境中学到知识,掌握一定的阅读技能,并增强合作和团结精神,有效进行了德育渗透,体现了新教材中以学生活动教学思路,符合新课标当中提出的“体现学生是主体,教师为引导”的教学理念。通过这节课的设计与实施,我体会到以下几点:1、 整节课思路构架清晰。教学目标明确,在教学过程中引导学生从简单到复杂,一步一步将学生引入阅读课中,真正体会

12、到阅读的乐趣。使学生了解了预读、扫读、读中、读后的阅读技巧。2、 学习高效并在快乐中学习。 整节课学生在以“欧洲主要城市旅游”为主题的活动中,通过读图、讨论探究等一步一步地解决阅读过程中遇到的问题。学生参与面广,积极主动,活动到位,特别是效率高,在短短45分钟内,学生基本掌握了教学目标的内容,并根据阅读课写出自己家乡的小短文。3、有效利用多媒体教学。 本节课充分发挥了多媒体教学的优点,运用得恰到好处。导入引人入胜的欧洲美丽城市短片,更加的吸引了学生的注意力和对欧洲国家的了解。 课件制作精美、清晰,使学生在绚丽多彩的课件中体验欧洲国家优美的旅游特色。4、教师语言生动,发音标准,表情丰富且亲切,给

13、学生于感染力。在评价学生的时候能用语言的魅力来激励学生,使学生在自信和浓厚的兴趣中学习。 当然通过教学实践我也认识到本节课的一些不足和需要进一步改进:1、问题设计的层次性不足。 课堂上大部分学生能在问题的引领下积极思考,广泛参与,但由于问题设计的层次性不足,对于一些基础较差的学生来说参与教学的困难很大,由此出现了一小部分学生仅仅是“看热闹”,教学效果不好。改进措施:在教学中关注每一位学生,关注每一位学生的发展,注重问题设计的层次性。2、 应突出教学方法的多样性、教学过程的趣味性,在教学中多结合生活,多采取情景教学。改进措施:加强理论学习,多研究教材教法,研究学生,通过不同教学实践来引导学生掌握

14、学习技能和自主学习能力的提高,加强学生的学法指导和知识的迁移。3、 小组活动的效率不高,学生动手能力欠缺。改进措施:研究小组活动的有效性和监管力度,形成有效的小组教学习,开展小组长的监管培训,充分发挥学生自主学习与管理能力。4、学生活动单一,教学内容没有有效融入活动中,活动有一定的局限性,知识点落实不到位。措施:开展学生活动应适当,不要为了活动而搞活动,应该让学生活动成为教学的手段,把教学内容融入活动之中。通过活动来落实相关的知识点。5、教学评价方式过于单一且没有及时的给学生讲解相对应的知识点。改进措施:专研教学评价理论与实践的运用,让教学评价更加高效与实用!个人简介: 胡龙,中小学一级英语教

15、师, 2011年册亨县第一届“教坛新秀”评比中,荣获一等奖, 2012年11月申报的课题边远山区高中新课标英语教学困惑与对策被列为州级课题,本人为课题组负责人, 2012年论文浅析新课改下高中英语听力障碍及应对策略, 2013年浅析交际法在口语教学中的运用荣获省教育协会一等奖,课件快乐语法-定语从句复习荣获二等奖。2013年边远山区高中新课标英语教学困惑与对策论文荣获中国教师发展基金会重点科研课题教学多样化与素质教育国家科研成果一等奖。2014年7月边远山区高中新课标英语教学困惑与对策州级课题获结题。于2015年9月因工作需要调到兴义五中任高中英语教学。 我的教学理念是:一是让课堂有吸引力,让学生在乐中学、在学中乐;二是让课堂成为学生体验成功、获得成就感的阵地,踏踏实实地落实好知识点。 我的教学特色体现在三个方面:一、 英语学习来源于生活实践,学习中多用“启发式和


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