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1、小学英语毕业复习测试卷一特殊疑问词测试题。1.( )s your name?-Im Jenny. A.How B.Who C.What D.Where2.( )is that?-This is Liming speaking! A.When B.Whose C.Why D.Who3.( )times did you play basketball a week?-Three times! A.How many B.How often C.How long D.How far4.( ) pen is this?- Its mine. Sam says. A.Where B.Whose C.Who

2、 D.What5.( )is Anns sister?-Lucy. A.What B.Why C.Who D.When6.( )didnt you come to my party?-Sorry,I was ill in bed. A.Why B.Where C.What D.How7.( )is your hobby(爱好)?-Playing football! A.How long B.How many C.How often D.What8.( )have you gone?-Beijing. A.Who B.Where C.How far D.How9.( )are you?-Fine

3、.Thanks! A.How B.Who C.When D.How long10.( )is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang?-About 300 kilometer(=km) A.How B.How many C.How far D.How long11.( )did you play basketball?-Three times a week. A.How far B.How often C.Where D.How long12.( )I go into the classroom,I saw all the students are very quiet

4、! A.How B.When C.How far D.What13.I dont know( )to learn English weel. A.what B.who C.way D.how14.( ) can I do for you?-Id like a black T-shirt. A.When B.How C.What D.How long15.( )have you lived in America last year?-I have lived in America for four months last year. A.How long B.How often C.Why D.

5、When二、根据所给情景选择正确答语,并将序号填在括号里。(10分)( )1.早上在学校见到MissLi,应该说“_”A.Hello! B.Goodmorning,Teacher! C.Howareyou.( )2.当别人对你说Howdoyoudo时,你应该回答“_”A.Good Morning! B.Imfine,thankyou. C.Howdoyoudo.( )3.当遇见好久不见的朋友时,你应该对他说:“_” A.Howdoyoudo! B.Howareyou?( )4.如何向玛丽问她弟弟的名字?“_” A.Whatsyourname? B.WhatsMarysname? C.Whats

6、yourbrothersname?( )5.当你见到某人表示很高兴时说:“_”A.Hello!B.Gladtoseeyou!C.Howareyou?三、选择填空。(分)( )1.MrCrispis_Englishteacher,but MrsSue is_ teacherofEnglish. A.an.An B.an,a C.a,a( )2A:Goodmorning,MissWilliams._。B:Howdoyoudo? A.Nicetoseeyou! B.Howdoyoudo. C.Fine,thankyou.( )3.-WhatsthisinEnglish?-_。 A.Thisisaba

7、g B.Itisbag. C.Itsabag.( )4.Whatare_and_? A.she,him B.her,he C.she,he( )5._oldareyou?A.How B.What C.how( )6.Whatsthat_English? A.a B.an C.in( )7._canIgettotheGreatWall? A.What B.How C.Do( )8._isthepostoffice? A.What B.How C.Where( )9.Canyoucountfromzero_ten? A.up B.to C.down( )10._yourmotherateacher

8、? A.Are B.Is C.Am四、写出反义词。(10分)1.getoff_2.close_3.right_4.here_5.this_6.early_7.new_8.sit_9.bad_10.go_11.long_12.happy_五选择题.(15分)( )1._is your birthday? A.What B.When C.Why( )2.I eat dinner_7:00 in the evening? A.on B.in C.at( )3.What_you doing? A.are B.am C.is( )4.Joan is_the phone. A.answering B.an

9、swer C.are answering( )5.When is your birthday? Its_. A.June 9 B.June the 9 C.June 9th.( )6.He_hiking.I go hiking,_. A.gotooB.goeseither C.goestoo( )7.Lets_a birthday card for our mother. A.makeB.makingC.makes( )8._birthday is in October? A.WhoB.WhoseC.Whos( )9.Which_do you like best? A.seasonB.seas

10、onsC.a season( )10.Lucy is a teacher.She goes to school_7:00_the morning. A.atonB.atat C.atin( )11.The tree_are green in spring. A.leafsB.leaves C.leaf( )12._is the ninth month of a year. A.SeptemberB.August C.October( )13.I like winter.I can_snow. A.play withB.play on C.playing in( )14.Winter is be

11、autiful,but its_cold_me. A.toforB.toofor C.tooto( )15._yourmotherateacher? A.Are B.Is C.Am六从方框中选出正确的单词填在横线上.(10分)in play sports like Becausego shopping writing climbing doing1.I_summer._I can swim in the lake.2.He is_an e_mail_the study.3.I often_.Sometimes I_.4.What are they doing?They are_trees.5.

12、I am_the dishes!七连词成句.(10分)1.you,How,about(?)2.weekend,What,you,do,on,the,do(?)3.noon, at 12:00, get, usually, I, up, at(.)4.the,eating, Are ,honey, they(?)5.cooking, Mum, is ,dinner, kitchen, in ,the(.)6.do ,do, what ,weekend, the, on, you (?)7.season, best, do ,which ,like ,you(?)8.your, is ,in, birthday, too ,January(?)9.is ,doi


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