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1、 强调、省略和替代强调句型考点1 强调句型的结构为: It is/was +被强调部分+that/whoIt was because of bad weather that the football match had to be put offIt was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty.提示:1)强调主语时, that后的谓语动词必须与被强调的主语人称与数保持一致。It is imagination that makes the world colorful, ful

2、l of vigor and vitality. 2) 在强调结构中,be动词一律用单数形式。如果原句的谓语动词时态是过去范畴,就用was;如果原句的谓语动词时态是现在范畴,就用isIt was what he said that disappointed me.It is what you do rather than what you say that matters.考点2 强调句型的一般疑问句:Is/Was it +被强调部分+that +句子其他成分Was it you that I saw last night at the concert?Was it for this reas

3、on that her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village?考点3 强调句的特殊疑问句结构: 特殊疑问词+is/was it that +句子其他成分?1) 注意在强调句的疑问句型中,that/who后使用陈述语序。 Why! I have nothing to confess. What is it that you want me to say?2) 强调句型作主语,宾语,表语,或同位语是,其语序为:特殊疑问词+it is/was that +句子其他成分 I just wondered what

4、it is that makes him so excited.考点4 notuntil 强调句型:It is/was+not untilthat It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began. It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.考点5 强调句型与相关句型的辨析1. 与时间状语从句的区别It is/was +一段时间+ since It be +时间点+whenThat was r

5、eally a splendid evening. Its years since I enjoyed myself so muchIt was not yet eight oclock when he arrived home.2. 与定语从句的区别It is at the lecture hall where we last got together that the New Years party will be held.谓语动词的强调强调谓语需要使用助动词do, did 或does He did want to come to see you, but he was very bus

6、y.达标训练:1. It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village _ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner. A where B that C when D which2. Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today. A why B when C where D that 3. If you have a

7、 job, _ yourself to it and finally youll succeed. A do devote B dont devote C devoting D not devoting4. It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry. A when, then B not, until C not until, that D only , when5. It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Sm

8、ith A that B how C which D when6. It was along the Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. A how B which C that D where7. It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site. A that B when C while D as8. I dont mind her criticizing me, but _ is how she does it that I object to

9、. A it B that C this D which9. It was in the small house _ was built with stones by his father _ he spent his childhood. A which; that B that; where C which; which D where; that二选词填空1. It was 7 oclock _ we arrived at the cinema.2. It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour

10、hand was made.3. It is in this house _ he lived for ten years.4. -_ was it that he managed to get the information?-Oh, a friend of his helped him.5. -What do you think of teacher, Bob?-I find it fun and challenging. It is a job _ you are doing something serious but interesting.6. -Where did you get

11、to know her?-It was on the farm _ we worked _ I got to know her.7. The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _ we meet them again.三 翻译句子1我们返回时,已经是下午3点了(强调时间状语)_2. 我们究竟是去哪里野营?(强调地点状语)_3. 不是结果而是过程很重要。(强调主语)_4. 昨晚他的确和父母吵架了。(强调谓语)_5. 直到河里的鱼都死了,村民才意识到污染的严重性(强调时间

12、状语)_省略省略是在表达时,为了避免重复,突出新信息,并使上下文紧密连接而使用的一种修辞手法,可以使句子更加简洁灵便。遵循省略的规律和习惯,有利于语言交际能力的提高和阅读能力的加强。要求不破坏语法结构,要保持句子意义的准确无误。考点1 动词不定式省略1)感官动词(feel/listen to/hear/look at/see/watch/observe/notice)和使役动词(make/have/let)后的不定式做宾补要省略to;但是被动的话,to要还原(let无被动) I watched him disappear in the distance2) 为避免重复常将不定式to后的动词省略

13、,但如果to后有助动词be或have时则不能省。 The boy wanted to ride his bike in the street, but his mother told him not to. The village isnt what it used to be. -You ought to have finished your work. -I know I ought to have.3) 在 do nothing but/except do 结构中,介词后接省to的不定式 He could do nothing but wait. In very cold weather, the hibern


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