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1、Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 单元练习题一 单项选择(30分) ( )1. The sun_ in the east. A. riseB. risesC. raiseD. raises( )2.Thank you very much ,I cant pass the test your help . A with B because of C because D without ( )3. Look! The cat _ from the tree. Yes. It_ the tree just now. A. is j

2、umping down; climbed up B. is jumping down; is climbing up C. jumps down; was climbing up D. jumps down; climbed( )4. What were you doing _last Sunday morning? A. at B. in C. over D. / ( )5. While I was at the _, I heard a nurse_ Davys name. A. doctors; call B. doctors; to call C. doctors; callingD.

3、 doctors; called ( )6.The boy with two dogs _in the yard when the earthquake hit the city. A. is playingB. are playing C. were playingD. was playing( )7. My father was reading a newspaper while my mother _ dinner.A. is cookingB. cooksC. was cookingD. will cook( )8.All the students were sleeping _the

4、y heard a man _“help”.A. when ; shouting B. while; to shout C. when ; to shout D. while; shouted( )9 The rainstorm came while Ann _ her purse in the classroom.A. was looking for B. looked for C. is looking at D. looks at( )10. .I went to the moon and took a walk there last night . _ _.A Good luck B

5、Good idea C Youre kidding D Best wish ( )11. The old man left his house a cold winter morning. A. in B. at C. on D. of( )12. Mary saw a dog_ the side of the road. A.byB.atC.onD.in( )13 What are you doing ? I am thinking about at the class meeting. A. how say B. what say C. how to say D. what to say(

6、 )14. Pass me the glasses, Tony. I can watch TV clearly .A .hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly( )15. He found a key on the ground and_ .A. pick it upB. pick it out C. picked up itD. picked it up( )16. All the houses_in the flood(洪水).A.were taken offB.were taken away C.were taken outD.were taken d

7、own( )17. He had to give up playing tennis_ his illness.A. becauseB. butC. soD. because of( )18.Its five oclock now . My mother dinner in the kitchen . A was making B is making C makes D made( )19. Ben and his friends walked silence . A home in B to home C to home at D home( )20. The teacher will gi

8、ve us a talk on how English well.A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned( )21. China has_ five thousand years history. A. overB. lessC. moreD. less than( )22.What your parents at this time yesterday ? A was; doing B did; do C were; doing D are; doing( )23.What a rain ! Its raining so . A heavily

9、 ; heavy B heavy ;heavy C heavily ; heavily D heavy ; heavily( )24.What were you doing the time the storm ?A at ; of B in ;at C on ;of D at ; in( )25. _ ? Its May 4th.A.What day is it today? B.What time is it? C.When is it? D.Whats the date today?( )26. _ he didnt have breakfast, _ he was late for s

10、chool. A Although; but B Although;/ C /; although D But; /( )27. Mr.Hand was so tired that he _ in a minute.Awent off Bpicked up Cdied down Dfell asleep( )28. He didnt _ his mistake until his mother told him. A see B hear C realize D start( )29. She doesnt_staying at home aloneA. wantB. would like C

11、. feel likeD. decide( )30. You should believe in yourself. Nobody else can_you.A.winB. beatC. beatsD. wins二 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。( 15分)1. Her mother_(cook) at 6:30 yesterday.2. When he got home, he found _(fall) trees, _(break) windows and rubbish everywhere.3. She also put some candles and _(match)

12、 on the table.4. It rain _(heavy) last night.5 You should tell us the_ (true).6. He has trouble in_ (learn) English.7.Whats happening in Canada recent).8.People living in the country are very (friend).9 If I become a teacher,I will be able _ (have) two vacations a year.10.I know the person, because

13、I remember_ (see) him in your school.三、句型转换(20分)1. Did she do her homework last night?(用at seven last night替换last night) _ she _ her homework at seven last night?2. Kate was still making her way to school when the compitition started. (就划线部分提问) _ _ Kate _ when the basketball competition started?3. They were in the library when their friends came to see them.( 就划线部分提问


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