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1、全国卷2022届高三英语二轮复习基础练习第9天ensure-feel(训练日期 月 日).单词拼写1The teachers spared no effort to ensure (确保) all students would be given an equal chance.2The petition will provide an opportunity for you to feel the enthusiasm (热情) for learning Chinese poetry. 3Ill meet you at the entrance (入口) to the school on Sa

2、turday afternoon.4I am going to the hospital this afternoon and have my eyes examined (检查)5The strong petition in China for senior high students to enter universities does exist (存在) in other countries as well.6(2017全国卷书面表达)The exhibition (展览) lasts for seven days from June 6th to 12th, which will a

3、ttract a large number of visitors at home and abroad.7By the way, my mom will be at home at that time, who is an expert (专家) at making and cooking Jiaozi. 8The students are looking forward to having an opportunity to explore (探索) society for reallife experience.9I think that accepting failure (失败) i

4、s what we need to do first before we succeed eventually. 10All passengers on board are expected to fasten (系牢;扣紧) the seat belts when the plane takes off and lands.用括号中单词的适当形式填空1After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, exhausted (exhaust)2I want to know your explanation (explain)

5、for the improper behavior at the important meeting yesterday.3You could see whether he wants to chat or not from his facial (face) expression and body language.4The children in the mountain village have no entertainment, so their teachers often tell entertaining stories to entertain them after class

6、.(entertain)5All men are born equal, so everyone hopes to be treated equally because equality is the basic demand.(equal)6Our school offers good equipment and you will be well equipped with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip)7It was evident that all the evidence we collected proved him

7、to be guilty.(evident)8What excited me most was that my family felt excited when I told them the exciting news that I was admitted to a key university.(excite)9He expects that his parents give him lots of love instead of high expectations; otherwise he will be loaded with great pressure. (expect)10T

8、he puzzled expression on her face suggested that she didnt know how she could express her feelings properly.(express).根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子1Faced with difficulties, Helen has never given up. She has set an excellent example (树立了优秀的榜样) to all of us.2Being exposed to (暴露于) sunlight for too much time will do

9、harm to your skin.3He remained calm in the face of (面对) danger.4As a matter of fact (事实上), there are educational, music and art websites that are truly helpful to teenagers.5As is well known to us, China is famous for (以而闻名) its long history, leaving behind lots of amazing cultural relics. 6He is su

10、ch a man who is always finding fault with (找茬, 挑剔) other people.7Ill raise both hands in favour of (赞成;支持) banning smoking inside the schoolyard.8It is such a fine day. I feel like (想要) going out for a picnic.写出加黑部分在语境中的词性及含义1escape (熟义:v.逃走)Bob looked back only to find an old classmate whose name e

11、scaped him for the moment. vt.被遗忘2excuse (熟义:n.借口 v原谅)David was excused guard duty that night. v.免除某人的职责3explode (熟义:v.爆炸,爆裂)Im about to explode!He broke my violin. v.勃然大怒,大发雷霆4express (熟义:v.表达)I will take an express train to go to Beijing. adj.高速的,快速的5fail (熟义:v.失败)William found it increasingly dif

12、ficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail.vi.衰退6favor (熟义:n.恩惠,善行)She always favours her youngest child more than the others. vt.偏袒.用括号中动词的适当形式填空1Nowadays China is developing fast, which is envied (envy) by other countries.2Our factory is equipped (equip) with modern machines, so thousa

13、nds of cars are produced every year.3When some students fell(fall) behind, others would e and offer help.4The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt (feel) hours.5They were fed (feed) well on her mothers home cooking.改正下列句子中的唯一错误1She devoted herself entire to her research and it earned her a g

14、ood reputation in her field.entireentirely2Whoever breaks the law shall not escape punished.escape 后加being或punishedpunishment3These programs, which are familiar with most people, can provide consumers education on how to use mobile wallets.withto4After two years research, we now have a far good unde

15、rstanding of the disease.goodbetter5As for me, Im in the favour of the opinion that equal pay for equal work.去掉第一个the6No matter what the season is, its extreme important to wear sunglasses. extremeextremely.用括号中的参考词汇表达句子1许多人宁愿坐地铁而不开车,因为地铁速度快而且环保。 (prefer, environmentally friendly)Many people prefer taking the subway to driving cars because it is fast and environmentally friendly.2尽管这个问题很难解决,但我并没有放弃,因为我坚信 “有志者,事竟成”。(even though, solve, give up)Even though the problem was difficult to solve, I didnt give up.Because I firmly believed that “Where theres a will, theres


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