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1、 演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案外贸英语价格PriceBusiness is closed at this price.交易就按此价敲定。Your price inacceptable (unacceptable).你方价格可以(不行以)接受。Your price is feasible (infeasible).你方价格是可行(不行行)的。Your price is workable.你们出价可行。Your price is realistic (unrealistic).你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。Your price is reasonable (unr

2、easonable).你方价格合理(不合理)。Your price is practicable (impracticable).你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。Your price is attractive (not attractive).你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。Your price is inducing (not inducing).你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。Your price is convincing (not convincing).你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。Your price is competitive (not competitive).你方价格有竞争力(

3、无竞争力)。The goods are (not) competitively priced.此货的定价有(无)竞争力。Words and Phrasesprice 价格,定价,开价priced 已标价的,有定价的pricing 定价,标价priced catalogue 定价书目price of commodities 物价pricing cost 定价成本price card 价格书目pricing method 定价方法price list 定价政策,价格书目,价格单pricing policy 定价政策price format 价格书目,价格表price tag 价格标签,标价条pri

4、ce current (p.c.) 市价表Price is turning high(low).价格上涨(下跌)。Price is high(low).价格高(低)。Price is rising (falling).价格上升(下降)。Price is up (down).价格上涨(下跌)。Price is looking up.价格看涨。Price has skyrocketed.价格猛涨,Price has shot up.价格飞涨。Price has risen perpendicularly.价格直线上升。Price has risen in a spiral.价格螺旋上升。Price

5、 has hiked.价格急剧抬高。Your price is on the high side.你方价格偏高。Price has advanced.价格已上涨。The goods are priced too high.货物定价太高。Your price is rather stiff.你方价格相当高。Price is leveling off.价格趋平。Your price is prohibitive.你方价格高得令人望而却步。The Japanese yen is strengthening.日圆坚挺。The U.S. Dollar is weakening.美圆疲软。Your pri

6、ce is much higher than the price from U.K. France and Germany.你方价格比英、法、德的都高。Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, Im afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly.由于原材料价格上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格做相应的调整。Your price is $500/mt, twice of the other countries.你们每公吨500美圆的价格是其他

7、国家的两倍。Is it possible for you to raise (lift) the price by 5%?你们能否把价格提高5%?Words and Phrasesceiling price 最高价,顶价maximum price 最高价minimum price 最低价average price 平均价格base price 底价rockbottom price 最低价bedrock price 最低价Price is hovering between $5 and $8.价格徘徊于5至8美圆之间。We regret we have to maintain our origi

8、nal price.很缺憾我们不得不保持原价。Price is easy.价格疲软。Price is easy off.价格趋于疲软。Price has declined.价格已跌落。Price has dipped (sagged).价格已下降。It simply cant stand such a big cut.再也经不住大幅度削价了。Price has tobogganed.价格突然下降。Price has plummeted.价格暴跌。Price has downslided.价格剧降。This new product is moderately priced.新产品的定价适度。Ar

9、ticles of everyday use are economically priced.日用品价格低廉。Everyone knows, the price of crude oil has greatly decreased.人人皆知,目前原油价格大幅度下跌。Weve already cut the price very fine.我们已将价格减至最低限度了。The French price of stainless steel plates are about $1200 per mt, while the German price is still lower.法国的不锈钢板价格为每

10、公吨1200美圆,德国的还要低。Were ready to reduce the price by 5%.我们打算减价百分之五。To have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3%.为达成这笔交易,你方应至少减价3%。Business is possible if you can lower the price to HK$2150.你方若能减价到2150港币,可能成交。The utmost (best) we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.我们最多能减

11、价百分之二。We cannot take anything off the price.我们不能再减价了。Weve already cut down our prices to cost level.我们已经将价格降到成本费的水平了。There is no room for any reduction in price.价格毫无再减的余地了。Our rock-bottom price is $500/mt, and cannot be further lowered.我们的最低价是500美圆一公吨,不能再低了。Words and Phraseshover 徘徊于.,回旋于original pr

12、ice 原价moderately 适当地,合适地;适度economically 经济地,便宜地stainless steel 不锈钢utmost 极限,竭尽所能cost level 成本费用的水平rock-bottom 最低的DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB.210德国马克折合人民币400元。Dont you wish to employ RMB of ours? US Dollars might be adopted.假如你们不同意用我们的人民币结算,美圆也可以。Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate

13、 fluctuations?您是不是怕由于汇率浮动而吃亏?Words and PhrasesHongkong Dollar (HK$) 港元Singapore Dollar (S$) 新加坡元Pound Sterling (Stg.) 英镑United States Dollar (US$) 美圆Canadian Dollar (Can. $) 加拿大元Deutsche Mark (DM) 德国马克Australian Dollar (A$) 澳大利亚元Japanese Yen (¥) 日圆Austrian Schilling (Sch.) 奥地利先令French Franc (F.F) 法国法郎Italian Lira (Lire) 意大利里拉Danish Krone (E.Kr.)丹麦克郎Florin (Guilder) H.Fl. (D.


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