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1、200个句子涵盖了高中英语4500词汇(注:其实大概只有1945个)(原创人用了一年时间哦)1 .We should alwaysbear in mindthat if weare ignorant ofour health for promotion, disease will graduallyapproachuswith the help oftiredness.2.Ilooked forthehistorybook because I wanted tofind outwhen America wasfounded, and at last Ifoundthe dusty book i

2、n a dim room.3.There aresomany reference books on this romantic poet for me tochoose fromthatI cant make up my mindwhich tochoose.4.It seemed thatthe handsome actor wasnot a bitworried, but in fact, he wasnot a little concerned abouttheresultof the investigation, which may destroy his bright future.

3、5.Unluckily, the delegate felt sosleepythat he soonfell asleepwithoutrealizingthat he had lefthis passport and the draft of his speech in the taxi.6.It is reported that by the end of 2014, Shanghai Disney Theme Park will havebeen opento the tourists from all over the world formally.7.The engineerpoi

4、nted out, “to some extent, the morefunctions a calculator has,the more likely it is to beout of order.”8.We haventcontactedeach othersince he left the organization but fortunately I could still recognizehim in a quiz show on TVwithout hesitation.9.The merry aged couple gotmarriedin 1949 andup till n

5、owtheyhave been marriedfor more than six decades, which wasadmiredby many young couples.10.The young clerkexpressed with full confidencethat hewas qualified forthat demanding mission, which wasbeyond our expectation.11.Hewas so eager for successthat heconsultedasuccessfulCEO about how tosucceedin re

6、gulating a joint venture company.12.The sailor has adequateexperienceand he tells us his interestingexperiencesevery time weare invitedto his party.13.After scrubbing the table swiftly, the waiter brought a menu to me andsuggestedthat I should have a try atthe local cuisine but myattitude towardsit

7、disappointed and betrayed him.14.The distinguished enterpriseconsists of12 departments,eachof whichis made up of20 people, whograduated fromtop universities.15.The presidentwas quotedas saying that he was deeplymovedby thismovingfilm, whichwas based ona real story.16.The considerate wife wasvery ple

8、ased withher own cooking because ittasteddelicious and she was sure her husband wouldbe fond ofit.17.The naughty boyliedthat a hen whichlayunder the treehad laidtwo eggs; hence, his parents resolved to scold him rather thanforgive him.18.The mayor was invited tomake some comments not only onwhat had

9、 happened,includingthe conflict between several residents and the police,but alsoon what will happen, an international conference on global tradeincluded.19.After completingtoo muchworkimposedby my boss in such ashort time, I couldnt bear the pressure so Iasked fora two-dayleaveto adjust myself.20.I

10、used torise very late during the summervacation, but Iam used towaking up very early because the distance between my house and the office is 20 kilometersapart.21.Last year, my total income, with myreward added to,added up to15,000 yuan, which was not in proportion towhat I did.22.These designers ar

11、e discussing how todoublethe scale of the parkso thatmore people can enterand relax themselves at weekends.23.The retired minister who likes excursion livesalonein a mountain village, but he doesnt feel lonelybecause he hasmade friends withhis digital camera.24.David hasmade so distinct progressinEn

12、glish recently that he can speak English fluently now.So he has, andso have you.Congratulations onbeing enrolled in Harvard University.25.According toyour language ability, we canrecommendthree levels of coursesranging from elementary, intermediatetoadvanced.26.Thisrespectableexpert said hewould rat

13、heraccept arespectfulstudent who was not temporarily successful in his study than a top student who didnt know how torespectothers.27.The experts willtake the amateurs advice into accountand then decide whether toadoptit or not in the automatic heating system.28.Electronic games dont have manyeffect

14、son adults butaffectstudents a great deal; therefore, many parentsmake effortsto limit their childrens playing time.29.After seeing plenty of solid evidence, the greedy thiefhad no alternative but to acknowledgethatit washethathad stolen the gold watch.30. After the committee declared that the ticke

15、ts for the concert wereavailableto the public, many peoplewere willing towait in a long queue to buy one.31.Regardless ofhis partners objection, he still determined toapply forthe position of manager because he knew how toapplythe commercial theorytothe reality.32.By contrast, before signing thecontract, this university student didntcontacthis parents butmake contact withhis new colleague.33.Hewas permitted topractice playing the pianono more thanone hour a day, so he couldnotplay any morethan10 songs.34


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