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1、四年级英语复习资料一疑问代词What(什么) 对东西提问 who ( 谁 ) 对人提问 where ( 哪儿 ) 对地方提问 what colour ( 什么颜色 ) 对颜色提问 how old ( 多少岁 ) 对岁数提问 how many ( 多少 ) 对数量提问 how much ( 多少钱 )对钱数提问 whose(谁的) what time (几点) 对时间提问二,特殊疑问句的构成:疑问代词 + 一般疑问句一般疑问句的构成:如果有is 、 are 、 can 、 would 就把这些词提在句首,如果没有这些词,就要用助动词do 或者does,把do 或者does提在句首.单数第三人称用

2、does其它人称用do三助动词: do (除第三人称单数外的其它人称都用) does(单数第三人称用)有have (除第三人称单数外的其它人称都用) has(单数第三人称用)是(am / is /are)的用法: 我用am, 你用 are, is 是他/她/它,单数is, 复数用are。四对应词与反义词big- small longshort tall - short strong thin fat- thin his her he she boy- girl white- black red green new - old open - close comego teacherstudent

3、 this- that these-those here-there uncle -aunt grandmother- grandfather sister brother expensive-cheap 五同音词(too to two ) ( I eye)六缩写与完整形式Lets let us whos who is isnt is not theyre they are Ive I have Im I am wheres where is arent are not were we are thats that is heshe is whats what is youre you are

4、 dont do not Id I would shes she is Its It is cant can not doesnt does not Ill=I will七人称代词与物主代词这两种代词都有人称(一、二、三人称)的变化、数(单、复数)的变化,其中,人称代词除了这两种变化外,还有格(主格、宾格)的变化。物主代词又包括两种形式:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词四年级期末复习材料Unit1句子:1.we have a new classroom。 我们有间新教室。Really? Whats in the classroom? 真的吗?教室里有什么?Lets go and see. 我们

5、去看看。Its so big。 它真大Where is it? 他在哪?Its near the window. 在窗户旁边.2。whats in the classroom? 教室里有什么?One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs. 一块黑板,一台电视,许多课桌椅子3.lets clean the classroom。 OK 我们来打扫教室吧. 好的Let me clean the windows。我来擦窗户Let me help you。 我来帮你4。 look! This is my classroom, the door is oran

6、ge。 看,这是我的教室,门是橙色的短语:Open the door 开门 close the window 关窗 Turn on the light 开灯put up the picture 挂图画 Clean the blackboard 擦黑板Unit2句子:1。I have a new schoolbag 我有个新书包Its black and white。 它是黑白相间的Its a panda 是一只熊猫Whats in your schoolbag? 你书包里有什么?An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and。.。 一本英

7、语书,一本数学书,三本故事书2。excause me, I lost my schoolbag. 打扰了,我的书包丢了。What color is it? 是什么颜色的?Its blue and white. 蓝白相间Here it is。 它在这短语:Put your Chinese book on your desk 把语文书放在课桌上Put your pencil box on your English book 把文具盒放在英语书上Put your maths book under your schoolbag 把数学书放在书包下Put your eraser near your pe

8、ncil box 把橡皮放在文具盒旁边Unit3句子:1.I have a new friend。 我有一位新朋友A Chinese friend? 一位中国朋友吗?Hes very friendly。/ hes tall and strong。 他非常友好/ 他又高又壮Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?His name is ZhangPeng。 他叫张鹏2。who is he? 他是谁?His name is。. 他叫。3。he has glasses and his shoes are blue. 他戴眼镜,他的鞋子是蓝色的Is he WuYifan? 他是吴一凡吗?Yes,

9、 youre right。 你猜对了.Unit4句子:1、I have a cat, she is cute。我有一只猫,她很可爱. where is she? 她在哪?2、Is she in the living room/ study? No, she isnt. 她在客厅/书房吗? 不,她不在。3、look!She is in the kitchen。 看,她在厨房.4、wheres my pen? 我的钢笔在哪? Is it in your desk? 它在你课桌里吗? No, it isnt。 不,它不在 Is it in your hand? 在你手里吗? Yes, it is。

10、是的。5、wheres Amy? Is she in the study? 艾米在哪?在书房吗? Yes, she is。 是的,她在。6、open the door, please 请开门Where are the keys? 钥匙去哪了?Are they on the table/ near the phone? 在桌子上/ 电话旁边吗?No, they arent 不,不在Look!They are in the door。 看,在门里呢。短语:Go to the living room, watch TV 去客厅,看电视Go to the study, read a book 去书房,

11、读书Go to the kitchen, have a snack 去厨房,吃零食Go to the bedroom, have a nap。 去卧室,睡觉Go to the bathroom, take a shower。 去浴室,洗澡Unit5句子:1.Im hungry, whats for dinner? 我饿了,晚饭吃什么?What would you like?/ What would you like for dinner? 你想吃什么?Id like some soup and bread, please. 我想吃汤和面包。2。dinners ready。 Help yours

12、elf。 晚饭准备好了,随便吃。Would you like a knife and fork? 你要用刀叉吗?No, thanks。 I can use chopsticks。 不用,谢谢,我会用筷子.Would you like some soup? 要汤吗?Yes, please。 谢谢短语:Pass me the bowl 递给我碗 pass me the knife 递给我刀cut the vegetables 切蔬菜 Use the spoon用勺子 use the fork 用叉子 lets try it. 试试Unit6句子:1。how many people are ther

13、e in your family? 你家有几口人?Three, my parents and me. 三口,我爸妈和我My family has six people。 我们家有六口人2。hi, meet my family. 来见见我的家人3.Is this your uncle? 这是你叔叔吗?Yes, it is. He is a football player. 似的,他是足球运动员。Whats your aunts job?=what does your aunt do? 你阿姨做什么工作?Shes a nurse。 她是护士4。whats your fathers job?= what does your father do? 你爸爸做什么工作?My father is a doctor。 我爸爸是医生。2013 PEP小学四年级英语上册复习之 ”葵花宝典”Unit 1 My classroom句型:We have a new classroom。 我们有一个新教室.Lets go and see 让我们一起去看看吧.Whats in the classroom? 教室里面有什么?One blackboard, one TV, many desks an


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