人教版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 2 Poems 2.2 Word版含答案

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《人教版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 2 Poems 2.2 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 2 Poems 2.2 Word版含答案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品资料SectionLearningaboutLanguage,UsingLanguage,SummingUp&LearningTip一、用所给词的适当形式填空1Had it not been for the PLA(中国人民解放军),we (be able to) overcome the flood.答案:wouldnt have been able to2The picture exhibition bored me to death;I wish I (not go) there.答案:had not gone3If you (not see) the film last nigh

2、t,you wouldnt be so sleepy (now).答案:hadnt seen4They talked as if they (read) this poem.答案:had read二、汉译英1你的言行应该与整个班级相适宜。(be appropriate for)答案:Your words and actions should be appropriate for the whole class.2握紧你的伞,免得它被风吹走。(hold on to)答案:Hold on to your umbrella so that it wont be blown away.3猎人无意间发现

3、山谷底有一池清水。(by chance)答案:The hunter by chance discovered in the bottom of the valley lay a pond of clear water.4下雨天小树苗比较容易成活。(be likely to)答案:The little trees are more likely to survive on the rainy day.5我多么希望每个家庭都住上带有漂亮花园的大房子啊!(wish)答案:How I wish every family had a large house with a beautiful garden

4、!三、完形填空Reading and writing 1is a very personal experience.Poets use language as a way of 2their feelings,whether positive ones of love,happiness and hope,or negative feelings like 3and fear.Poems can describe the beauty of nature,a person,a dream or a memorable event.Most4have tried writing poetry a

5、t some time,for example at school.For children,it is a good way to explore language and have 5with words as well as to express themselves.But teachers and psychologists have found another use for poetry as a form of therapy(治疗) to help people with problems.6are benefits for people of all different b

6、ackgrounds and ages.Writing poetry can help people deal with7 in their livesdeath or feelings of sadness,drug or alcohol problems or serious illness.By writing down your feelings,8can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored.A poem might be a wa

7、y of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about it 9.And just because people are 10or having difficulties in their lives,it doesnt mean they have lost their sense of humour.Poems 11as therapy can be funny too,as laughter is also considered to be very good medicine.Students at

8、a special school in Dudley,in England,read and write poems 12.Their reason for writing poems is not just to13 creative.All of them have problems.Some of them have long-term 14conditions,such as cancer,while others have personality disorders or psychological problems.By writing poems students are gro

9、wing 15self-confidence.The poems provide a channel through 16they can communicate with the world,and express their feelings.They 17help them to recognize and explore their problems and to develop a positive attitude to life.But the poems are helping 18people,too.The school has collected some of the

10、students poems and published them in a book which is 19 to raise funds for a local hospital.The book has proved very popular,giving students 20sense of achievement.1A.poemB.the poemsC.poetD.poetry答案:D解析:poem表示“诗”,是可数名词,表示“诗”的类别时,应用apoem,thepoem或poems。poet则是“诗人”的意思。此处用poetry表示“诗歌”这一概念。2A.expressingB.



13、eyC.sheD.you答案:D解析:从“Bywritingdownyourfeelings”看出应该用you。9A.shoulder to shoulderB.face to faceC.hand in handD.eye to eye答案:B解析:facetoface“面对面地”;shouldertoshoulder“肩并肩地”;handinhand“手拉手”。句意:当两人不能面对面地倾诉衷肠的时候,写诗也许是好办法。10A.hungryB.illC.thirstyD.happy答案:B解析:由空后的“orhavingdifficulties”可知,生病和有困难是两件不幸的事情,是并列关系

14、。11A.saidB.spokenC.seenD.written答案:D解析:由上文的叙述可知,通过写诗可以治疗人们心理和情感方面的问题。poems(诗歌)应该是被写(written),而不是被说(said,spoken)或被看见(seen)。12A.some timeB.everydayC.every dayD.sometime答案:C解析:everyday“每天”,用作状语;everyday“每天的”,用作定语;sometime“一些时间”;sometime“某时”。此处意为“学生们每天读诗写诗”。13A./B.beC.isD.are答案:B解析:tobecreative构成动词不定式。1

15、4A.saltyB.scientificC.naturalD.medical答案:D解析:从“suchascancer”看出,这些学生需要治疗,因此最佳答案是medical。15A.inB.onC.fromD.at答案:A解析:in表示“在某方面”。句意:通过写诗,这些学生更有自信。16A.whoB.whichC.thatD.when答案:B解析:介词through后面用which而不用that或who;空前的先行词achannel(渠道)不表示时间,可排除when。17A.eitherB.tooC.yetD.also答案:D解析:also意为“也”,用于句中;too“也”,通常用于句末;either用于否定句;yet意为“仍然”。18A.othersB.the otherC.otherD.the others答案:C解析:otherpeople“其他的人”,此处是泛指。o



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