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1、浙江省泰顺县新城学校2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期第四次月考(期末模拟)试题 (考试时间:120 分钟,卷面满分120分)注意事项:1. 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题卡区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。2. 在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。第I 卷(选择题, 共85分)一听力测试(本大题共30小题。1-15每小题1分,15-20每小题2分,共25分)第一节 听音辨图 听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。 A B C D E1._ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_第二节 情景反应 听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。( ) 6. A. Im sorry to hear that . B

2、. Thats great. C. Yes, it is.( ) 7. A. So they did. B. Yes, they took a train. C. So did they.( ) 8. A. Thats all right . B. Youre welcome. C. Thank you.( ) 9. A. Maybe at 8:00. B. Sorry, Im not sure. C.Thats true.( )10. A.No idea. B. What bad news! C. I think so.第三节 对话理解 听第一段对话,回答第1112题。( ) 11. Whe

3、re are the speakers talking?A. In the street.B. On the phone. C. At school.( )12. What does Bai Lu want to do? A. She wants to invite Xiao Nas family to her home this Saturday.B. She wants to visit Xiao Na this Saturday.C. She wants to invite Xiao Na to her home this Saturday.听第二段对话,回答第1315题。( )13.

4、What is Jane doing? A. She is chatting on the Internet. B. She is writing an email.C. She is calling her friend.( )14. Why did Rose move to another city?A. Because she found a good job there. B. Because her father found a new job there.C. Because she went to a new school.( )15. How many friends does

5、 Jane have at this school?A. Three.B. Four. C. Five.第四节 语篇理解 听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读三遍。( )16. What does Bernard Longmore do? A. He is a university student. B. He is a reporter of a national newspaper.C. He is a director of a school newspaper.( )17. When Bernard was _ years old, he decided to be a rep

6、orter.A. 14B. 15 C. 17( )18. When Bernard was _ years old, he started writing articles.A. 14B. 15 C. 17( )19. Did Bernard go to university? A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didnt. C. We dont know.( )20. How long did Bernard work for the small newspaper? A. For about two years.B. For about three years. C. Fo

7、r about four years.二、单项选择 (本大题共10小题。每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。( ) 21. -Have you got _aunt or _uncle? -Neither. A. an, a B. a, anC. an, an( ) 22. (2018年模拟预测) I always cant help_when I watch cartoons.A. laughB.laughingC. to laugh( ) 23.(2018年新题原创) _come from _, they speak_.A.Germany, German, Germa

8、ns B. Germans, German, Germany C.Germans, Germany, German( ) 24. I_a lot of friends so far.A. have madeB. has hadC. have had( ) 25.(江西省赣州市2017年普高招生考试)Jenny, you are so beautiful in your new dress! Thanks! But I _ it for several times. A. wear B. will wear C. have worn( ) 26. (2018年新题原创)Bear two is w

9、earing a pair of jeans_a pair of sunglasses, he_cool.A. with, look B. and, looks C. and, smells( )27.Help others in need, _ they will help you when you are in trouble.A. and B. but C. or ( ) 28. There _ a cat and two dogs in my home.A. is B. are C. has( ) 29.(2017年四川省宜宾市中考)I dont know when he _ back

10、. Please tell me when he _ back.A. comes; comes B. comes; will come C. will come; comes( ) 30.Which of the following is the same as “ I bought him a new iphone.” in the pattern(结构)?A. I often see him exercise after supper. B. Mr Wei teaches us English.C. We have many subjects to learn at school.三、完形

11、填空(本大题共15小题。每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案。A little boy once found a jar (罐子) of nuts (果仁) on the table. “Id like some of these nuts,” he thought. “Im sure mother will give them to me _31 she is here. I want some to eat now.” So he_32 the jar. As he was very hungry, he grabbed (抓住) as _33 as he could.But

12、 when he tried to pull his _34 out, he found the neck of the jar was too _35. His hand was held by the jar, but he did not want _36 any of the nuts from the jar. He _37 again and again, but he couldnt get the whole handful (一满把)out all the time._38 he began to cry.Just then his mother came into the

13、room. “Whats the matter?” she asked. “I cant take this handful of nuts _39 the jar,” cried the boy. “Well, dont be so greedy(贪婪),” his mother answered. “Just take two or three, and youll have no trouble _40 your hand out.” “How _41 that was!” said the boy as he moved his hand off _42. “I might have thought of that _43 .” The story tells us that a man cant be so greedy (贪婪的), maybe things will go to a/an _44 side if we want to finish a thing in one time. Do things step by step! This is the best


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