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1、 2022年考研英语冲刺阅读理解专项训练157In many nations,big dams and reservoirs were originally considered vital for national security, economic prosperity and agricultural survivalUntil the late l970s and early l980s,few people took into account the environmental consequences of these massive projectsToday,however,

2、the results are clear:dams have destroyed the ecosystems in and around countless rivers,lakes and streamsOn the C01umbia and Snake rivers in the northwestern US,95 percent of the juvenile salmon trying to reach the ocean do not survive passage through the numerous dams and reservoirs that block thei

3、r wayMore than 900 dams on New England and European rivers block Atlantic salmon from their spawning grounds, and their populations have falien to leSS than l percent of historical levels As environmental awareness has heightened globally,the desire to protect-and even restore-some of these natural

4、resources has grownThe earliest environmental advocacy groups in the USmobilized against dams proposed in places such as Yosemite National Park in California and the Grand Canyon in ArizonaIn the l970s plans in the former Soviet Union to divert the flow of Siberian rivers away from the Arctic stimul

5、ated an unprecedented public outcry,helping to halt the projectsIn many developing countries,grassroots opposition to the environmental and social COSTS of big water projects is becoming more and more effectiveVillagers and community activists in India have encouraged a public debate over major dams

6、 Until very recentlyinternational financial organizations such as the World Bank,export-import banks and muhilateral aid agencies subsidized or paid in full for dams or other water-related civil engineering projects-which often have price tags in the tens of billions of dollarsThese organizations ar

7、e slowly beginning to reduce or eliminate such subsidies,putting more of the financial burden on already strained national economiesHaving seen so much ineffective development in the past-and having borne the associated cOstS(both monetary and otherwise)of that development-many governments are unwil

8、ling to pay for new structures to solve water shortages and other problems A handful of countries are even taking steps to remove some of the most egregious and damaging damsAltogether around 500 0ld,dangerous or environmentally harmful dams have been removed from USrivers in the past few years Fort

9、unately-and unexpectedly-the demand for water is not rising as rapidly as some predictedAs a result,the pressure to build new water infrastructures has diminished over the past two decades Although population,industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations,the

10、 rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers,rivers and lakes has slowedAnd in a few parts of the world,demand has actually fallen573 words 1The authors attitude toward the issue of dams is_ Aoptimistic Bpessimistic Cindifferent Dworried 2It is implied in the passage that_ Athe author is proud

11、 of the huge number of dams built in the US Bthe pressure to build new dams still exists especially in the developing world Call the environmentally harmful dams will be removed from rivers in the whole world Dthe ecosystems in the USsuffer most because of the numerous water infrastructures there 3A

12、ccording to this passage,_ Abig dams contribute little to the solution of water shortages Binternational financial organizations are mainly responsible for the environmental consequences of huge dams in the world Conly a few species of animals suffer most from the consequences of water infrastructur

13、es Dreducing the demand for water is much better than building more dams to solve water shortages 4According to this passage,even_isare faced with increasing opposition to building more big dams Athe World Bank Bmultilaterial aid agencies Cmany developing nations Dmany developed nations 5The best title for this passage is_ ADamage from Dams BEnvironmental Awareness CThe Future of Water Infrastructures DWater Shortages



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