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1、Unit 5 Art worldComic strip and Welcome to the unit教学目标1.了解表示各种艺术形式的词汇。2.讨论各自喜欢的艺术形式并说明原因。教学内容四会内容:词汇:art form pop词组:pop music句型:What art form do you like? Because he was the King of Pop.三会内容:词组:pleasant drama photography music talent词组:something pleasant musical talent教学准备1. 著名绘画作品的图片。2. 一个擅长画画的学生的

2、作品。3. 有关不同艺术形式的图片4. 配套磁带或光盘,教学步骤Comic strip Step I 导入创设语境。教师先观察一下教室的布置,然后说:Our classroom is very beautiful. There are some wonderful paintings on the wall. Who painted them? 板书paint和painting,向学生解释两者的不同。为了帮助学生理解,教师还可以展示一些著名绘画作品的图片,一边展示一边 说:Lets enjoy some more paintings. Do you know who painted them?

3、鼓励学生 回答问题,增加艺术知识的积累。Step II呈现 1. 教师呈现一幅课本第64页Eddie在画画的图片。教师说:Look, whats Eddie doing?引导学生回答:Hes painting.教师接着说:Do you think Eddie loves art? 让学生发挥想像回答。然后播放Comic strip部分的录音,让学生带着问题听录音,发表自己的观点。2. 教师说:Painting is an art form. Lets listen to Eddie and Hobos conversation again and tell me what Eddie thin

4、ks of art.再播放一遍录音,学生听完后回答问题:He thinks art is something pleasant.老师接着问:What do you think Eddie really loves?引导导学生回答:He loves eating.3板书something pleasant,向学生解释:We can put adjectives after indefinite pronouns. Indefinite pronouns include something, anything, everything, somebody, anybody, everybody, n

5、obody and so on.4学生两人一组,模仿Comic strip部分讨论对艺术的看法。Sample conversationS1: Do you like art?S2: Yes. Art is something amazing. How about you? S1: I dont like it. I think its something boring.Step III 操练1指导学生跟录音集体朗读。教师说:Repeat the conversation after the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intona

6、tion.2学生两人一组分角色朗读对话,鼓励他们添加新的内容:Work in pairs. One will play the role of Eddie, and the other Hobo. You can talk about other reasons why Eddie stops painting.3让学生上台展示,教师点评。Welcome to the unit Step I呈现、1 教师展不一张学生的画作,说:Look at this painting. What do you think of it? Can you guess who painted it?让学生表述观点

7、并猜测,再告诉学生:It was painted by your classmate .然后询冋那个学生:When did you start learning to paint? Do you like painting? What other art forms do you like?板书art form。2教师说:Today well learn about different art forms.呈现更多展示不同艺术形式 的图片,导入Art world这一话题。每呈现一张图片,教师问:What is this art form?板书dance、drama、film、music、pai

8、nting、photography。可以补充calligraphy、sculpture等词汇。3 教师领读单词:Read the words after me and try to remember them.Step II操练1指导学生完成课本第65页A部分的练习。教师说:The Class 1, Grade 9 students want to know more about art. Lets help them write the correct names of the art forms in the blanks.让学生独立完成。2学生两人一组练习对话,根据实际情况问答,加深对单

9、词的记忆。Sample conversationSI: What art form do you like?S2: I like music. What about you?SI: I like dance.Step III 呈现1教师问学生:Do you know what art form I like?呈现一张表现流行音乐的图片, 引导学生回答:You like music.教师补充:Yes, I like music and my favourite kind of music is pop music.板书pop music。向学生解释:pop music指“流行音乐”。条件允许的话

10、,可以播放一小段流行音乐给学生听。2 教师说:Millie and Daniel are talking about their favourite art forms. Lets findout what art form Daniel likes best.播放课本第65页B部分的录音,让学生回答以下问题:(1)What art form does Daniel like? (He likes music.)(2)What kind of music does he like best? (He prefers pop music.)(3)Who is his favourite sing

11、er? (Michael Jackson.)(4)Why does he love Michael Jackson?(Because he was the King of Pop. His musical talent was amazing.)3全体学生分角色朗读B部分的对话,然后交换角色。Step IV操练1教师可以调查学生喜欢的艺术形式,教师说:Now lets do a survey to find out your favourite art forms.2教师提问,如:Do you like films?让喜欢看电影的学生举手并统计,把结果写在黑板上,最后看看哪种艺术形式最受学生欢

12、迎。3学生两人一组,就各自喜欢的艺术形式进行讨论。Sample conversationS1:What art form do you like?S2:I like painting.S1:Really? What kind of paintings do you like best?S2: I prefer Chinese paintings.S1: Whos your favourite painter?S2: I like Xu Beihong best.S1: Why do you like him?S2: Because I like paintings of horses and he was very good at painting horses.Step V 家庭作业1记忆本课时所学的词汇、词组和句型。2熟读Comic strip和B部分的对话,能力较强的学生背诵。3完成教师布置的相关练习。4 预习 Reading。



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