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1、英语阅读长难句分析1. Paul concluded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights which pleased them, it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem, in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.2.

2、Most Asian-American students owe their success to the influence of parents who are determined that their children take full advantage of what the American educational system has to offer.3. But a committee faced with a major decision cant always move as quickly as the events its trying to respond to

3、.4. If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals.5. Today it is not unusual for a student,even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer,to have $5,000 in loans(贷款) after four yea

4、rsloans that he must start to repay within one year after graduation.6. I have known changes for the better and changes for the worse,but I have never questioned the fact that whether I liked it or not,change was unavoidable.7. I cant live in fear of the possibility that as the earths population gro

5、ws and we use more and more of our non-renewable resources,our children may have to lead poorer lives.8. They also found that the bus conductor had a major role in preventing vandalism(故意破坏行为),and at the times he went up the stairs to the upper deck to collect fares,vandalism did not often occur. 9.

6、 Such tasks are generally important in their outcome,which only adds to the pressure to do good job,and yet their very complexity makes it difficult to know just where or how to begin.10. In fact, learning to use a computer is like learning to play a game, but learning the rules of one game may not

7、help you play a second game, whose rules may not be the same.11. Those who oppose the building of flats base their case primarily on the assumption that everyone prefers an individual home and garden and on the high cost per unit of accommodation.12. My point is that the frequent complaint of one ge

8、neration about the one immediately following it is inevitable.13. When building space on the ground becomes scarce use must be made of the space in the air.14. When a man has a gun against your head you do what youre told.15. hen a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some wa

9、y does not live up to the manufacturers claim for it, the first step is to present the warranty or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase.16. What emerges(浮现) is a picture of an environment where the emphasis is on managing the technology as it spies on people doing their jobs,

10、rather than promoting quality service to customers and providing a fair workplace.17. And neither friends nor family can convince phobic people that most animals are harmless, that thousands of travelers fly safely every day, and millions of people ride safely in elevators several times each day.18.

11、 The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy, to build homes or to design cities is culturally influenced.19. Many workers stay at jobs they are too old for rather than face possible rejection.20. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our ba

12、ckward glance when we remember what it was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.21. People think of cowboys as free people, unafraid to battle with wild animals, living close to nature, with the trees and the sky and the stars.22. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see tha

13、t beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.23. The intentional termination of life of one human being by another - mercy killing (安乐死) - is contrary to that for which the medical profession stands and is contrary to the policy of the American Medical Associat

14、ion.24. Put them all together, exalt(提高)them above their present imperfections, add to them the vision of humankind redeemed, forever free of need and strife(争议)and you have a future lighted with the radiant colors of hope.25. More than three million people live in inner London, and nearly five mill

15、ion people live in the surrounding suburban area, which is made up of formerly separate villages that have merged to form what is now called outer London 26. Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understan

16、d their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs.27. He must assume that you have lived in the tropics, have never seen a coat worn or put on, and that he is to tell you verbally how to do it. 28. It is important that they be looking at the speaker at the precise moment when the speaker reestablishes eye contact: if they are not looking, the speaker assumes that they



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